इतिहास की प्रमुख पुस्तकें|| History Important Books|| प्राचीन पुस्तक और उनके लेखक||

इतिहास की प्रमुख पुस्तकें|| History Important Books|| प्राचीन पुस्तक और उनके लेखक|| Books And Author

1. पंचतंत्र - विष्णु शर्मा 
2. प्रेम वाटिका - रसखान 
3. प्राकृतिक इतिहास [Natural History] - प्लिनी 
4. बुद्धचरितम् - अश्वघोष 
5. कादम्बरी - बाणभट्ट 
6. अमरकोष - अमर सिंह 
7. शाहनामा - फिरदौसी 
8. साहित्य लहरी - सूरदास 
9. सूरसागर - सूरदास 
10. हुमायूँनामा - गुलबदन बेगम 

11. चित्रांगदा - रवीन्द्र नाथ टैगोर 
12. गीतांजलि - रवीन्द्र नाथ टैगोर 
13. गार्डनर - रवीन्द्र नाथ टैगोर 
14. Hungrey Stones - रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर 
15. डाकघर [Post Office] - रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर 
16. भगवद गीता - वेद व्यास 
17. कामायिनी - जयशंकर प्रसाद
18.Ashes On Geeta - अरविंद घोष 
19. अष्टाध्यायी - पाणिनी 
20. अर्थशास्त्र - चाणक्य

21. इंडिका - मेगस्थनीज
22. मेघदूत - कालिदास
23. गीत गोविंद - जय देव 
24. पद्मावत - मलिक मोहम्मद जायसी
25. आइने अकबरी - अबुल फजल 
26. अकबरनामा - अबुल फजल
27. बीजक - कबीर दास
28. गोदाम - प्रेमचंद
29. कर्मभूमि - प्रेमचंद 
30. Golden Threshold - सरोजिनी नायडू

31. My Days [ मेरे दिन ] -  आर के नारायण
32. देवदास - शरत चंद्र चट्टोपाध्याय
33. Hinduism - नीरद चंद्र चौधरी
34. महाभारत - वेदव्यास 
35. Enternal India - इंदिरा गांधी
36. आंसू - जयशंकर प्रसाद 
37. Indian Philosophy -  डॉक्टर एस राधाकृष्णन
38. रघुवंश - कालिदास 
39. कुली - मुल्क राज आनंद 
40. The Judgement - कुलदीप नैयर

41. India After Behru[नेहरू के बाद]-कुलदीप नैयर 
42. गबन - प्रेमचंद 
43. मालगुडी डेज़ - आर के नारायण 
44. गाइड - आर के नारायण 
45. सेतुबंध - प्रवरसेन II
46. मृच्छकटिकम् - शूद्रक 
47. कामसूत्र - वात्स्यायन
48. इंडिया विन्स फ्रीडम - अबुल कलाम आजाद 
49. ऐतिहासिक पुस्तक [ Delhi : A Novel ] दिल्ली: एक उपन्यास - खुशवंत सिंह 
50. हितोपदेश - नारायण पंडित 

51. हर्षचरित - बाणभट्ट 
52. चरक संहिता का संबंध चिकित्सा से है.
53. ओडिसी - होमर 
54. India Of My Dreams [भारत मेरे सपनों से दूर] महात्मा गांधी 
55. Asian Drama - गुन्नार मिर्डल
56. महाभाष्य - पतंजलि 
57. काव्य दर्शिका - दंडी 
58. नागनंद / प्रियदर्शिका / रत्नावली - हर्षवर्धन 
59. मिताक्षरा - विज्ञानेश्वर
60. मिताक्षरा का संबंध हिंदू विधि से है.

61. लीलावती पुस्तक का संबंध गणित से है.
62. संस्कृत ग्रंथ अष्टाध्यायी का संबंध व्याकरण से है.
63. महाभारत महाकाव्य का मौलिक नाम जय संहिता है
64. नीति शतक - भर्तहरि 
65. व्रहत संहिता - वराहमिहिर 
66. किरातार्जुनीयम - भारवि
67. मुद्राराक्षस - विशाखदत्त 
68. पृथ्वीराजरासो - चंदवरदाई 
69. गोरा - रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर 
70. 49 Days - अमृता प्रीतम 

