General Awareness|Practice Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1|SET- 15

General Awareness|Practice Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1|SET- 15

1. Who among the following founded Hindustan Republic Association ?

1. Sachindra Nath Sanyal

2. Bhagat Singh

3. Batukeshwar Dutta

4. Rajguru

Ans : 1

2. Why was the Simon Commission boycotted by the Indians ?

1. It did not include any Indian as a member

2. It did not have any woman member

3. It was appointed before the stipulated time

4. It refused to meet prominent Indian Leaders

Ans : 1

3. Who among the following is a lady Alvar Saint.

1. Tirupan

2. Perumal

3. Madhur Kavi

4. Andal

Ans : 4

4. The Tenth Schedule of Indian Constitution deals with 

1.  Anti-defection Legislation

2. Panchayati Raaj

3. Land Reforms

4. Distribution of powers between the Union and States 

Ans : 1

5. Under the Directive Principles of State Policy, upto what age of the children, they are expected to be provided free and compulsary education ?

1. 14 yr

2. 15 yr

3. 16 yr

4. 18 yr

Ans : 1

6. The declaration of Constitutional Emergency in an Indian State has to be approved by the Parliament within a period of 

1. 2 month

2. 4 month

3. 6 month

4. 12 month

Ans : 1

7. The line on a map connecting points of equal temperature at a given time is 

1. Isohyet

2. Isobar

3. Isthmus

4. Isotherm

Ans : 4

8. The Eastern and Western Ghats join at

1. Palani hills

2. Nilgiri hills

3. Anamalai hills

4. Malabar hills

Ans : 2

9. Which is the largest sea in the world ?

1. South China Sea

2. Mediterranean Sea 

3. Black Sea

4. Baltic Sea

Ans : 1

10. Amphibians are the animals who

1. Live in water

2. Live on land

3. Both 1 and 2

4. None of these

Ans : 3

11. Farakka Barrage was commissioned to 

1. Save kolkata port

2. Link north and south bengal

3. Supply drinking water to kolkata

4. Divert water to Bangladesh

Ans : 1

12. The existence of a Parallel Economy or Black Money

1. makes the economy more competitive

2. makes the monetary policies less effective

3. ensures a better distribution of income and wealth

4. ensures increasing productive investment

Ans : 2

13. Investment is equal to

1. gross total of all types of physical capital assets

2. gross total of all capital assets minus wear and tear

3. stock of plants, machines and equipments

4. None of the above

Ans : 1

14. German Silver, an alloy, does not contain the metal 

1. nickel

2. zinc

3. copper

4. silver

Ans : 2

15. The tissue in man where no cell division occurs after birth is 

1. skeletal

2. nerves

3. connective

4. germinal

Ans : 2

16. Which of the following gland is responsible for the secretion of insulin ?

1. Pituitary

2. Pineal 

3. Thymus

4. Pancrease

Ans : 4

17. which one of the following is a female sex harmone ?

1. Estrogen

2. Androgen

3. Oxytocin

4. Insulin

Ans : 1

18. Blood clotting corpuscle is 

1. thrombocyte

2. monocyte

3. lymphocyte

4. erythrocyte

Ans : 1

19. The ability of the eye to see in the dark is due to the production of a purple pigment known as 

1. carotene

2. rhodopsin

3. iodopsin

4. retinene

Ans : 4

20. Who developed the concept of e-mail ?

1. Bill Gates

2. Arthur C Clark

3. Ray Tomlinson 

4. Sabir Bhatia

Ans : 2

21. The two chambers of the Swiss Federal Assembly are called 

1. National Council and Council of States

2. House of Lords and House of Commons

3. Senate of House of Representatives

4. None of the above

Ans : 1

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