Most Important Questions On Ecology And Environment ! पारिस्थितिकी एवं पर्यावरण

Ecology & Environment

पारिस्थितिकी एवं पर्यावरण

Most Important Questions On Ecology And Environment ! पारिस्थितिकी एवं पर्यावरण

1. Which one of the following gases is supporter of Combustion ?

1. Hydrogen

2. Nitrogen 

3. Carbon dioxide

4. Oxygen 

Ans : 4

2. Which of the following methods is suitable for soil conservation in hilly region?

1. Terracing and contour bunding 

2. Shifting Cultivation

3. Contour ploughing

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

1. 1 & 3 only

2. 2 only

3. 3 only

4. 1 , 2 & 3

Ans : 1

3. National Biodiversity Authority is located at :

1. Puducherry

2. Mangalore

3. Hyderabad

4. Chennai

Ans : 4

4. What causes dough [a mixture of flour , water etc] to rise when yeast is added to it ?

1. An increase in the temprature

2. An increase in the amount of substance

3. An increase in the number of yeast cells

4. Release of carbon dioxide gas

Ans : 4

5. The rapidly growing mass of phytoplankton covering the surface water of a lake or pond is known as :

1. Water pollution

2. Water hyacinth

3. Eutrophication

4. Water bloom

Ans : 3

6. Biodiversity is richer in :

1. Tropical regions

2. Polar regions

3. Temperate regions

4. Oceans

Ans : 1

7. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?

