One Word Substitution For SSC CGL//List of One Word Substitution for SSC CGL


One Word Substitution For SSC CGL//List of One Word Substitution for SSC CGL

1. In  the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentences.

1. Highly skilled

1. Consummate

2. Inveterate

3. Notorious 

4. Maladroit

Ans : 1 

2. Identification with the feelings of another

1. Sympathy

2. Empathy

3. Apathy

4. Compassion

Ans : 2

3. Insatiable desire for wealth 

1. Selfish

2. Avarice

3. Egoist

4. Generosity

Ans : 2

4. To look at someone in an angry or threatening way

1. Glower

2. Gnaw

3. Gnash

4. Grind

Ans : 1

5. Something that causes death 

1. Dangerous 

2. Fatal 

3. Brutal

4. Horrible

Ans : 2

6. A person who writes decoratively

1. Calligrapher

2. Collier

3. Choreographer

4. Cartographer

Ans : 1. Calligrapher

7. A post with little work but high salary

1. Director

2. Trustee

3. Sinecure

4. Ombudsman

Ans : 3

8. Violation of something holy and sacred.

1. Pollution 

2. Pilferage

3. Sacrilege

4. Pittance

Ans : 3

9. A place where nuns live and work.

1. Church

2. School

3. Abode

4. Convent

Ans : 4

10. One who destroys images or attack popular beliefs.

1. Imagist

2. Misanthropist

3. Iconoclast

4. Masochist

Ans : 3

11. Feeding on food made both of plants and flesh

1. Carnivorous

2. Omnipotent

3. Omnivorous

4. Optimist

Ans : 3

12. Speaking without preparation

1. Deliberate

2. Fluent

3. Loquacious

4. Extempore

Ans : 4

13. Cure for all diseases

1. Curable

2. Panacea

3. Incurable

4. Curative

Ans : 2

14. Someone able to use both hands with equal skill

1. Ambivalent


3. Ambiguous

4. Ambidextrous

Ans : 4

15. Operation of the body after death

1. Post-mortem

2. Obituary

3. Homage

4. Mortuary

Ans : 1

16. Not allowing the passage of light

1. Oblique

2. Opaque

3. Optique

4. Opulent

Ans : 2 

17. Science regarding principles of classification.

1. Taxidermy

2. Taxonomy

3. Toxicology

4. Classicology

Ans : 2

18. A person who has no money to pay off his debt.

1. Insolvent

2. Poor

3. Destitute

4. Paupe

Ans : 1

19. One who compiles a dictionary

1. Geographer

2. Lexicographer

3. Lapidist

4. Linguist

Ans : 2

20. Stealing goods while shoping

1. Shop - lifting

2. Burglary

3. Plagiarism

4. Window - shopping

Ans : 1

21. Place for keeping birds

1. Aquarium

2. Gymnasium

3. Aviary

4. Aerodrome

Ans : 3

22. One who studies mankind

1. Pathologist

2. Philanthropist

3. Anthropologist

4. Physicist

Ans : 3

23. An opinion contrary to popular belief

1. Hearsay

2. Heresy

3. Paradox

4. Orthodoxy

Ans : 2

24. A collection of poems

1. Oncology

2. Pedology

3. Pathology

4. Anthology

Ans : 4

25. One who spends money extravagantly

1. Sceptic

2. Spend thrift

3. Miser

4. Vagabond

Ans : 2

26. A lover of books is known as

1. Bibliophile

2. Pyromania

3. Cleptomania

4. Agromania

Ans : 1

27. More than is needed or wanted

1. Abundant

2. Adequate

3. Sufficient

4. Scanty

Ans : 1

28. One who looks at the bright side of things in life

1. Misanthrope

2. Altruist

3. Optimist

4. Pessimist

Ans : 3

29. A feeling of fondness, mixed with some sadness, for something in the past

1. Nostalgia

2. Nausea

3. Oblivion

4. Noxiousness

Ans : 1

30. One who hates women 

1. Misogynist

2. Polyandrist

3. Altruist

4. Celibate

Ans : 1

