Best 200+ One Ward Substitution For SSC CGL & B.Ed Exam
1. Serious crime like murder , arson - Felony
2. Send rays of light or heat - Radiate
3. Send back a criminal into custody for further investigation - Remand
4. Secret place difficult to access - Recess
5. Secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose - Collusion
6. Search in the dark - Grope / Fumble
7. Search for something - Quest
8. Secret religious meeting - Conventicle
9. Sea with a group of many islands - Archipelago
10. A signature on the back of a paper or cheque - Endorsement
11. Showing contemptuous indifference - Supercilious
12. A short summary of a book or speech - Epitome
13. Signal under martial law for people to remain indoors - Curfew
14. Showing deep sorrow for wrong doing - Contrite
15. A short saying or poem which expresses an idea in a very clever and amusing way - Epigram
16. A short journey for pleasure - Excursion
17. A short expression of general truth - Proverb / Dictum / Maxim / Adage
18. A short amusing story about some real person or event - Anecdote
19. Scornful and contemptuous language - Opprobrium
20. Science of weight - Metrology
21. Science of time - Horology
22. Science of writing and compiling a dictionary - Lexicography
23. Science of the races of mankind and their relation to one another - Ethnology
24. Science of the physical structure of the body - Anatomy
25. Science of the habits of living things in relation to their environment - Ecology
26. Science of the constitution of the whole universe - Cosmography
27. Science of the causes of diseases - Etiology / Aetiology
28. Science of mankind as an animal - Anthropology
29. Science of mechanical and industrial arts - Technology
30. Science of healthy living - Hygiene
31. Science of inscriptions - Epigraphy
32. Science of human beauty - Kalology
33. Science of fixing dates - Chronology
34. Science of crimes and criminals - Criminology
35. Study of coins - Numismatics
36. Science of climate - Climatology
37. Science of blood - Haematology
38. Science of birds - Ornithology
39. Science dealing with the proper use of terms - Terminology
40. Science dealing with heredity - Genetics
41. Science and technology of metals - Metallurgy
42. Science and philosophy of human law - Jurisprudence
43. Science and art of preparing and making good food - Gastronomy
44. Science and art of flying in aircraft - Aviation
45. School for very young children - Kindergarten
46. Say in advance what is likely to happen - Forecast / Predict / Foretell
47. Say aloud from memory - Recite
48. Saving of property from loss by fire - Salvage
49. Salt water lake separated from the sea by sand banks - Lagoon
50. Rules for formal behaviour among people - Etiquette
51. Room for washing kitchen utensils - Scullery
52. Roof supported by columns at the entrance of a building - Portico / Porch
53. Ritual washing of the body - Ablution
54. Rising in arms against an establishment / Government - Insurrection / Rebellion
55. Rise or fall in the level of the sea - Tide
56. Right or advantage available to a person - Privilege
57. Reward for a work or service - Remuneration
58. Return to one's own country - Repatriate
59. Return the same sort of ill treatment - Retaliate
60. Reduction in a tax or debt - Rebate
61. Religious discourse - Sermon
62. Reserved in speech - Reticent
63. Responsible according to law - Liable
64. Restore to former position - Rehabilitate
65. Resulting in death or ending in disaster - Fatal
66. Relation between different aspects of a thing - Perspective
67. Reasoning power of the mind - Intellect
68. Receiving guests warmly - Hospitality
69. Record of events in the order of their happenings - Chronicle
70. To raise a pattern or design on the surface of something - Emboss
71. Quick to judge and understand - Perspicacious
72. Question or problem difficult to answer or understand - Puzzle / Riddle / Enigma
73. Put under the surface of water - Submerge
74. Put off for a future time - Postpone / Procrastinate
75. Put into the form of a code - Codify
76. Pull out of usual shape - Distort
77. Public merry making and feasting - Carnival
78. Public activity which take place in a very elaborate , colourful and expensive way - Extravaganza
79. Place of good climate for invalids - Asylum
80. Property left to someone by a will - Legacy
81. Property inherited from one's father - Patrimony
82. Producing a lot of books or other things - Prolific
83. Process of sewing design on cloth or other materials - Embroidery
84. Principle that the the war should and could be abolished - Pacifism
85. Habit of independent thought - Individualism
86. Prevention of loss , waste , damage - Conservation
87. Prevent from being carried out - Circumvent
88. Pretence of having a virtuous character - Hypocricy
89. Present form or before birth - Congenital
90. Marriage of God - Theogamy
91. Lover of dogs - Canophilist
92. Loss of memory - Amnesia
93. A group of talkative girls / women - Gaggle
94. Guided by one's sense of duty - Conscientious
95. Gust of wind - Drought
96. Handwriting that can be easily read - Legible
97. Happening at the same time - Contemporary
98. Government run by a dictator - Dictatorship
99. Government by person of highest social order - Aristocracy
100. Government by intelligentsia - Meritocracy
101. Government by the rich and the powerful class - Plutocracy
102. Government by officials - Bureaucracy
103. Government by elected representatives - Democracy
104. Government by elected representatives without a monarch - Republic
105. Government by divine laws - Theocracy
106. Government by a king / Queen - Monarchy
107. Government by a few people - Oligarchy
108. Governing body of a university - Senate
109. Hater of books - Misobiblic
110. Hater of learning - Misologist
111. Hater of marriage - Misogamist
112. Having more than one meaning - Ambiguous / Equivocal
113. Imaginary ailments ( disease ) - Hypochondria
114. Offering made to God - Oblation
115. An official agreement to a proposal - Assent
116. Gathering of all things - Omnibus
117. An official announcement issued to the press - Communique
118. An official counting of the population - Census
119. One who analyses handwriting - Graphologist
120. One who attacks - Assaulter / Assailant
