Best 333 One Ward Substitution For SSC CGL & B.Ed Exam
1. The act of killing a human being - Homicide
2. Traits , mental or physical received from forefathers by birth - Hereditary
3. One who lives in seclusion with thoughts of God - Hermit
4. Voluntary fees paid for professional services which carry no salary - Honorarium
5. One who expresses ideas which are not in keeping with conventional religious teaching - Heretic
6. One who is not orthodox - Heterodox
7. One who generously acts for the welfare and amelioration of mankind - Humanitarian
8. A gesture of respect and devotion - Homage
9. Rhetorical exaggeration in speaking or in a piece of writing - Hyperbole
10. A person who pretends to be what he is not , a pretender - Hypocrite
11. That which can not be broken through - Impregnable
12. That which can can be easily understood - Intelligible
13. That which is most likely to happen in future - Imminent
14. One who can not be soothed or calmed or near pacified - Implacable
15. That which can not be put into practice - Impracticable
16. One who can not be corrected or reformed - Incorrigible
17. To accuse or charge a person with a crime in due form of law - Indict
18. That which can not be easily imitated or copied - Inimitable
19. That which can not be defeated - Invincible
20. A personal peculiarity of temperament or constitution - Idiosyncrasy
21. A man who is easily irritated and loses temper - Irritable
22. A disease in which a man suffers from sleeplessness - Insomnia
23. A country or a people or community which is in open revolt or rebellion - Insurgent
24. A man who has a most uncompromising attitude especially in politics - Intransigent
25. Ascribing or attributing to something or someone - Imputation
26. A decision which can not be changed or modified - Irrevocable
27. Produced or manufactured within the country without foreign aid or collaboration - Indigenous
28. A deceptive appearance , statement or belief - Illusion
29. Use of language or gesture which implies threat to someone - Intimidation
30. The act of provoking and goading a man - Instigation
31. Something which provides interest and attraction - Incentive
32. A subtle allusive and generally deprecatory remark - Innuendo
33. Something that is too delightful or beautiful for words - Ineffable
34. A man who has no money - Impecunious
35. Ill timed circumstances - Irony
36. A person who is well versed in law - Jurist
37. An excessively morbid desire to steal - Kleptomania
38. Technical knowledge of a particular work - Know-how
39. Extremely extravagant in manners and morals - Licentious
40. A hater of mankind - Misanthrope
41. A hater of women - Misogynist
42. A person who believes in being married to one person at a time or A man who has only one wife - Monogamist
43. Belonging to this world , earthly - Mundane
44. Application of name or descriptive term to an object to which it is not literally applicable - Metaphor
45. A scene or situation which is gruesomely imaginative or full of gruesome details - Macabre
46. One who plays the role of bringing two antagonistic parties together - Mediator
47. A change that befalls something - Mutation
48. A drama which is marked by very crude appeal to feelings and emotions - Melodrama
49. One who believes in the philosophy that nothing has real existence - Nihilist
50. A quick remedy or apartment medicine or similarly a pet scheme - Nostrum
51. Science and study that treats of coins as medals - Numismatics
52. Extremely loud and showy as opposed to reserve and modest - Ostentatious
53. To banish or turn out of society and fellowship - Ostracise
54. The art of spelling words correctly - Orthography
55. An unscrupulous person , who puts experience before principle - Opportunist
56. The act of fixing of a proper position for something - Orientation
57. The science of languages - Philology
58. Science dealing with stamp-collection - Philately
59. Science of vocal natural sounds - Phonology
60. To make evasive or misleading statements - Prevaricate
61. Statement showing remarkable degree if prediction - Prophecy
62. Study of ancient writings and inscriptions - Palaeography
63. A passage marking the close of a speech - Peroration
64. A man who practises psychiatry - Psychiatrist
65. A school teacher or a man affecting learning - Pedagogue
66. Some previous example from the past - Precedent
67. A child born after the death of his father - Posthumous
68. A book published after the death of its author - Posthumous
69. One who makes love now to one and now to another - Philanderer
70. Original model - Prototype
71. Application of pasteurism in order to sterilize milk etc. by exposure to high temp. - Pasteurisation
72. Former holder of an office or a position - Predecessor