31. Hard to please

1. Loquacious

2. Stubborn

3. Fastidious

4. Epicurean

Ans : 3

32. That can not be conquered

1. Invincible

2. Invisible

3. Intangible

4. Inevitable

Ans : 1

33. Too much official formality

1. Bureaucracy

2. Red - Tapism

3. Diplomacy

4. Autocracy

Ans : 2 

34. Science dealing with bird life

1. Zymology

2. Ornithology

3. Etymology

4. Philology

Ans : 2

35. Someone who keeps bees 

1. Apiarist

2. Horticulturist

3. Ornithologist

4. Pathologist

Ans : 1

36. Speaking one's thoughts aloud to oneself

1. Apostrophise

2. Memorise

3. Soliloquise

4. Solemnise

Ans : 3

37. To be known for bad acts

1. Famous

2. Notorious

3. Criminal

4. Terrorist

Ans : 2

38. One who tends to take a hopeful view of life

1. Magnate

2. Creator

3. Pacifist

4. Optimist

Ans : 4

39. Instrument to measure  atmospheric pressure

1. Metronome

2. Compass

3. Pedometer

4. Barometer

Ans : 4

40. The book won the prestigious award after the death of its author

1. Inordinately

2. Successively

3. Vicariously

4. Posthumously

Ans : 4

41. Scholarly and learned

1. Wise

2. Vivacious

3. Stoic

4. Erudite

Ans : 4

42. To keep a great person or event in peoples memory

1. Communicate 

2. Commensurate

3. Commemorate

4. Commiserate

Ans : 3

43. A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude

1. Iconoclast

2. Recluse

3. Sage

4. Priest

Ans : 2

44. To agree to something

1. Assure

2. Assent

3. Adapt

4. Adhere

Ans : 2

45. Occuring at irregular intervals in time 

1. Epidemic

2. Endemic

3. Temporal

4. Sporadic

Ans : 4

46. One who can not be defeated

1. Indecipherable

2. Invidious

3. Insolvent

4. Invincible

Ans : 4

47. One who is between 80 and 89 years old

1. Sexagenarian

2. Nonagenarian

3. Septuagenarian

4. Octogenarian

Ans : 4

48. One who hates mankind

1. Hedonist

2. Fatalist

3. Misanthrope

4. Misogynist

Ans : 3

49. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain

1. Stoic

2. Anarchist

3. Mystic

4. Hysteric

Ans : 1

50. Animals that feed on plants

1. Insectivorous

2. Graminivorous

3. Carnivorous

4. Herbivorous

Ans : 4

51. A person who opposes war or use of military force

1. Fascist

2. Pacifist

3. Narcissist

4. Fatalist

Ans : 2

52. A supporter of the cause of women

1. Feminist

2. Colleague

3. Extempore

4. Womanish

Ans : 1

53. Killing one's brother

1. Suicide

2. Fratricide

3. Patricide

4. Matricide

Ans : 2

54. The first public speech delivered by a person

1. Maiden speech 

2. Inaugural speech

3. Trial speech

4. Marathan speech

Ans : 1

55. One who does not follow the usual rules of social life

1. Bohemian

2. Artisan

3. Partisan

4. Physician

Ans : 1

56. Wild and noisy disorder

1. Agitation

2. Revolution

3. Pandemonium

4. Stir

Ans : 3

57. Theft of another persons writings or ideas and passing them off one's own

1. Plagiarism

2. Burglary

3. Piracy

4. Pilferage

Ans : 1

58. List of issues to be discussed at a meeting 

1. Schedule 

2. Agenda

3. Time table

4. Plan

Ans : 2

59. The place where public , government or historical records are kept

1. Coffer

2. Pantry

3. Archives

4. Scullery

Ans : 3

60. An understand device resorted to in order to justify misconduct.

1. Subterfuge

2. Manoeuvre

3. Stratagem 

4. Complicity

Ans : This is for you 

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