71. इंदिरा गांधी रिटर्न्स - खुशवंत सिंह 
72. दिल्ली - खुशवंत सिंह 
73. ट्रेन टू पाकिस्तान - खुशवंत सिंह 
74. रंगभूमि - प्रेमचंद 
75. Broken Wings - सरोजिनी नायडू 
76. पल्लव - सुमित्रानंदन पंत 
77. कुरूक्षेत्र - रामधारी सिंह दिनकर 
78. दायभाग - जीमुतवाहन 
79. दशकुमारचरितम् - दंडी
80. अवंती सुंदरी - दंडी

81. Unhappy India - लाला लाजपत राय
82. श्रृंगार शतक - भर्तहरि
83. वैराग्य शतक भर्तहरि
84. Passage To England [ इंग्लैंड यात्रा ] - नीरद चंद्र चौधरी
85. Autobiography Of An Unknown Indian -  एक अज्ञात भारतीय की आत्मकथा - नीरद चंद्र चौधरी
86. Culture In The Vanity Bag - नीरद चंद्र चौधरी
87. Chandalika Crescent Moon - रवींद्र नाथ टैगोर
88. विसर्जन - रवींद्र नाथ टैगोर

Books And Authors

1. The ' One Straw Revolution' was written by :

1. Masanobu Fukuoka

2. Richael Carlson

3. M.S. Swaminathan

4. Norman Borlaug

Ans : 1/ Masanobu Fukuoka

2. Which one of the following literary works was not written by R. K. Narayan ?

1. Malgudi Days

2. Swami and his friends

3. Guide

4. Gardener

Ans : 3/ Guide

3. Which one of the following novels was not written by Charles Dickens ?

1. Pride and Prejudice

2. Oliver Twist

3. Pickwick Papers

4. Hard Times

Ans : 1/ Pride And Prejudice

4. Who wrote the book 'Why Socialism' ?

1. JayaPrakash Narayan

2. Mahatma Gandhi

3. Acharya Narendra Dev

4. M. N. Roy

Ans : 1/ Jayprakash Narayan

5. Karl Marx wrote

1. Asian Drama

2. Emma

3. Das Capital

4. Good Earth

Ans : 3/ Das Capital

6. 'Life Divine' is a book written by

1. M. K. Gandhi

2. Rabindranath Tagore

3. S. Radhakrishnan

4. Shri Aurobindo

Ans : 4/ Shri Aurobindo

7. Who among the following has written the famous book 'Malgudi Days' ?

1. V. S. Naipaul

2. Deepak Chopra

3. Rabindranath Tagore

4. R. K. Narayan

Ans : 4

8. Who is the author of the book 'Wings of Fire' ?

1. Abul Kalam Azad

2. Abdul Kalam

3. Arundhati Roy

4. Chetan Bhagat

Ans : 2

9. 'The Discovery of India' was written in Ahmadnagar fort during imprisonment. Who wrote the book ?

