General Awareness! Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 12|

General Awareness! Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 12|

SSC CGL Previous Year Question Paper - 2011

1. Coronation of Shivaji took place in 

1. 1627 AD

2. 1674 AD

3. 1680 AD

4. 1670 AD

2. The system of Dyarchy was introduced in India in 

1. 1909

2. 1935

3. 1919

4. 1945

3. The editor of 'Young India' and 'Harijan' was

1. Nehru

2. Ambedkar

3. Mahatma Gandhi

4. Subash Chandra Bose

4. Who of the following attended all the Three Round Table Conference ?

1. B. R. Ambedkar

2. M. M. Malavia

3. Vallabh Bhai Patel

4. Gandhiji

5. Which is the largest living bird on Earth ?

1. Ernu

2. Ostrich

3. Albatross

4. Siberian Crane

6. Rihand Dam Project provides irrigation to 

1. Gujarat and Maharashtra

2. Orissa and west Bengal

3. Uttar Pradesh and Bihar

4. Kerala and Karnataka

7. The Headquarters of MCF ( Master Control Facility ) the nerve centre of the entire space craft operations in India is at 

1. Hyderabad - Andrea Pradesh

2. Thumba - Kerala

3. Sriharikota - Andra Pradesh

4. Hassan - Karnataka

8. Which is the longest irrigation canal in India ?

1. Sirhind Canal

2. Yamuna Canal

3. Indira Gandhi Canal

4. East Koshi Canal

9. Which one of the following minerals is found in Monazite sand ?

1. Potassium

2. Uranium

3. Thorium

4. Sodium

10. In coriander, the useful parts are

1. Roots and leaves

2. Leaves and flowers

3. Leaves and dried fruits

4. Flowers and dried fruits

11. Which plant us called 'Herbal Indian Doctor' ?

1. Amla

2. Mango

3. Neem

4. Tulsi

12. The pH of human blood is

1. 7.2

2. 7.8

3. 6.6

4. 7.4

13. Which amongst the following is largest gland in the body ?

1. Thyroid

2. Parathyroid

3. Adrenal

4. Pituitary

14. Which amongst the following is the largest mammal ?

1. Elephant

2. Whale

3. Dinosaur

4. Rhinoceros

15. Which part becomes modified as the tusk of elephant ?

1. Canine

2. Premolar

3. Second incisor

4. Molar

16. Optical fibres are based on the phenomenon of 

1. Interference

2. Dispersion

3. Diffraction

4. TIR

17. Now-a-days yellow lamps are frequently used as street lights. Which of the following gases is used in these lamps ?

1. Sodium

2. Neon

3. Hydrogen

4. Nitrogen

18. 'Mirage' is an example of 

1. Refraction of light only

2. Total Internal Reflection and reflection only

3. Refraction and TIR of light

4. Dispersion of light

19. The phenomenon of light associated with the appearance of blur colour of the sky is

1. Interference

2. Reflection

3. Refraction

4. Scattering

20. In which of the following areas, a spreadsheet software is more useful ?

1. Psychology

2. Publishing

3. Statistics

4. Message sending

21. A group ware is a

1. Hardware

2. Network

3. Software

4. Firmware

22. Lens is made up of 

1. Pyrex glass

2. Flint glass

3. Ordinary glass

4. Cobalt glass

23. The element which is used for vulcanizing rubber

1. Sulphur

2. Bromine

3. Silicon

4. Phosphorus

24. Which of the following is responsible for the extra strength of pyrex glass ?

1. Potassium carbonate

2. Lead oxide

3. Borax

4. Ferric oxide 

25. The noble gas used for the treatment of cancer is

1. Helium

2. Argon

3. Krypton

4. Radon

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