General Awareness! Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 6|

General Awareness! Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 6|

SSC CGL Previous Year Question Paper - 2005

1. Who is the author of the book 'Apprenticeship of a Mahatma' on which the film called 'The Making of the Mahatma' is based ?

1. Arundhati Roy

2. Shyam Benegal

3. Shobha De

4. Fatima Meer

Ans :  4

2. The 'Break-even point' is where

1. Marginal revenue equals marginal cost

2. Average revenue equals average cost

3. Total revenue equals total costs

4. None of these

Ans :  2

3. South-South dialogue is associated with

1. Co-operation among developing nations 

2. Arms conference 

3. Summit meeting between developed and developing countries

4. All of the above

Ans :  1

4. How far did the Indian Team reach in the Women's Cricket World Cup Tournament 2005 held in South Africa ?

1. Finals

2. Semifinals

3. Quarter-finals 

4. Preliminary round

Ans :  1

5. Rate of interest is determined by 

1. The rate of return on the capital invested

2. Central Govt.

3. Liquidity preference

4. Commercial Banks

Ans :  3

6. Which of the following has not been a component of the agricultural strategy that brought about the Green Revolution ?

1. Greater Intensity of cropping

2. Guaranteed maximum prices

3. New agricultural technology 

4. Package of inputs 

Ans :  2

7. Which of the following makes the skin layer impervious to water ?

1. Collagen 

2. Melanin

3. Keratin

4. Chitin

Ans :  4

8. Generally, the soil of the northern plains of India has been formed by

1. Degradation

2. Aggradation

3. Weathering in situ

4. Erosion

Ans :  2

9. Two richest known sources of edible protein are

1. Meat and eggs

2. Milk and vegetables

3. Soyabeen and groundnut

4. Some time of algae and other micro-organisms

Ans :  3

10. Which of the following weeds has been found useful to check water pollution caused by industrial affluents ?

1. Parthenium

2. Elephant grass

3. Water hyacinth

4. Both 1 and 2

Ans :  4

11. Cloud is a colloidal dispersion of

1. Air is a dispersion medium of water

2. Fog in a dispersion medium of water

3. Mist in a dispersion medium of air

4. Water drops in a dispersion medium of air

Ans :  4

12. The fourth state of matter is known as 

1. Gas 

2. Vapour

3. Plasma

4. Electrons

Ans :  3

13. Lamberts law is related to 

1. Reflection

2. Refraction

3. Interference

4. Illumination

Ans :  4

14. Which of the following laws validates the statement that matter can neither be created nor be destroyed ?

1. Law of conservation of energy

2. Le Chatelier's Principle 

3. Law of conservation of mass

4. Law of osmosis

Ans :  3

15. Decible is the unit used for

1. Speed of light

2. Intensity og heat

3. Intensity of sound

4. Radio waves frequency

Ans :  3

16. Conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy occurs in 

1. Dynamos

2. Electric heaters 

3. Battery

4. Atomic bombs

Ans :  3

17. Which of the following is the petroleum wax ?

1. Bees wax

2. Carnauba wax

3. Paraffin wax

4. Jojoba wax

Ans :  3

18. Which variety of coal contains recognisable traces of the original plant material ?

1. Anthracite

2. Lignite

3. Peat

4. Bitumen

Ans :  3

19. Which is the purest form of iron ?

1. Steel

2. Cast iron

3. Pig iron

4. Wrought iron

Ans :  4

20. Which of the following metals form an amalgam with other metals ?

1. Lead

2. Tin

3. Zinc

4. Mercury

Ans :  4

21. The ideology of fascism developed in 

1. Germany

2. Japan

3. Italy

4. Russia

Ans :  3

22. Decision of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative votes of _____ members.

1. 11

2. 10

3. 8

4. 9

Ans :  4

23. Which Article of the Constitution of India accords special status to the State of Jammu and Kashmir ?

1. 324

2. 311

3. 370

4. 356

Ans :  3

24. In order to be recognised as an official opposition Group in the Parliament. How many seats should it have ?

1. 1/3rd of the total strength

2. 1/4th of the total strength

3. 1/6th of the total strength

4. 1/10th of the total strength

Ans :  4

25. What does the "Judicial Review" function of the Supreme Court mean ?

1. Review its own judgement

2. Review the functioning of judiciary in the country

3. Examine the constitutional validity of the laws

4. Undertake  periodic review of the constitution 

Ans :  3

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