General Awareness|Practice Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1|SET- 17

General Awareness|Practice Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1|SET- 17

1. Alberuni came to India with

1. Mahmud of Ghazni 

2. Alexander

3. Babar

4. Timur

Ans : 1

2. Sati was prohibited by

1. Warren Hastings

2. Lord Wellesley

3. Lord William Bentinck

4. Lord Dalhousie

Ans : 3

3. Mahatma Gandhi got his inspiration for Civil Disobedience from 

1. Tuoreau

2. Ruskin

3. Confucius

3. Tolstoy

Ans : 1

4. When was the Constitution Assembly established to form the Constitution of India ?

1. 9th Dec 1946

2. 15th Aug 1947

3. 26th Jan 1950

4. 26th Nov 1949

Ans : 1

5. Election Commission is a/an

1. Legal body

2. Constitutional body

3. Executive committee

4. Informal body

Ans : 2

6. National Integration Council is chaired by

1. The President

2. The Prime Minister

3. The Defence Minister

4. The Home Minister

Ans : 2

7. Through which one of the following groups of countries does the Equator pass ?

1. Brazil, Zambia, Malaysia

2. Colombia, Kenya, Indonesia

3. Brazil, Sudan, Malaysia

4. Venezuela, Ethiopia, Indonesia

Ans : 2

8. The water divided between Indus and Ganga river systems is formed by

1. Pothar plateau

2. Malda Gap

3. Pir panjal

4. Satpura range

Ans : 1

9. Which one among the following has the largest shipyard in India ?

1. Vishakhapatnam

2. Mumbai

3. Kolkata

4. Kochi

Ans : 1

10. Which one of the following is not a kharif crop ?

1. Rice

2. Wheat

3. Sugarcane

4. Cotton

Ans : 2

11. Kharif crops are sown 

1. At the begining of the South-West monsoon

2. At the end of the South-West monsoon

3. At the begining of the North-East monsoon

4. At the end of the North-East monsoon

Ans : 1

12. Modern economy is one of

1. Open economy

2. Cash economy

3. Credit economy

4. Planned economy

Ans : 1

13. The national income of India is estimated mainly through 

1. Production method rate

2. Expenditure method rate

3. Production and Expenditure method

4. Production and income method

Ans : 4

14. Which of the following gases is used for refrigeration ?

1. Freon

2. Chlorine

3. Carbon dioxide

4. Hydrogen

Ans : 1

15. Liquid metal is

1. Mercury

2. Saline

3. Lead 

4. Zinc

Ans : 1

16. Fermentation of milk to curd is due to 

1. Mycobacterium 

2. Staphylococcus

3. Lactobacillus

4. Yeasts 

Ans : 1

17. Lichens are the best indicator of 

1. Air pollution

2. Water pollution

3. Soil pollution

4. Noise pollution

Ans : 1

18. Cooking oil can be converted into vegetables ghee by the process of 

1. Hydrogenation

2. Distillation

3. Crystallization

4. Oxidation

Ans : 1

19. Oil rises up the wick in a lamp because 

1. Oil is volatile

2. Oil is very light

3. Of the surface tension phenomenon 

4. Of the diffusion of oil through the wick

Ans : 3

20. The manufacture of iron from iron ore involves the process of 

1. Oxidation

2. Reduction

3. Fractional distillation

4. Electrolysis

Ans : 2

21. A noise level of 100 decible would correspond to

1. Just audible sound

2. Ordinary conversation

3. Sound from a noisy street

4. Noise from a machine shop

Ans : 4

22. Milk is a colloidal system in which

1. Water is dispersed in fat

2. Fat is dispersed in water

3. Fat and water are dispersed 

4. Fat is dissolved

Ans : 2

23. 'Curie' is unit of 

1. Radioactivity

2. Temperature

3. Heat

4. Energy

Ans : 1

24. In which type of computer, data are represented as discrete signals ?

1. Analog computer

2. Digital computer

3. 1 and 2

4. Digi log computer

Ans : 1

25. The famous jain centre in South India is located at 

1. Kanchi

2. Madurai

3. Shravanabelagola

4. Rameshwaram

Ans : 3

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