1. Producer - Deer

2. Primary consumer - Leopard

3. Secondary consumer - Grass

4. Decomposer - Bacteria

Ans : 4

8. The deciduous trees will : 

1. Synthesise their own food

2. Depend on others for their food

3. Shed their leaves every year

4. Not lose their leaves

Ans : 3

9. Which method of water purification does not kill microorganisms ?

1. Boiling

2. Filtration

3. Chlorination

4. UV - irradiation

Ans : 2

10. Nitric oxide pollution can lead to all the following , except

1. Leaf Spotting in plants

2. Bronchitis related respiratory problems in human

3. Production of corrosive gases

4. Silicosis in human

Ans : 2

11. The keibul Lamjao , the only floating National Park in the world is in

1. Assam

2. Meghalaya

3. Manipur

4. Mizoram

Ans : 3

12. Which of the gas is not known as Greenhouse gas ?

1. Methane

2. Carbon dioxide

3. Nitrous Oxide

4. Hydrogen

Ans : 4

13. Trans boundary pollution or Acid rain is caused by

1. Nitrogen oxide and Sulphur dioxide

2. Carbon monoxide

3. Carbon dioxide

4. Hydrocarbon

Ans : 1

14. In the past decade , which of the following has not been a major cause of the increase in the world's population ?

1. Longer lifespan

2. Lower infant mortality

3. Increase in birth rate

4. Improved sanitation

Ans : 3

15. Acceptable "Noise Pollution Level" in India range between :

1. 10 - 15 dec

2. 16 - 35 dec

3. 40 - 45 dec

4. 70 - 100 dec

Ans : 3

16. Endosulfan spray on Cashew crop result in the pollution to the tune of tragedy in : 

1. Tamil Nadu

2. Kerala

3. Andra Pradesh

4. Karnataka

Ans : 2

17. Which of the following series is true about energy flow in an ecosystem ?

1. Producers - Decomposers - Consumers

2. Decomposers - Consumers - Producers

3. Producers - Consumers - Decomposers

4. Consumers - Producers - Decomposers

Ans : 3

18. Which of the following three R's are regarded as environment friendly ?

1. Reduce , Rebuild , Restrict

2. Random , Reduce , Recall

3. Read , Register , Recall

4. Reduce , Reuse , Recycle

Ans : 4

19. Chloro fluoro carbons are widely used in 

1. Micro ovens

2. Solar heaters

3. Washing machines

4. Refrigerators

Ans : 4

20. In which Eco-system Grassland is included ?

1. Marine

2. Fresh water

3. Terrestrial

4. Artificial

Ans : 3

21. The main pollutant responsible for Bhopal Gas Tragedy is :

1. Methyl isocyanate

2. Bromine

3. Chloro fluoro carbon

4. Chlorine

Ans : 1

22. An organism which can monitor air pollution is : 

1. Algae

2. Fungi

3. Bacteria

4. Lichen

Ans : 4

23. The famous 3 p's of environmental awareness are : 

1. Population , Politics , Price

2. Population , Poverty , Pollution

3. People , Poverty , Politics

4. Power , Production , Pollution

Ans : 1

24. Which among the following is Symbiosis Nitrogen-Fixing bacteria ?

1. Pseudomonas

2. Rhizobium

3. Azotobacter

4. Xanthomonas

Ans : 3

25. Which of the following is a biodegradable pollutant ?

1. Bleaching effluent

2. Sewage

3. Heavy metals

4. Dye effluent

Ans : 2

26. The concentration of pollutants in atmosphere are generally in expressed in :

1. Parts per billion

2. Kilogram per square metre

3. Parts per trillion

4. Parts per million

Ans : 4

27. Which one among the following groups is the most abundant in terms of number of species identified ?

1. Fungi

2. Green plants

3. Bacteria

4. Insects

Ans : 3

28. Mulching , an agronomic manager of soil conservation , is very effective because it

1. Protects soil from gully erosion

2. Protects soil from sheetwash and wind erosion

3. Helps soil to retain moisture and nutrients 

Select the correct answer using the code given below.

1. 1 Only

2. 1 & 2 Only

3. 2 & 3 Only

4. 1 , 2 & 3

Ans : 4

29. Which of the following can we found as pollutants in the drinking water in some parts of India ?

1. Arsenic

2. Sorbitol

3. Fluoride

4. Formaldehyde

5. Uranium

Select the correct answers using the codes given below.

1. 1 & 3 only

2. 2 , 4 & 5 only

3. 1 , 3 & 5 only

4. All

Ans : 1

30. Consider the following pairs :

1. Nokrek Biosphere Reserve - Garo hills

2. Loktak lake - Barail Range

3. Namdapha National Park - Dafla Hills

Which of the above pairs is correctly matched.

1. 1 only

2. 2 & 3 only

3. 1 , 2 & 3

4. None

Ans : 1

31. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of ecosystems in the order of decreasing productivity ?

1. Oceans, lakes, grasslands, mangroves

2. Mangroves, Oceans, grasslands, lakes

3. Mangroves, grasslands, lakes, oceans 

4. Oceans, mangroves, lakes, grasslands

Ans : 3

32. Improper handling and storage of cereal grains and oilseeds result in the production of toxins known as aflatoxins which are not generally destroyed by normal cooking process. Aflatoxins are produced by 

1. Bacteria

2. Protozoa

3. Moulds

4. Viruses

Ans : 3

33. Bacteria and fungi act as .......within an ecosystem.

1. Primary Producers

2. Primary Consumers

3. Secondary Consumers

4. Decomposers

Ans : 4

34. A study of meadow ecosystem revealed the following trophic relationships :

Sweet clover - grasshoppers - toads - snakes

The primary Producers in the meadow is ....

1. Sweet clover

2. Grasshoppers

3. Toads

4. Snakes

Ans : 1

35. Which of the following is an example of secondary succession ?

1. Appearance of mosses and weeds on an exposed rock fence

2. Abandoned farm field covered with weeds and shrubs

3. Former pond now supporting growth of shrubs and trees

4. Establishment of plants on a newly formed island

Ans : 2

36. On 3 Dec 1984 due to leakage of a poisonous gas from the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal , thousands of people died. The poisonous gas responsible for this was -