121. One who believes that nothing can be said about God - Agnostic
122. One who can neither read nor write - Illiterate
123. One who can not be corrected - Incorrigible
124. A garland of flowers - Wreath
125. Give tit for tat - Retaliate
126. Departure of many people - Exodus
127. Gift of money to a retiring people - Gratuity
128. Give the right to vote - Enfranchise
129. Greedy for money - Repacious
130. General instructions - Directive
131. Free from punishment - Impunity
132. Future generation - Posterity
133. Form opinion in advance - Preconceive
134. For warning of an impending danger - Premonition
135. Fixed some of money paid to somebody as income in his life time - Annuity
136. Fit for bad temper or anger - Tantrum
137. Fear of foreigners - Xenophobia
138. Fear of one self - Autophoby
139. Fear of home surroundings - Ecophobia
140. Fear of dead body - Necrophobia
141. Fear of animals - Zoophobia
142. Sensitiveness to the action of a particular food - Allergy
143. To make better , to improve or to lift to a better place - Ameliorate
144. By which human form and personality is attributed to God - Anthropomorphism
145. A cessation of active use of arms signifying a short period of truce - Armistice
146. A mistake in the chronological order or a thing which is out of harmony with a period - Anachronism
147. A mechanic or craftsman who has acquired skill in a particular craft - Artisan
148. A man who is a great lover of books - Bibliophile
149. The state of having two wives - Bigamy
150. Belonging to a class between the gentry and the labourers - Bourgeois
151. Socially unconventional , a man of free and easy habits - Bohemian
152. One who readily believes everything and everyone - Credulous
153. A citizen of the world - Cosmopolitan
154. A man who is recovering from an illness - Convalescent
155. The state of being without a wife ; abstaining from marital relationship - Celibacy
156. Centre of attraction or interest - Cynosure
157. A person who really understands the value of art , antiques etc - Connoisseur
158. Hundred in Anniversary - Centenary
159. Any language in speaking only - Colloquialism
160. To seize by authority - Confiscate
161. To give someone something to make good for loss or damage - Compensate
162. Reaching the final or the highest point - Consummation
163. A man who has lots of investments in the private sector - Capitalist
164. A ruler or boss who uses force in order to make people obey him - Dictator
165. One who is engaged in the diplomatic service of a country - Diplomat
166. Nature of double dealing - Duplicity
167. A person who fails in the performance of his duty or commits an offence - Deliquent
168. Fruit or sweet dish usually eaten after the main meals - Dessert
169. A dabbler in the arts and literature - Dilettante
170. The state of being miserable bereft of all material possessions - Destitution
171. A democratic orator - Demagogue
172. The inability of a person to shun alcoholic drinks - Dipsomania
173. Something regularly found among a particular people or community - Endemic
174. A person who likes to indulge in refined sensuous pleasure - Epicure
175. To remove all traces of - Eradicate
176. A professor who has retired from service - Emeritus
177. An unusual bent of mind - Eccentricity
178. One who is always seeking to escape from the harsh realities of life - Escapist
179. To quicken the completion of work - Expedite
180. To free from the confines of something to liberate from - Emancipate
181. A short but pithy and weightly saying , a short witty phrase - Epigram
182. Substitution of a mild for a very blunt expression - Euphemism
183. That which is all inclusive - Exhaustive
184. Not refined and fluent but full of jerky movements - Erratic
185. That which tries to side-track the main issue by irrelevance - Evasive
186. A state of mental wearings from an occupation - Ennui
187. To make atonement for one's sins - Expiate
188. Words or phrases inscribed on a person's tomb - Epitaph
189. A person authorised to execute a legal deed - Executor
190. One who is subject to failure or to committing mistakes - Fallible
191. The animals of a particular region or epoch - Fauna
192. A man who is genuinely interested in the welfare and emancipation of women - Feminist
193. A man with narrow and prejudiced religious views - Fanatic
194. One who can not be easily pleased - Fastidious
195. Something artificial having the appearance of something got up - Factitious
196. As opposed to realistic , imagined not real - Fictitious
197. Extremely showy and colourful personality ; valuable and verbose speech - Flamboyant
198. Tendency to grow downwards - Geotropism
199. Act of killing one's clan, family or community - Genocide
200. A connoisseur of wines and table delicacies - Gourmet
201. That which can not be read - Illigible
202. A deceptive appearance , statement or belief - Illusion
203. A person who is well versed in law - Jurist
204. A definite system of naming especially in classification - Nomenclature
205. An unscrupulous person who puts experience before principle - Opportunist
206. State of being of one mind - Unanimous
207. A person who broadcasts something alive - Commentator
208. A set of terms - Ultimatum
209. That which can not be burnt - Incombustible
210. An instrument which is used to view objects at a distance - Telescope
211. A journey by sea - Voyage
212. A judgement of a court - Decree
213. A killer of a king - Regicide
214. A killer of an infant - Infanticide
215. A legal advisor - Solicitor
216. A notice which is sent by a court - Summons
217. A list of books and writings of an author - Bibliography
218. A door which opens into rooms by a narrow passage - Corridor
219. A lover of good meals - Gourmand
220. A person who breaks into a house to steal - Burglar
221. A person who brings goods illegally - Smuggler
222. A person who purchases goods from a shop - Customer
223. A person who interviews someone - Interviewer
224. A person who always read books - Bookworm
225. A person who is very careful in the use of money - Economical / Frugal
226. A person who lives and works for others - Altruist
227. A person who travels in space - Astronaut
228. A person who travels to a holy place - Pilgrim
229. A person who walks - Pedestrian
230. A person who is forced to flee to shelter - Refugee