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General Awareness!Previous Year Paper of SSC CGL Tier - 1with Solutions|SET - 44|

General Awareness!Previous year paper of SSC CGL Tier-1 with Solutions|SET - 44|

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General Awareness!Previous year paper of SSC CGL Tier-1 with Solutions|SET - 44|

1. MUDRA Bank has been launched to help :

1. Small business

2. Marginal farmers 

3. Poor Women

4. Rural sector

Ans - 1

Detailed Answer : 

Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Bank (or MUDRA  Bank ) is a new institution setup by the Government of India to provide the funding to the non-corporate small business sector. It will provide its services to small entrepreneurs outside the service area of regular banks , by using last mile agents.

2. Which of the following controls the insurance business of India ?

1. RBI




Ans - 4

Detailed Answer : 

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) is an autonomous , statutory agency tasked with regulating and promoting the insurance and re-insurance industries in India. It was constituted by the insurance regulatory and Development Authority Act , 1999.

Economics! Tax Structure In India for SSC Exam 

Best important Previous year questions Of Economics on tax structure in india

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Awards and Honors,

3. The Speaker of Lok Sabha addresses his letter of resignation to the 

1. President of India

2. Prime Minister

3. Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha

4. The Chief Justice of India

Ans - 3

Detailed Answer : 

According to Article 94 of Indian Constitution , a member holding office as Speaker or Deputy Speaker of the House of the people may at any time , by writing under his hand addressed , if such member is the Speaker , to the Deputy Speaker , and if such member is the Deputy Speaker , to the speaker , resign is office.

4. Who presided over the first session of the Indian National Congress ?

1. A. O. Hume

2. Surendranath Banerjee

3. W. C. Banerjee

4. Badruddin Tayyabji

Ans - 3

Detailed Answer : 

Womesh Chandra Banerjee presided over the first session of the Indian National Congress held at Bombay in 1885 from 28 December to 31st December and attended by 72 members. He was also the first Indian to contest the election for the British House of Commons although he lost the election.

5. Which of the following writers has called Akbar's Din-i-Ilahi as a monument of his folly , not of wisdom ?

1. Badayuni

2. Vincent Smith

3. Barni

4. W. Haig

Ans - 2

Detailed Answer : 

Vincent Arthur Smith, a British Indologist and art historian, in his book titled "The Early History of India,' described whole scheme of Din-i-Ilahi as the outcome of ridiculous vanity, monstrous growth of unrestrained autocracy - a moment of Akbar's folly, not of his wisdom." 

He further called it "a silly invention".

6. Which of the following region in India is now regarded as an "Ecological Hot Spot" ?

1. Western Himalayas

2. Eastern Himalayas

3. Western Ghats

4. Eastern Ghats

Ans - 3

Detailed Answer : 

Western Ghats is regarded as one of the world's ten "Hottest Biodiversity hotspots".

It has over 7,402 species of flowering plants, 1,814 species of non flowering plants, 139 mammal species, 508 bird species, 179 amphibian species, 6000 insects species and 290 fresh water fish species.

Atleast 325 globally threatened species occur in the western Ghats.

7. The Beaufort scale is used to measure : 

1. Atmospheric pressure

2. Altitudes of mountains

3. Wind velocity

4. Intensity of earthquakes

Ans - 3

Detailed Answer : 

The Beaufort scale is an empirical measure for describing wind velocity based on observed Sea conditions.

The scale was devised in 1805 by Irish-born Francis Beaufort ( later Rear Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort), a Royal Navy Officer, while serving in HMS Woolwich.

8. The waste management technique that involves the use of micro-organisms to remove or neutralize pollutants from contaminated site is called :

1. Biosensor

2. Biomagnification

3. Bioremediation

4. Bioconcentration

Ans - 3

Detailed Answer : 

Bioremediation is a waste management technique that involves the use of organisms to remove or neutralize pollutants from a contaminated site.

It uses naturally occurring organisms to break down hazardous substances into less toxic or non-toxic substances.

There are two classes of bio remediation used : In situ & Ex situ.