1. Methyl cyanide

2. Hydrogen cyanide

3. Methyl iso carbide

4. Methyl isocyanate

Ans : 4

37. Gas released during Bhopal Gas Tragedy was -

1. Sodium isothiocyanate

2. Ethyl isothiocyanate

3. Potassium isothiocyanate

4. Methyl isothiocyanate

Ans : 4

38. Cadmium pollution is associated with - 

1. Minamata disease

2. Black foot disease

3. Dyslexia

4. Itai-itai

Ans : 4

39. Which one among the following industries produces the most non-biodegradable wastes ?

1. Thermal power plants

2. Food processing units

3. Textile mills

4. Paper mills

Ans : 1

40. The concept of 'carbon credit' originated from which one of the following ?

1. Kyoto Protocol

2. Earth Summit

3. Montreal Protocol

4. G-8 Summit

Ans : 1

41. Which one of the following strongly threatens biodiversity ? 

1. Fragile ecosystems such as mangroves and wetlands

2. Inaccessible habitats in the Himalayas

3. Destruction of natural habitats and vegetation , and jhum cultivation 

4. Creation of biosphere reserves

Ans : 3

42. Eco-Mark is given to an Indian product which is 

1. Rich in protein

2. Environment-friendly

3. Economically viable

4. Pure and unadulterated

Ans : 2

43. Which one of the following is not a site for in-situ method of conservation of flora ?

1. Biosphere Reserve

2. Botanical Garden

3. National Park

4. Wildlife Sanctuary

Ans : 2

44. An artificial ecosystem is represented by 

1. Pisciculture tank

2. Agriculture land

3. Aquarium

4. Zoo

Ans : 3

45. Global Warming is expected to result in -

1. Increase in level of sea

2. Change in crop pattern

3. Change in coastline

4. Each of the above

Ans : 4

46. The sun is a

1. Producer of water

2. Secondary source of energy

3. Primary producer of energy

4. Tertiary producer of energy

Ans : 3

47. Red data book gives information about species which are - 

1. Extinct

2. Endangered

3. Dangerous

4. Rare

Ans : 2

48. Man can maintain an ecological balance in the biosphere by - 

1. Deforestation

2. Developing new breeds of cultivated plants and domesticated animals

3. Using insecticides and pesticides

4. Understanding the delicated balance in the relative number of organisms

Ans : 4

49. Most waste generated in the house can be recycled , but there are certain items that can not be recycled. In the list given below , which item is not recyclable.

1. Newspaper

2. Plastic bags

3. Old medicines

4. Glass bottles

Ans : 2

50. Of the following which one pollutes the air of a big city ?

1. Copper

2. Chromium

3. Lead

4. Calcium

Ans : 3

51. Biodegradable wastes can usually be converted into useful substances with the help of 

1. Bacteria

2. Nuclear proteins

3. Radioactive substances

4. Viruses

Ans : 1

52. Ozone layer above the surface of Earth provides a shield against - 

1. X-rays

2. Ultra-violet rays

3. Gamma rays

4. Infra-red rays

Ans : 2

53. The permissible upper limit of Arsenic in water is - 

1. 0.005 gm / litre

2. 0.005 mg / litre

3. 0.05 mg / litre

4. 0.05 gm / litre

Ans : 3

54. Ground water in the Bengal basin is mostly contaminated by - 

1. Chromium

2. Lead

3. Cadmium

4. Arsenic

Ans : 4

55. A glass container chiefly enclosed for growing and displaying plants

1. Terrarium

2. Aquarium

3. Shark Tank

4. Ecolumn

Ans : 1

56. Heavy metal pollution of water is caused by - 

1. Domestic sewage

2. Wood burning

3. Acid plants

4. Paints

Ans : 1

57. Supersonic jet causes pollution by thinning of  - 

1. O3 layer

2. CO2 layer

3. SO2 layer

4. O2 layer

Ans : 1

58. Which of the following is biodegradable?

1. Paper

2. D. D. T.

3. Aluminium

4. Plastic

Ans : 1

59. In a food chain , the solar energy utilized by plants is only - 

1. 10 %

2. 0.01 %

3. 0.1 %

4. 1 %

Ans : 1

60. The largest ecosystem of the Earth is - 

1. Biosphere

2. Hydrosphere

3. Lithosphere

4. Biome

Ans : 2

61. Name the term commonly used for a technology that renders seeds sterile after the first generation.

1. Terminator Technology

2. Sterile Technology

3. Killer Technology

4. None of the above

Ans : 1

62. Name a commercial used , genetically modified cotton plant resistant to the Deadly cotton pest 'heliothis'

1. PR Cotton

2. Bt. Cotton

3. HR Cotton

4. Ht Cotton

Ans : 2

63. This nitrogenous plant converts Nitrogen gas from the air into inorganic nitrogen compounds which enrich the soil , and is often used as a rotation crop known as ?

