General Awareness|Practice Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1|SET-24

General Awareness|Practice Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1|SET- 24

1. Which forest belt supplies most of the world's requirement of newsprint ?

a) Coniferous 

b) Tropical Deciduous

c) Mediterranean

d) Tropical Evergreen

2. Strong tropospheric winds flowing in a narrow zone of steep pressure and temperature gradient and with a circumpolar character are the 

a) Hurricanes 

b) Typhoons 

c) Jet Stream 

d) Roaring Forties

3. Wavy hair was a characteristic of 

a) Neanderthal man

b) Nordic race 

c) Mongoloid race 

d) Cromagnon man

4. The Eastern and Western Ghats join at

a) Palani Hills 

b) Nilgiri Hills 

c) Anamalai Hills

d) Malabar Hills 

5. Which state in India is the leading producer of sulphur ? 

a) Assam 

b) Maharashtra

c) Punjab 

d) Tamil Nadu

6. Which of the following major sea ports of India does not have a natural harbour ?

a) Mumbai 

b) kochi

c) Marmagao

d) Para dweep

7. Who among the following music composers was deaf ?

a) Beethovan LV

b) Bach JS

c) Richard Strauss 

d) Johannes Brahms

8. Which is the largest tiger reserve in India ? 

a) Nagarjuna

b) Manas 

c) Pench 

d) Corbett

9. When did the British Government start ruling India directly ? 

a) After the Battle of  Plassey

b) After the Battle of Panipat

c) After the Battle of Mysore

d) After Sepoy Mutiny

10. Rock cut Kailash temple of Ellora is a monument of the 

a) Rashtrakutas 

b) Cholas 

c) Pallavas

d) Satavahanas

11. What is the worth of Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana ?

a) 2 lakhs at Rs 330 per annum

b) 1 lakhs at Rs 330 per annum

c) 1.5 lakhs at Rs 220 per annum

d) None of these correct

12. Swarajists decided to seek election with the object of 

a) cooperating with the British 

b) replacing the congress

c) wrecking of legislative council from within 

d) obtaining ministerial posts

13. Who was the architect who design "Tajmahal" ?

a) Mohammad Hussain

b) Ustad-Isa

c) Shah Abbas 

d) Ismail

14. Out of the following remains excavated in Indus Valley, Which one indicates the commercial and economic development ?

a) The pottery 

b) Seals 

c) The boats 

d) The houses

15. Liquid metal is 

a) mercury

b) saline

c) lead

d) zinc

16. The gas leaked in Bhopal ( Union Carbide) tragedy is 

a) nitrous oxide 

b) nitrogen oxide 

c) carbon dioxide 

d) methyl isocyanide

17. Which is the Agency the Government has engaged to grade the standardise various agricultural products ?

a) Food Corporation of India

b) Directorate of Marketing and inspection

c) Bureau of Indian Standards 

d) Central Statistical Organization

18. What are the basic units from which human spare parts can be created ? 

a) Nerve cells

b) Stem cells

c) Heart cells 

d) Kidney cells

19. Adherent mucoid alkaline substance covering the inner lining of stomach is to

a) digest starch 

b) act against bacteria 

c) prevent the action of pepsin of mucosa

d) prevent viral infection

20. What is the term used to denote the critical temprature at which the air becomes saturated with vapour and below which the condensations is likely to begin ?

a) Condensation point 

b) Evaporation point 

c) Dew point 

d) Point of critical temprature 

21. National Income refers to 

a) money value of goods and services produced in a country during a year

b) money value of stocks and shares of a country during a year 

c) money value of capital goods produced by a country during a year 

d) money value of consumer goods produced by a country during a year

22. A Scheduled Bank is one which is included in the 

a) 2 Schedule of Banking Regulation Act

b) 2 Schedule of Constitution 

c) 2 Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act 

d) None of the above 

23. Rajya Sabha enjoys more powers than Lok Sabha in the case of 

a) money bills 

b) non-money bills 

c) setting up of new all India Services 

d) amendment of the Constitution 

24. Gamma Rays can cause 

a) gene mutation 

b) sneezing

c) burning

d) fever

25. Which one of the following is not a function of kidney ? 

a) Regulation of blood pH 

b) removal of metabolic wastes from the body 

c) production of Antibodies 

d) Regulation of osmotic pressures of the blood



1. A

2. C 

3. B 

4. B

5. B 

6. D

7. A

8. D

9. D

10. A

11. A 

12. C 

13. B

14. B

15. A

16. D

17. B

18. B 

19. C

20. C

21. C

22. C

23. C

24. A

25. C


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