1. Swami Vivekanand

2. Mahatma Gandhi

3. Subhash Chandra Bosh

4. Jawahar Lal Nehru

Ans : 4

10. Who wrote the book 'Train to Pakistan' ?

1. Mulk Raj Anand

2. Shobha Singh

3. Ruskin Bond

4. Khushwant Singh

Ans : 4

11. Who wrote the Novel 'Tamas' ?

1. Bhishma Sahani

2. Balraj Sahani

3. Prem Chand

4. Amrita Pritam

Ans : 1

12. Who has authored the book tilted 'Narendra Modi : A Political Biography' ?

1. Andy Marino

2. David Irving

3. Jeffrey Dell

4. Kingsley Amis

Ans : 1

13. Who is the author of 'A Suitable Boy' ?

1. Vikram Seth

2. Arundhati Roy

3. Khushwant Singh

4. None of these

Ans : 1

14. 'Freedom From Fear' is a book written by

1. Benazir Bhutto

2. Corazon Aquino

3. Aung San Suu Kyi

4. Nayantara Sehgal

Ans : 3

15. Who is the author of the book 'Nineteen Eighty Four' ?

1. J. M. Barrie

2. Walter Scott

3. George Orwell

4. Thomas Hardy

Ans : 3

16. Which of the books mentioned below was not written by Munshi Premchand ?

1. Godan

2. Gaban

3. Gora

4. Rangbhoomi

Ans : 3

17. The author of book 'The Guide' is

1. R. K. Laxman

2. R. K. Singh

3. R. K. Narayan

4. Raj Kapoor

Ans : 3

18. What is the name of Kalhana's book ?

1. Arthashastra

2. Indica

3. Purana

4. Rajtarangini

Ans : 4

19. Who has written 'Panchatantra' ?

1. Bhartendu Harishchandra

2. Vishnu Sharma

3. Kalidas

4. Chanakya

Ans : 2

20. Who is the author of the book 'The Rights Of Man' ?

1. Thomas Hardy

2. Thomas Mann

3. Thomas Moore

4. Thomas Paine

Ans : 4

21. 'The Gathering Storm' is written by

1. Winston Churchill

2. Voltaire

3. George Washington

4. Romain Rolland

Ans : 1

22. The famous character 'Pickwick' was created by

1. Leo Tolstoy

2. Charles Dickens

3. George Washington

4. Steven Spielberg

Ans : 2

23. Consider the following statements about the film 'Bandit Queen'

1. it is said to be a film on the life of Phoolan Devi

2. it was made by Shekhar Kapoor

3. it was one of the Indian entries in the 1994 Cannes Film Festival. of these statements, the correct ones are

1. 2 and 3

2. 1 and 3

3. only 1

4. 1,2 and 3

Ans : 4

24. Which of the following books was written by Graham Greene ?

1. Of Human Bondage

2. The Power and Glory

3. Crisis in India

4. O' Jerusalem

Ans : 2

25. Who is the author of 'Anandmath' ?

1. Rabindranath Tagore

2. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya

3. Sarojini Nayadu

4. Jyotiba Phule

Ans : 2

26. Who is the author of the book "The State of the Nation" ?

1. Kuldip Nayar

2. Fali S. Nariman

3. Mark Tully

4. Vinod Mehta

Ans : 2

27. Who is the author of the novel 'Les Miserables' ?

1. Fedric

2. Victor Hugo

3. Steven Spielberg

4. Alium Tofler

Ans : 2

28. Lapierre is the author / co-author of

1. Freedom at Midnight

2. City of Joy

3. Is Paris Burning

4 Beyond Love

Which of the following is correct ?

1. 1 and 2

2. 1 and 3

3. 1,2,3 and 4

4. 2,3 and 4

Ans : 2

29. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched ?