1. Potatoes

2. Banana

3. Lentil

4. Onion

Ans : 3

64. Name the two most identifiable crops of the Green Revolution.

1. Rice and wheat

2. Rice and maize

3. Maize and rye

4. Waste and maize

Ans : 1

65. In this method of disposal of organic waste where the waste is converted into fertilizer , this creature is put in the waste. Name it

1. Cockroach

2. Earth worms

3. Bugs

4. Lizards

Ans : 2

66. When one animal is used to suppress another , it is called this. For example , if  snakes are encouraged in an area , the rodent population will be controlled. What is the term used ?

1. Technical Control of oests

2. Pest control

3. Botanical control of pests

4. Biological control of pests

Ans : 4

67. This naturally occurring element in the rice husk makes it termite resistant ?

1. Silicon

2. Phosphate

3. Nitrates

4. Fluoride

Ans : 1

68. When a plant is considered for tissue culture , one pre-requisite is that it has to disease free. What is the other ?

1. The leaves should be green

2. It should have high productivity

3. It should look strong

4. The stump should be thick

Ans : 2

69. The strain of rice was one of the first High Yielding Varieties of seeds developed in the world. Name it

1. IR-8

2. IS-7

3. RS-8

4. RV-9

Ans : 1

70. Due to advances in mechanization and the development of new strains of crops , food production - and consequently human population - has increased rapidly since the early 1800's. This sudden increase in food productivity has been referred to as the :

1. Genetic Revolution

2. Biotechnological Revolution

3. White Revolution

4. Green Revolution

Ans : 4

71. Which element is depleted most from the soil after a crop is harvested ?

1. Nitrogen

2. Potassium

3. Phosphate

4. Fluoride

Ans : 2

72. On this day in 1972 , the stockholm Conference on Human Environment was held in Sweden. Since then the World Environment Day is celebrated on this day. State the date : 

1. 8 March

2. 5 June

3. 22 May

4. 8 October

Ans : 2

73. The state's and citizen's responsibilities  for environmental protection is enshrined in the Constitution of India in the following two articles : 

1. 38G & 58A

2. 55B & 51D

3. 48A & 51G

4. 59B & 12D

Ans : 3

74. Which is the first state to implement the path-breaking proposal that environment should be included as a separate subject in schools ?

1. Delhi

2. Maharashtra

3. Kerala

4. Tamilnadu

Ans : 2

75. Earth Summit was held in - 

1. Chicago

2. Adilaide

3. Rio de Janeiro

4. London

Ans : 3

76. The wildlife week is celebrated from : 

1. 2-8 October

2. 1-7 june

3. 16-22 April

4. 14-20 January

Ans : 1

77. The Geysers , a large steam reservoir north of San Francisco , USA , is the world's largest source of : 

1. Coal

2. Geothermal power

3. Hydropower

4. Natural gas

Ans : 2

78. Cataract blinds at least 120 million people globally every year. What is the main cause ?

1. Heredity

2. Ultraviolet radiation

3. Unbalanced diet

4. Gasoline fumes

Ans : 2

79.What is the primary source of food for marine life ? 

1. Phytoplankton

2. Zooplankton

3. Sea weed

4. Grass

Ans : 1

80. Municipal waste is disposed in the open dumps , landfills , sanitary landfills , and is also burnt in large furnaces. This method is known as : 