73. To mediate , to pander over a question - Ruminate
74. A state in which supremacy of people or its elected representatives is acknowledged - Republic
75. To give up entirely - Renounce
76. To restore to good condition - Rehabilitation
77. A person who refuses compliance with - Recalcitrant
78. That which reminds one of something - Reminiscent
79. A reasoner willing to avail himself of fallacies that will help his case - Sophist
80. A very delicate flaw or mistake which is not expected from the person making it - Solecism
81. A symbolic religious ceremony especially baptism - Sacrament
82. Someone whom the blame for other's sins can be fixed - Scapegoat
83. Abounding in blood - Sanguine
84. Over bearing - Supercilious
85. Extremely refined in dress , conduct and speech fashionable and modernised - Sophisticated
86. A person who flatters others for personal motives - Sycophant
87. Affectedly and pompously formal person or style - Sententious
88. One who takes pleasure in cruel , in human and un natural acts of tyranny - Sadist
89. That which surpasses - Transcendental
90. Communication between mind and other than the known channel of senses - Telepathy
91. The practice of taking exorbitant or excessive interest on the money lent - Usury
92. Guilty of accepting bribes extremely mercenary - Venal
93. Extreme enthusiasm for a cause - Zeal
94. A person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain - Stoic
95. A person sent an a mission - Emissary
96. A person who spends his money recklessly - Spendthrift
97. Incapable of being penetrated - Impenetrable
98. Incapable of being wound or hurt - Invulnerable
99. Incapable of being repaired - Irreparable
100. Incapable of being avoided - Unavoidable / Inevitable
101. Incapable of being explained or accounted for - Inexplicable
102. Incapable of being expressed in words - Inexpressible
103. Not definitely or clearly expressed - Inexplicity
104. Incapable of being justified or excused - Inexcusable
105. A sea abounding in islands or A group of islands - Archipelago
106. A short walk for pleasure or exercise - Stroll
107. To move along with quick , short twistings - Wriggle
108. One who possess many talents - Versatile
109. A dramatic performance or An entertainment in dumb show - Masque
110. One who can use either of his hands with ease - Ambidextrous
111. A person who is skilled in horsemanship - Equestrian
112. Extreme of old age when a man behaves like a fool - Dotage
113. That can be felt or touched - Palpable
114. One who has suddenly gained new wealth , power or prestige - Parvenu
115. A short journey made by a group of persons together - Excursion
116. That which makes it difficult to recognise the presence of real nature of somebody or something - Camouflage
117. One who thinks that human nature is essentially Evil - Cynic
118. A Style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge - Pedantic
119. A person pretending to be somebody he is not - Impostor
120. One who specializes in the study of birds - Ornithologist
121. To mediate between two parties in a dispute - intercede
122. Something which is not thorough or profound - superficial
123. A House for storing grains - Granary
124. A Light sailing board built especially for racing - yacht
125. The original inhabitants of a country - Aborigines
126. A short stay at a place - Sojourn
127. Opposed to great or sudden change - Conservative
128. Relationship by blood or birth - Consanguinity
129. A person living permanently in a certain place - Domicile
130. Anything written in a letter after it is signed - Postscript
131. To cause Troops etc to spread out in readiness for battle - Deploy
132. A person who is too concerned with small details or rules especially when learning or teaching or one who makes a vain display of his learning , a conceited fellow - pedant
133. Winding sheet of a corpse - Shroud
134. According to custom - Customary
135. Abnormally high blood pressure - Hypertension
136. Art of beautiful handwriting - Calligraphy
137. All the customs and beliefs of a society - Tradition
138. Art or craft needing skill with hand - Handicraft
139. Art of growing vegetables , fruit , flowers - Horticulture
140. Art of map making - Cartography
141. Art and science of building construction - Architecture
142. Style of speaking well - Elocution
143. An authors explanatory remarks at the beginning of a book - Preface
144. Bearing young by eggs - Oviparous
145. Bearing living young - Viviparous
146. Belief not based on reason or knowledge - Superstition
147. Belonging to long past - Ancient
148. A board of directors in a company - Directorate
149. A body of voters - Electorate
150. A brief account of a subject - Summary / Compendium