9. In IT networking , which of the following device is used in physical layer ?

1. Repeater

2. Router

3. Transport Gateway

4. Bridge

Ans - 1

Detailed Answer : 

In the seven-layer OSI model of computer networking, the physical layer or layer 1 is the first and lowest layer.

Devices that operate at the physical layer include repeaters,  hubs, network interface cards (NICs), cables and connectors.

Repeaters are used to regenerate electrical signals that have attenuated (i.e. weakened) as a result of distance.

10. The purest form of water in nature is

1. Rain water

2. Lake water

3. River water

4. Sea water

Ans - 1

Detailed Answer : 

Rainwater is often considered the purest form of water available on the Earth.

The evaporation of water by the sun allows the Salts and other impurities to be left behind out of the water.

However, in reality, rainwater is often much less than pure when it reaches the surface of the Earth due to the high pollution of air with toxic gases.

11. The source of energy that causes the least global warming is

1. Coal

2. Geothermal energy

3. Natural gas

4. Petroleum

Ans - 2

Detailed Answer : 

Fossil fuels - Coal, Petroleum and natural gas - are the primary culprit behind climate change.

They contribute more than 80% of greenhouse gas emissions- and 98% of carbon dioxide emissions alone.

On the contrary, Geothermal Energy is thermal energy generated and stored in the earth.

It is clean and sustainable.

12. The constellation 'Sapta Rishi' is known as Westerners as the :

1. Seven Monks

2. Alpha Centauri

3. Big Dipper

4. Small Bear

Ans - 3

Detailed Answer : 

The Big Dipper is an asterism consisting of the seven brightest stars of the constellation Ursa Major.

In Hindu astronomy, it is referred to as the "collection of Seven Great Sages" (saptarishi Mandal), as each star is named after mythical Hindu sage.

13. Bridge is the technique used in

1. Athletics

2. Wrestling

3. Weight lifting

4. Karate

Ans - 2

Detailed Answer : 

The bridge is a grappling move used in wrestling and other grappling and ground fighting Sports, often combined with a twisting motion, to dislodge or flip an opponent who has established a position on top.

It is performed from a supine position, lying down face-up.

14. Which of the following books is called the 'Bible of Socialism' ?

1. Economics of Welfare

2. Das Capital

3. Value and Capital

4. Asian Drama

Ans - 2

Detailed Answer : 

In 1867, Karl Marx wrote the first volume of capital : Critique of Political Economy (Das Kapital) which became known as the "Bible of the Working Class" or the "Bible of Socialism".

The book is a foundational theoretical text in communist philosophy, economics and politics.

It offered a critique of the political economy of capitalism.

15. Which country recently detonated its first hydrogen bomb ?

1. North Korea

2. South Korea

3. Iran

4. Libya

Ans - 1

Detailed Answer : 

North Korea in, January 2016, claimed to have successfully detonated its first hydrogen bomb as a "self-defence against the US Pyongyang claimed to have detonated a bomb at Punggye -ri, North Korea's main nuclear testing site after South Korean officials detected unusual seismic activity.

16. The Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana ( SJSRY ) mainly aims at creating employment opportunities for

1. Both self employment and wage employment in urban areas

2. Self employment in urban areas only

3. Wage employment in urban areas only

4. None of these

Ans - 1

Detailed Answer : 

The Swarna Jayanti Shahri Rojgar Yojana (SJSRY) seeks to provide gainful employment to the urban unemployed or under employed through the setting up of self-employment ventures or provision of wage employment.

It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme which came into effect on 1 December 1997.

17. Who is known as the 'Father of Green Revolution' in India ?

1. G. Paul

2. Norman Borlaug

3. Van Neil

4. Dr. Mitchell

Ans - 2

Detailed Answer : 

Norman Borlaug, an American biologist and humanitarian, is globally known as the Father of Green Revolution for introducing techniques that contributed to the extensive increases in agricultural production. 

He is credited with saving over a billion people worldwide from starvation. 

M. S. Swaminathan is known as "Indian Father of Green Revolution" for his leadership in introducing and further developing high-yielding varieties of wheat in India. 