1. Taslima Nasreen - Lajja

2. Vikram Seth - The Golden Gate

3. Dilip Thakore - A suitable Boy

1. 1 alone

2. 1 and 2

3. 2 and 3

4. 1,2 and 3

Ans : 1

30. Who is the author of the book 'We Indians' ?

1. Khushwant Singh

2. Mulk Raj Anand

3. Nirad C. Chaudhary

4. Subramanya Swami

Ans : 1

31. Which of the following is a film directed by Mr. Buddhadeb Das Gupta ?

1. Krantiveer

2. Mohra

3. Charachar

4. 1942-A Love Story

Ans : 1

32. Bhatnagar Prize s given in the field of

1. Peace

2. Music and Dance

3. Science & Technology

4. Fine Arts

Ans : 3

33. Which Indian born scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize in Astrophysics ?

1. Prof. Chandra Shekhar

2. Sir C. V. Raman

3. Satyendra Nath Bose

4. Vikram Sarabhai

Ans : 1

34. The celebrated novel 'The Godfather' was authored by

1. John Milton

2. Victor Hugo

3. Mario Puzo

4. Harold Robbins

Ans : 3

35. 'Alice in Wonderland' the famous TV serial is based on a book written by

1. Charles Dickens

2. Thomas Hardy

3. Lewis Carroll

4. Victor Hugo

Ans : 3

36. Who is the author of the controversial book 'Forbidden Verses' ?

1. Abu Nawaz

2. Salman Rushdie

3. D. H. Lawrence

4. Ms. Taslima Nasreen

Ans : 1

37. Which of the following books would you consult to get acquainted with Gandhian thought ?

1. India Wins Freedom

2. India Divided

3. Hind Swaraj

4. Discovery of India

Ans : 3

38. Who said "I therefore, want freedom immediately, this very night, before dawn, if it can be had ?

1. Mahatma Gandhi

2. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

3. Jawahar Lal Nehru

4. Ms. Taslima Nasreen

Ans : 1

39. Which of the following is a biography of Lady Mountbatten ?

1. Mountbatten

2. Edwina Mountbatten

3. Edwina Mountbatten-Her relationship with Nehru

4. Edwina Mountbatten- A life of Her Own

Ans : 4

40. Which of the following newspaper was published in Bengali language ?

1. Jugantar

2. Pratap

3. Din Mani

4. Lok Satta

Ans : 1

41. Lala Lajpat Rai is the author of the book :

1. India Divided

2. Hind Swaraj

3. Unhappy India

4. Mother India

Ans : 3

42. The book 'All Under Heaven' was written by

1. Pearl S. Buck

2. Sydney Sheldon

3. D. H. Lawrence

4. George Bernard Shaw

Ans : 1

43. The book 'Gulliver's Travels'

1. Charles Lamb

2. Charles Dickens

3. Alexander Dumas

4. Jonathan Swift

Ans : 4

44. Who wrote the line : 'A Thing of beauty is a joy forever' ?

1. P. B. Shelley

2. William Wordsworth

3. John Keats

4. Robert Browning

Ans : 3

45. Who among the following has directed the film 'Sardar' ?

1. Tapan Sinha

2. Shyam Benegal

3. Ketan Mehta

4. Buddhadeb Das Gupta

Ans : 3

46. Who has written the book 'The Famished Road' ?

1. Zola Emile

2. VS. Naipaul

3. Ben Okri

4. Din Mani

Ans : 3

47. What is the unique about the film 'Adi Shankaracharya' ?

1. it is the first sanskrit film

2. it has no female actress

3. it is the first film of the director G. V. Iyer

4. it has won the national award

Ans : 1

48. The serial 'India's Rajiv' was produced and directed by

1. Satyajit Ray

2. Mira Nair

3. Shyam Benegal

4. Simi Garewal

Ans : 4

49. Who is the author of the book 'Freedom Behind Bars' ?

1. Kiran Bedi

2. Nelson Mandela

3. Jawahar Lal Nehru

4. Sheikh Abdullah

Ans : 1

50. Who is the author of the book 'Prepairing for the Twenty first Century' ?

1. V.S. Naipaul

2. John Ruskin

3. Paul Kennedy

4. Henry Kissinger

Ans : 3

51. Who is the author of the book 'Tom Sawyer' ?

1. John Ruskin

2. William Shakespeare

3. Leo Tolstoy

4. Mark Twain

Ans : 4

52. 'Crime and Punishment' was written by

1. Alexander Solzhenitysn

2. Lewis Carroll

3. Fyodor Dostoevsky

4. Vladimir Nabakov

Ans : 3

53. 'The General happiness is the end of the State' ; who said this ?


2. Hegel

3. Hegeet

4. Bentham

Ans : 4

54. Who wrote the book "Ram Charita Manas"

1. Tulsi Das

2. Bhakta Kabir

3. Bhakta Ramdev

4. Valmiki

Ans : 1

55. The Lord of Rings : The Return of the King won Oscar award in how many categories ?

1. 10

2. 9

3. 11

4. 12

Ans : 3

56. The first feature film ( talkie ) produced in India was

1. Hatim Tai

2. Alam Ara

3. Pundalik

4. Raja Harishchandra

Ans : 2

57. Who is the author of the book "The Argumentative Indian" ?

1. V. S. Naipaul

2. Vikram Seth

3. Sashi Tharoor

4. Amartya Sen

5. None of these

Ans : 4

58. Rabindranath Tagore was awarded Nobel Prize for his literary work named

1. Geetanjali

2. Rajatarangini

3. Chokher Bali

4. None of these

Ans : 1

59. The book Tehrik-i Mujahideen written by a Pakistani writer Dr. Sadiq Hussain created much furore in India because it

1. allegedly asked Hindus to leave Pakistan

2. contains derogatory remarks about the sikh Gurus

3. allegedly exhorted the Kashmiri militants to kill the leaders of India

4. allegedly contains very abusive and sarcastic language against the Indian Muslims