151. Capable of being wounded - Vulnerable
152. Care taken in advance to avoid a risk - Precaution
153. A chief character in a story or drama - Protagonist
154. A collection of poems or prose - Anthology
155. In sufficient feeding or nourishing - Malnutrition
156. Favourable to health - Wholesome
157. A Conference for discussion on a subject - Symposium
158. A list of household goods , furniture etc - Inventory
159. Scarcity of food - Famine
160. Fear Of Being In open space - Agoraphobia
161. Fear of books - Bibliophobia
162. Fear of snakes - Ophiophobia
163. Fear of water - Hydrophobia
164. Fear of dead body - Nacrophobia
165. Fear of animals - Zoophobia
166. Fear of height - Aerophobia
167. Fear of home surroundings - Ecophobia
168. Fear of oneself - Autophoby
169. Fear of foreigners - Xenophobia
170. Fond of much alcoholic drink - Bibulous
171. A person who is foolishly fond of One's wife - Henpecked / Uxorious
172. To free a Prisoner on payment - Ransom
173. A funeral rite - Funeral / Obsequies
174. A girl / woman who flirts - Coquette
175. To support a statement on theory - Corroborate
176. A group of talkative girls or women - Gaggle
177. A Hater of New things - Misoneist
178. A hater of smoking - Misocapnic
179. A Bad smell or taste - Foul
180. A person who helps in a wrong deed or crime - Accomplice / Accessary
181. Helpful but not an essential part - Accessory
182. A Holy or sacred place - Sanctuary
183. Honesty and uprightness of character - Integrity
184. That which cannot be altered - Unalterable / Irrevocable
185. Killing of large numbers of Defenceless people - Massacre
186. The murder of political reasons - Assassination
187. The murder of one's sister - Sorocide
188. The Murder Of One's husband - Mariticide
189. The murder of one's mother - Matricide
190. The murder of one's wife - Uxoricide
191. A large retail store - Emporium
192. A large destruction by fire - Holocaust
193. A Law making body of a country / state - Legislature
194. A legal enquiry to find out faults - Inquisition
195. A list and explanation of difficult words - Glossary
196. A lover of animals - Philozoic
197. A Lover of Arts - Philotechnic
198. A Lover of dogs - Canophilist
199. A lover of God - Philotheist
200. A lover of learning - Philomath
201. A Lover of women - Philogynist
202. A Lover of poetry and art - Philomuse
203. A marriage of God - Theogamy
204. A Medicine that induces sleep - Narcotic
205. A name drived from father's name - Patronymic
206. That which is not composed of matter - Incorporeal
207. A notice of the death of a person - Obituary
208. One who cannot die - Immortal
209. One who always gets into trouble - Scapegrace
210. One who fluently speaks many languages - Polygot
211. One who goes for a secret official mission - Emissary
212. One who habitually talks while sleeping - Somniloquist
213. One who walks while asleep - Somnambulist
214. One who is excessively patriotic - Chauvinist
215. One who analyses handwriting - Graphologist
216. One who makes a secret plan against somebody - Conspirator
217. One who receives something - Recipient
218. One who regains health and strength after illness - Convalescent
219. One who plans to destroy all governments - Anarchist
220. One who studies the mind - Psychologist
221. One who speaks two languages - Bilingual
222. One who takes an active part in politics - Activist
223. One who witnesses secretly to private conversation - Eavesdropper
224. A person who belongs to a region from earliest time - Aboriginal
225. A permanent military station - Cantonment
226. A perfect happiness - Ecstasy / Bliss
227. A person who holds a high office - Dignitary
228. A Person who is kept as a prisoner - Captive
229. A person who takes part in state affairs - Statesman
230. A person who files a suit - Plaintiff
231. A person who uses disruptive forces to bring about political or social change - Extremist
232. A policy of extending a country's empire and influence - Imperialism
233. Persuade by flattery - Cajole
234. A political system without opposition - Totalitarianism
235. A person who is reserved in speech - Reticent
236. Science of poisons - Toxicology
237. Science of time - Horology
238. Science of the races of mankind and their relation to one another - Ethnology
239. Science of the fossils - Palaentology
240. A Temple dedicated to all the Gods - Pantheon
241. That which is pig like - Porcine
242. That which can easily we curved without breaking - Flexible
243. That which eats grass - Herbivore
244. That which has very harmful and dangerous effects - Detrimental
245. That which is corpse like - Cadaverous
246. That which is cat like - Feline
247. That which is cow like - Bowine