1. Incineration

2. Blast furnace

3. Waste furnace

4. None of the above

Ans : 2

81. Which type of succession would probably result after a prescribed burn of nature Jack Pine in Northern Michigan ?

1. Primary

2. Secondary

3. Tertiary

4. None of these

Ans : 2

82. What is the term for the maximum number of individuals that an area can support indefinitely ?

1. Biotic potential

2. Carrying capacity

3. Niche

4. Maximum density

Ans : 2

83. Which of the following represents the most complex level ?

1. Community

2. Species

3. Ecosystem

4. Population

Ans : 3

84. Which of the following lists include only abiotic environmental factors ?

1. Food , temperature , fire , wind

2. Soil minerals , oxygen level , light , predators

3. Wind , rainfall , temperature , soil minerals

4. Light , food , predators , competitors

Ans : 3

85. In whitetail deer populations in Michigan , individuals most often show a...... pattern of dispersion.

1. Clumped

2. Banded

3. Uniform

4. Random

Ans : 4

86. All of the organisms living in a particular area make up......

1. A food chain

2. A population

3. A biological community

4. A biosphere

Ans : 3

87. An organisms "Trophic" level refers to ..?

1. The rate at which it uses energy

2. Where it lives

3. What it eats

4. Whether it is early or late in ecological succession

Ans : 3

88. The niche of an animal is best defined as:

1. The number of individuals of the species the environment will support

2. The same as its habitat

3. All the ways an animal fits into its environment

4. The specific place within the habitat where the animal lives

Ans : 4

89. A lichen is actually composed of two organisms - a fungus and an algae. They depend on each other for survival. The most specific term that describes the relationship is.......

1. Parasitism

2. Mutualism

3. commensalism

4. Symbiosis

Ans : 2

90. The term used for the conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings is

1. Core conservation

2. In-situ conservation

3. Ex-situ conservation

4. Peripheral conservation

Ans : 3

91. Project Tiger , programme to maintain a viable population of tigers in the country end to chalk out areas for their habitat , was launched in the year

1. 1975

2. 1973

3. 1974

4. 1971

Ans : 2

92. Sea Turtles are called living fossils for they have been on the earth in their present form for over 150 million years. Of the five species of sea Turtles found in the waters of the Indian subcontinent , which is the most populous species ?

1.  Keneps Ridley

2. Loggerhead

3. Olive Ridley

4. Flatback

Ans : 3

93. The Giant panda is the official symbol of the WWF. In which country is this animal found ?

1. China

2. India

3. Myanmar

4. New Zealand

Ans : 1

94. The Gir forest was declared a protected area to ensure that safety of this animal and to protect its last habitat. This forest in Gujarat is famous for

1. Lion

2. Tiger

3 leopard

4. Elephant

Ans : 1

95. An endangered animal , the elephas maximus is now predominantly found in the protected Wildlife sanctuaries and national parks of Kerala , Karnataka and Orissa. Its common name is

1. Blackbuck

2. Asian elephant

3. Wild buffalo

4. None of these

Ans : 2

96. One of the following bird species was thought to be extinct but has been Re discovered in India by the Bombay Natural History Society [BNHS] in 2002. Name the species.

1. Pink-headed duck

2. Himalayan Mountain Quail

3. Forest Owlet

4. Masked Finfoot

Ans : 3

97. Which of the following species of rhinoceros is said to be the most critically endangered species.

1. Indian one-horned rhino

2. Javan rhino

3. African black rhino

4. Sumatran rhino

Ans : 2

98. This state with the largest forest cover in the country is also the second richest in mineral deposits. Its forests are being destroyed due to effects of open cast mining of coal , iron ore , bauxite and copper. Name it.

1. Uttar Pradesh

2. Himachal Pradesh

3. Arunachal Pradesh

4. Madhya Pradesh

Ans : 4

99. There are three kinds of deserts in India : sand desert , salt desert and cold desert. One of the states has a cold desert. Name it.

1. Jammu and Kashmir

2. Himachal Pradesh

3. Rajasthan

4. Gujarat

Ans : 1

100. The following pollutant is not contained in the vehicular exhaust emissions :

1. Lead

2. Ammonia

3. Carbon monoxide

4. Particulate matter

Ans : 2

101. SPM stands for : 

1. Suspended Particulate Matter

2. Standard Particles Material

3. Suspended Particles Material

4. None of the above

Ans : 1

Ecology & Environment

पारिस्थितिकी एवं पर्यावरण

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