Ans : 1

60. Which of the following books is written by R. N. Tagore ?

1. Rakta Karabi

2. Anand Math

3. Chidambara

4. Durgesh Nandini

Ans : 1

61. The lead character in the film 'The Bandit Queen' has been played by

1. Shabana Azmi

2. Rupa Ganguly

3. Seema Biswas

4. Arundhati Ray

Ans : 3

62. The famous book 'The Daughter of the East'

is written by

1. Ms. Benazir Bhutto

2. Ms. Taslima Nasreen

3. Ms. Aungsan Suu Kyi

4. Ms. Bandarnaike Sirimavo

Ans : 1

63. 'In Custody' an English Novel, is written by which one of the following

1. Vikram Seth

2. Shobha De

3. Anita Desai

4. VS. Naipaul

Ans : 3

64. 'Neela Charid' which won the Vyas Samman in 1992 is written by

1. Subhash Mukhopadhyay

2. VS. Naipaul

3. Ram Vilas Sharma

4. Shiv Prasad Singh

Ans : 4

65. Which of the following is not written by Munshi Premchand ?

1. Gaban

2. Godan

3. Godavari

4. Guide

Ans : 4

66. Who wrote the book 'The Prince' ?

1. V. S. Sharma

2. Bernard Shaw

3. Emile Zola

4. Niccolo Machiavelli

Ans : 4

67. The Nobel Prize in Economics was started in

1. 1901

2. 1936

3. 1957

4. 1967

Ans : 4

68. Which one of the following is not an award given on the National Awards Day

1. Rajiv Khel Ratna

2. Arjun Award

3. Dhyanchand Award

4. Vishwamitra Award

Ans : 4

69. The quotation 'Some are born great , sme achieve greatness, and some have greatness, thrust upon them, is attributed to :

1. Bertrand Russell

2. Abraham Lincoln

3. William Shakespeare

4. George Orwell

Ans : 3

70. The book 'Around the World in Eighty Days' was written by

1. Charles Dickens

2. H. H. Munro

3. Jules Verne

4. Sir Richard Burton

Ans : 3

71. Which of the following books is written by Kapil Dev ?

1. One Day Wonders

2. Cricket - My Style

3. Twenty Years at the Top

4. Cricket - Favourite Game

Ans : 2

72. The Novel 'Post Office' was written by

1. Rabindranath Tagore

2. K. M. Munshil

3. R. D. Dinkar

4. Neeraj

Ans : 1

73. Panchatantra has been written by

1. Kalidas

2. Surdas

3. Vishakadatta

4. Vishnu Sharma

Ans : 4

74. 'Asian Drama' by Gunnar Karl Myrdal , is a book on Which of the following subjects ?

1. Theatre Movements in Asia

2. Economics

3. International Politics

4. Look East Policy of India

Ans : 2/ Economics

75. Who amongst the following is the author of the book 'Colours of the Rainbow' ?

1. A. V. Kamath

2. Anita Nayyar

3. Pritish Nandy

4. Ranjita Biswas

Ans : 4/ Ranjita Biswas

76. who among the following writers was born in 1891 ?

1. Charles Dickens

2. William Shakespeare

3. Agatha Christie

4. Thomas Hardy

Ans : 3/ Agatha Christie

77. Who composed the National Anthem 'Jana Gana Mana' ?

1. Rabindranath Tagore

2. R. D. Dinkar

3. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

4. Sarojini Naidu

Ans : 1/ Rabindranath Tagore

78. Who wrote the book 'A Passage to India' ?

1. Ruskin Bond

2. Jawahar Lal Nehru

3. Victor Banerjee

4. E. M. Forster

Ans : 4/ E. M. Forster

79. Who amongst the following is the author of the book 'Freedom from Fear' ?

1. Nelson Mandela

2. Aung San Suukyi

3. Taslima Nasreen

4. Benazir Bhutto

Ans : 2/ Aung San Suukyi

80. Who said these words :

When I wash a laper's wounds, I feel I am nursing the Lord himself. Touch a leaper, touch him with love

