General Awareness! Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 9|

General Awareness! Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 9|

SSC CGL Previous Year Question Paper - 2010

Held on : 16-05-2010

1st Sitting ! Set - 9

1. A concave lens always forms an image which is 

1. Real and erect

2. Virtual and erect

3. Real and inverted

4. Virtual and inverted

Ans : 2

2. A vitamin requires cobalt for its activity. The vitamin is 

1. Vitamin B12

2. Vitamin D

3. Vitamin B2

4. Vitamin A

Ans : 1

3. One of the constituents of tear gas is 

1. Ethane

2. Ethanol

3. Ether

4. Chloropicrin

Ans : 4

4. The modulus of rigidity is the ratio of 

1. Longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain

2. Volume stress to volume strain

3. Shearing stress to shearing strain 

4. Tensile stress to tensile strain 

Ans : 2

5. The propagation of sound waves in a gas involves

1. Adiabatic compression and rarefaction

2. Isothermal compression and rarefaction

3. Isochoric compression and rarefaction

4. Isobaric compression and rarefaction

Ans : 1

6. An atomic clock is based on transition in 

1. Sodium

2. Caesium

3. Magnesium

4. Aluminum

Ans : 2

7. Plasma membrane in eukaryotic cells is made up of 

1. Phospholipid

2. Lipoprotein

3. Phospholipo-protein

4. Phosphorus - protein

Ans : 1

8. Which one of the following is also called the 'power plants' of the cell ?

1. Golgi body

2. Mitochondria

3. Ribosomes

4. Lysosome 

Ans : 2

9. What is the chemical name of vinegar ?

1. Citric acid

2. Acetic acid

3. Pyruvic acid 

4. Malic acid

Ans : 2

10. Which is the following is not a property of heavy water ?

1. Boiling point of heavy water is lower than that or ordinary water

2. Density of heavy water is higher than that of ordinary water

3. Freezing point of heavy water is higher than that of ordinary water

4. It produces corrosion

Ans : 1

11. In which of the following processes is energy released ?

1. Respiration

2. Photosynthesis

3. Ingestion

4. Absorption

Ans : 1

12. Animals living in the three trunks are known as 

1. Arboreal

2. Volant

3. Amphibious

4. Aquatic

Ans : 1

13. Arrange the following in chronological order:

1. Tughlaq

2. Lodi's

3. Sayyad

4. Ilbari Turks

5. Khiljis

Ans : 4

14. The book titled "The Indian war of independence" was written by

1. Krishna Verna

2. Madame Cama

3. B. G. Tilak

4. V. D. Savarkar

Ans : 4

15. Who was the founder of the 'Servants of India society' ?

1. G. K. Gokhle

2. M. G. Ranade

3. B. G. Tilak

4. Bipin Chandra Pal

Ans : 1

16. The term 'Caste' was derived from

1. Portuguese

2. Dutch

3. German

4. English

Ans : 1

17. The term 'Greater India ' denotes

1. Political Unity

2. Cultural Unity

3. Religious Unity

4. Social Unity

Ans : 2

18. Formalized system of trading agreements with groups of countries is known as 

1. Trading blocks

2. Trade ventures

3. Trade partners 

4. Trade organisation

Ans : 1

19. Mahatma Gandhi was profoundly influenced by the writings of 

1. Bernard Shaw

2. Karl Marx 

3. Lenin

4. Leo Tolstoy

Ans : 4

20. Seismic sea waves which approach the coasts at greater force are known as 

1. Tides 

2. Tsunamis

3. Current

4. Cyclone

Ans : 2

21. Depression formed due to deflating action of winds are called 

1. Playas

2. Yardang

3. Ventifacts

4. Sand dunes

Ans : 2

22. The land of maximum biodiversity is 

1. Tropical

2. Temperate

3. Monsoonal

4. Equatorial

Ans : 1

23. If input frequency of a full wave rectifier be n, then output frequency would be

1. n/2

2. n

3. 3n/2

4. 2n

Ans : 4

24. Heat transfer horizontally within the atmosphere is called 

1. Conduction 

2. Convection

3. Absorption

4. Advection

Ans : 2

25. Indian Standard Time ( IST ) relates to

1. 75.5° E longitude

2. 82.5° E longitude

3. 90.5° E longitude

4. 0° longitude

Ans : 2

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