Top 30 Question Of National and International Organisation for SSC Exam

Top 30 Question Of National and International Organisation for SSC Exam

1. The first Earth summit was held at : 

1. Buenos Aires 

2. Rio De Janeiro

3. Dar-es-Salem

4. None of these

Ans : 2

2. Where was the fifth BRICS summit hosted by South Africa in March 2013 ?

1. Pretoria 

2. Cape Town

3. Durban 

4. Johannesburg

Ans : 3

3. The headquarters of which one of the following organisation is not in Geneva ?

1. Food and Agricultural Organisation

2. World Meteorological Organisation 

3. World Health Organisation

4. World Trade Organisation

Ans : 1

4. Which Country has been admitted in july 2013 as the 28th member of the European Union ?

1. Bulgaria

2. Croasia

3. Cyprus

4. Romania 

Ans : 2

5. Who was the first Chairman of the SAARC ?

1. Mr. Zia ur Rehman 

2. Lt. Gen. H. M. Ershad

3. King Birendra

4. Mrs Indira Gandhi

Ans : 2

6. Who among the following is not a human rights group ?

1. Green peace movement

2. Amnesty International

3. PUCL ( Peoples Union for Civil Liberties )

4. PUDR ( People Union for Democratic Rights )

Ans : 1

7. The total number of Judges of the International Court of Justice ( ICJ ) is : 

1. 10

2. 12

3. 15

4. 18

Ans : 3

8. The headquarter of the International Court of Justice is at : 

1. Geneva

2. The Hague

3. Rome

4. Vienna

Ans : 2

9. The International Atomic Energy Agency

 (IAEA) was created under the aegis of the UN in :

1. 1945

2. 1946

3. 1955

4. 1957

Ans : 4

10. India became a member of the United Nations in :

1. 1945

2. 1947

3. 1949

4. 1950

Ans : 1

11. In which year 'Human Rights Resolution' was adopted by the UN ?

1. 1945

2. 1946

3. 1947

4. 1948

Ans : 1

12. Which one among the following is the first UN agency to accept Palestine as its full member in Oct 2011 ?


2. WTO

3. WHO

4. IMF

Ans : 1

13. The first Asian Secretary-general og U.N.O. was

1. Vijay Laxmi Pandit

2. U. Thant

3. Trygve Lie

4. Kurt Waldheum

Ans : 3

14. On 8th march 2013 President of India has released a commemorative postage stamp on late Sudhir Ludhianvi at Rashtrapati Bhavan, Ludhianvi was : 

1. The translater of the Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat into hindi

2. An eminent social activist of India

3. One of the top urdu dramatists and actor

4. Widely acclaimed as a people's poet

Ans : 4

15. National Dairy Research Institute is located at

1. Ludhiyana

2. Karnal

3. Pantnagar

4. Hyderabad

Ans : 2

16. The office of the UN General Assembly is in

1. Vienna

2. Paris

3. New York 

4. Zurich

Ans : 3

17. The International Criminal Police Organisation ( INTERPOL ) has its headquaters at

1. Paris

2. Rio De Janerio

3. Dar-es-Salem

4. None

Ans : 1

18. Red Cross was founded by 

1. J. H. Durant

2. Baden Powell

3. Tygve Lie

4. Frederic Paasey 

Ans : 3

19. When is the Commonwealth Day observed by its member countries ?

1. Jan 25

2. May 24

3. Oct 24

4. Nov 14

Ans : 2

20. When is the UN Day celebrated ?

1. Oct 24

2. Sep 24

3. Jun 26

4. Aug 8 

Ans : 1

21. Which among the following is not a Asian Country selected to the UN committee on human rights for three year begining Jan, 1995 ?

1. Sri Lanka

2. Pakistan

3. Philippines

4. India

Ans : 2

22. The headquarters of food and agriculture organisation is in : 

1. Paris

2. Rome

3. Madrid

4. Washington

Ans : 2

23. Which of the following countries is not a member of SAARC ?

1. Bangladesh

2. Afghanistan

3. Pakistan

4. Nepal

5. Bhutan

Ans : 2

24. The headquarter of International atomic Energy Agency is located in :

1. Geneva

2. Washington

3. Vienna

4. London

Ans : 3

25. Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali, the Secretary general of UNO belongs to 

1. Iran 

2. Korea

3. Egypt

4. Saudi Arabia

Ans : 3

26. Which one among the following was a major decision taken at the fifth BRICS summit held recently ?

1. Establishment of a new development bank

2. Reformation of the united nations 

3. Common military exercise 

4. Cultural exchange among the BRICS countries

Ans : 1

27. The headquarters of UNESCO is at :

1. Rome

2. Geneva

3. Paris 

4. New York

Ans : 3

28. SAARC was founded in : 

1. New Delhi

2. Dhaka

3. Geneva

4. Thimphu

Ans : 2

29. The International township built near Pondichery in India in collaboration with UNESCO is called :

1. Broadway

2. Gaya Ville

3. Auroville

4. Elba Ville

Ans : 3

30. The International Court of Justice is located at

1. Geneva

2. Hague

3. Amsterdam

4. Vienna

Ans : 2

31. The UNO was founded at :

1. Moscow

2. Paris

3. San Francisco

4. London

Ans : 3

32. The Logo of which of the following famous organization is a Giant Panda ?

1. World Wildlife Fund of World Wide Fund for nature ( WWF )

2. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN )

3. United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) 

4. United Nations Environment Programme

 ( UNEP )

Ans : 1

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