1. Mother Teresa

2. Mother George

3. Yulkania

4. Sister Herkey

Ans : 1/ Mother Teresa

81. What is the real name of Merilin Monro ?

1. Merilin Monro

2. Norma Jean Bekar

3. Dorothi Manro

4. Kathrin Bekar

Ans : 2/ Norma Jean Bekar

83. The poetic work "Rashmirathi" was written by

1. Maithilisharan Gupt

2. Mahadevi Verma

3. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar

4. Surya Kant Tripathi Nirala

Ans : 3/ Ramdhari Singh Dinkar

84. Who is the author of the book 'The Rights of Man' ?

1. Thomas Hardy

2. Thomas Mann

3. Thomas Moore

4. Thomas Paine

Ans : 4

85. The book 'Discovery of India' os written by

1. Mahatma Gandhi

2. Subhash Chandra Bose

3. Jawahar Lal Nehru

4. Sastri

Ans : 3

86. Kautilya's From Fear is a book written by

1. Philosophy

2. Religion

3. Diplomacy

4. Statecraft

Ans : 3

87. Freedom From Fear is a book written by

1. Benazir Bhutto

2. Corazon Aquino

3. Aung San Suu Kyi

4. Nayantara Seghal

Ans : 3

88. Which of the following books was written by Gandhiji ?

1. Discovery of India

2. My Experiments With Truth

3. India Wins Freedom

4. Freedom at Midnight

Ans : 2

89. The religious text of the jews is named as :

1. The Analectus

2. Torah

3. Tripatika

4. Zend Avesta

Ans : 2

90. The writer of the Harry Potter book series is :

1. DBC Pierre

2. Dominique Lapierre and Lary Collins

3. Jhumpa Lahiri

4. J. K. Rowling

Ans : 4

91. Who Wrote 'A Passage to India' ?

1. E. M. Forster

2. Kipling

3. Orwell

4. None of them

Ans : 1

92. Who is the author of 'Nineteen Eighty Four' ?

1. J. M. Barrie

2. Walter Scott

3. George Orwell

4. Thomas Hardy

Ans : 3

93. Who wrote 'Jungle Book' ?

1. Mohd. Salim

2. Rudyard Kipling

3. Sibhu

4. None of these

Ans : 3

94. Who has written the book 'Courtyards of my Childhood A Memory' ?

1. Ramola Chatterjee

2. Kanala Markandey

3. Shabha De

4. Tabish Khair

Ans : 1

95. Who wrote 'Gulliver's Travels' ?

1. Jonathan Swift

2. Alivin Toffler

3. Samuel Johnson

4. D. H. Lawrence

Ans : 1

96. The Novel 'A Suitable Boy' is written by

1. V. S. Naipaul

2. Vikram Seth

3. D. H. Lawrence

4. Ruskin Bond

Ans : 2

97. Who said 'Man is a Political animal' ?

1. Dante

2. Plato

3. Aristotle

4. Socrates

Ans : 3

98. Who is the author of the famous statement :

'The Government is the best which governs least'

1. Henry David Thoreau

2. Herbert Spencer

3. Alexis De Tocqueville

4. Harold Singvi

Ans : 2

99. Who wrote the famous book 'We The People'

1. V. S. Naipaul

2. Khushwant Singh

3. T. N. Kaul

4. Nani Palkhivala

Ans : 3

100. 'India of our dreams' is a book written by

1. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

2. Dr S. Radhakrishnan

3. Dr C. Subramaniam

4. M. V. Kamath

Ans : 4

101. In which language did Dr. Masti Venkatesh Iyengar write ?

1. Tamil

2. Malyalam

3. kannada

4. Hindi

Ans : 3

102. Who directed the world famous film 'The Gandhi' ?

1. Nani Palkhivala

2. Ben

3. Mrinal Sen

4. Richard Attenborough

Ans : 4

103. The author of the famous Novel 'Gone with the Wind' is :

1. R. L. Stephenson

2. Charles Dickens

3. Margaret Mitchell

4. Harold Robins

Ans : 2

104. Who wrote 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' ?

1. D. H. Lawrence

2. Vincent

3. Sir Walter Scott

4. Chekhov

Ans : 1

105. The book 'Worshipping False Gods' is written by

1. R. K. Narayan

2. Arun Shourie

3. B. M. Oza

4. Mahasweta Devi

Ans : 2

106. Who amongst the following is the author of the book 'Nice Guys Finish Second' ?

1. B. K. Nehru

2. Pupul Jayakar

3. Michael Hammer

4. R. K. Karanjia

Ans : 3

107. Author of the book ' The City of Joy' is :

1. Jawahar Lal Nehru

2. Dominique Lapierre

3. Salman Rushdie

4. H. G. Wells

Ans : 3

108. Book of Poems entitled 'Lamhe Lamhe' is written by which of the following Indian actress ?

1. Deepti Naval

2. Rekha

3. Sharmila Tagore

4. Shabana Azmi

Ans : 1

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