248. That which is fish like - Piscine
249. That which is Morally dangerous - Pestiferous
250. That which is prohibited by law - Prohibitory
251. A whole body of wage earners - Proletariat
252. The word whose meaning is difficult to understand - Abstruse
253. Writing material pen , paper etc - Stationery
254. A post without remuneration - Honorary
255. A woman whose husband is dead - Widow
256. An outline of a play , opera - Scenario
257. A man whose wife is dead - Widower
258. A woman who entertains guests - Hostess
259. A vehicle which is used to carry a sick or wounded person - Ambulance
260. A vehicle which is used to carry a dead body - Hearse
261. A person who is very cruel - Fiend
262. A written statement which gives us information - Memorandum
263. A person who visits other countries for pleasure - Tourists
264. A thing which can easily be broken - Fragile
265. Looking upon dark side of things - Pessimism
266. A person who looks at the dark side of the things - Pessimist
267. Looking upon bright side of things - Optimism
268. A person who looks at the bright side of the things - Optimist
269. An idle talk - Gossip
270. That which cannot be understood - Incomprehensible
271. A substance which is used to kill an insect - Insecticide
272. A substance which is used to kill a germ - Germicide
273. A Substance which prevents wound from germs - Antiseptic
274. A Swelling part of a body - Inflammation
275. A person who is specialist in pregnancy and childbirth - Obstetrician
276. A Speech / statement which is delivered without preparation - Extempore
277. A person who is a specialist in bone disease - Orthopaedist
278. A Women who is a specialist in reproductive organs - Gynaecologist
279. A person who is a specialist in heart disease - Cardiologist
280. A person who is a specialist in nervous system - Neurologist
281. A person who is a specialist in child disease - Pediatrician
282. A Reminder of something - Momento
283. A person who examines teeth - Dentist
284. A person who examines eyesight and sells glasses - Optician
285. A group of ship - Fleet
286. A person who eat human flesh - Cannibal
287. Persons living at the same time - Contemporary
288. Person having the same opinions - Unanimous
289. A plant or an animal which lives on another - Parasite
290. A child whose parents are dead - Orphan
291. A person who is a great lover of his country - Patriot
292. A person who brings in goods from a foreign country - Importer
293. A person who sends goods to another country - Exporter
294. The dead body of a human being - Corpse
295. The dead body of an animal - Carcase
296. A person who writes the life history of another person - Biographer
297. A person who writes his life history - Autobiographer
298. The life history of a person written by himself - Autobiography
299. The life history of a person written by another - Biography
300. A man who remains unmarried - Bachelor
301. A woman who remains unmarried - Spinster / Maid
302. One who can read and write - Literate
303. One who cannot read and write - Illiterate
304. One who believes in the existence of God - Theist
305. One who does not believe in the existence of God - Atheist
306. A person who lives in a foreign country - Alien
307. A person who leaves his own country and goes to settle in another - Emigrant
308. A Medicine which induces vomiting - Emetic
309. That cannot be exhausted - Inexhaustible
310. A person who comes to one country from another to settle - Immigrant
311. One who commits the First Act of attack - Aggressor
312. One who is all of powerful - Omnipotent
313. One who is present everywhere - Omnipresent
314. One who knows everything - Omniscient
315. One who believes in fate - Fatalist
316. One who loves mankind - Philanthropist
317. One who plays , sings , Paints pictures etc not for money , but for the love of it - Amateur
318. The letters used in writing a language - Alphabet
319. Yearly return of the date of an event - Anniversary
320. A substance like Ether , chloroform - Anaesthetic
321. A person who is skilled in making analysis - Analyst
322. One who eats too much - Glutton
323. A female of gander - Goose
324. A place of shelter for ships - Harbour
325. An equipment of a horse - Harness
326. A Spear on a rope for catching Whales and other larger fish - Harpoon
327. An adult male of deer - Hart
328. A plane figure of seven sides - Heptagon
329. A number of animals kept feeding or travelling together - Herd
330. A plane figure with six sides - Hexagon
331. A person who takes part in a hijack - Hijacker
332. A word that is the same in sound as another but different in meaning - Homonym
333. A Supreme ruler - Monarch
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