18. The component used for tuning a radio is basically a variable : 

1. Resistor

2. Condenser

3. Inductor

4. Transformer

Ans - 2

Detailed Answer : 

A tuning capacitor or tuning condenser is a variable capacitor used in an electronic circuit of a radio.

It usually connects in parallel to a loop antenna and its capacitance may be intentionally and repeatedly changed mechanically or electronically.

19. Which of the following is not a Donor atom ?

1. Phosphorus

2. Antimony

3. Arsenic

4. Aluminium

Ans - 4

Detailed Answer : 

Aluminium is an acceptor, an impurity atom in a semiconductor, which can accept or take up one or more electrons from the crystal and become negatively charged.

In semiconductor physics.

It is a dopant atom that when added to a semiconductor can form a p-type region.

For example, when silicon (Si), having four valence electrons, needs to be doped as a p-type semiconductor, elements from group III like Boron (B) or Aluminium (Al), having 3 valence electrons, can be used.

The latter elements are also called trivalent impurities.

Other trivalent dopants include indium (In) and gallium (Ga).

20. Which of the following party was founded by Subhash Chandra Bose ?

1. Abhinav Bharat

2. Azad Hind Sena

3. Revolutionary Army

4. Forward Block

Ans - 4

Detailed Answer : 

Forward Block was founded by Subhash Chandra Bose in 1939 as a faction within the Indian National Congress. 

It stood for complete independence of India and carrying on anti-imperialist struggle till the goal was achieved.

The party stood for social ownership and control of both means of production and distribution.

21. 0°K is equivalent to : 

1. 273°C

2. -273°C

3. 0°C

4. 100°C

Ans - 2

Detailed Answer : 

0°K is equal to -273.15°C.

It is the lowest possible temprature, at which all molecules are have the least possible amount of kinetic energy.

It refers to a state at which the enthalpy and entropy of a cooled ideal gas reaches its minimum value, taken as 0.

22. The oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from : 

1. Water

2. Carbon dioxide

3. Glucose

4. Chlorophyll

Ans - 1

Detailed Answer : 

The oxygen produced during photosynthesis comes from water. 

The electrons excited by light in the chlorophyll molecule are replaced by electrons produced from the oxidation of water into oxygen. 

Photosynthesis combines water and carbon dioxide into sugars, leaving oxygen gas as a waste product.

23. First national park of India that was established in 1936 was named as : 

1. Kanha National Park

2. Bharatpur National Park

3. Hailey National Park

4. Rajaji National Park

Ans - 3

Detailed Answer : 

India's first national park was established in 1936 as Hailey National Park to protect the endangered Bengal Tiger.

It is now known as Jim Corbett National Park.

It is located in Nainital district of Uttarakhand and was named after Jim Corbet, a British-Indian hunter and tracker-turned- conservationist, who played a key role in its establishment.

24. Who is the first Indian female amputee climb Mount Everest ?

1. Arunima Sinha

2. Bachendri Pal

3. Santosh Yadav

4. Premlata Agrawal

Ans - 1

Detailed Answer : 

Arunima Sinha is the first female Indian amputee to scale the Mount Everest, a feat which she achieved on May 21, 2013.

She has climbed four of the seven Summits, including Mount Everest (2013), Mount Kilimanjaro (2014), Mount Kosciuszko (2015).

Tom Whittaker, a British mountaineer, was the first person with a disability to Summit the Mount Everest in 1998.

25. The term 'Higgs Boson' is associated with:

1. Nano Technology

2. Oncology

3. God Partical

4. Stem Cell Research

Ans - 3

Detailed Answer : 

The Higgs Boson is an elementary particle in the standard Model of particle physics. 

That is often referred toas the "God Particle" in popular media outside the scientific community.

The nickname comes from the title of the 1993 book on the Higgs Boson and particle physics, The God Particle : if the Universe Is the Answer, What is the Question? By Nobel Physics prize winner Leon Lederman.

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General Awareness!Previous year paper of SSC CGL Tier-1 with Solutions|SET - 40|

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