General Awareness|Practice Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1|SET- 18

General Awareness|Practice Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1|SET- 18

1. Rabindranath Tagore returned the title of Knighthood to the British Govt. to protest against the 

1. Simon Commission, 1927

2. Rowlatt Act, 1919

3. Partition of Bengal

4. Massacre of Jallianwalla Bagh

Ans : 4

2. Unity between the Congress and All India Muslim League was brought about by the

1. Poona Pact

2. Lucknow Pact

,3. Govt. Of India Act, 1919

4. Govt. Of India Act, 1935

Ans : 2

3. Who among the following Viceroys introduced the system of local self-Govt. in India ?

1. Lord Mayo

2. Lord Lytton

3. Lord Ripon 

4. Lord Curzon 

Ans : 3

4. Rajya Sabha enjoys more powers than the Lok Sabha in the case of 

1. Money Bills

2. Non-money bills

3. Setting Up of new All India services

4. Amendment of the constitution 

Ans : 3

5. The term 'Secular' was added in the Preamble to the Indian Constitution by

1. 41st Amendment

2. 42nd Amendment

3. 43rd Amendment

4. 44th Amendment

Ans : 2

6. Who is competent to dissolve the Rajya Sabha?

1. The Chairman, Rajya Sabha

2. The President

3. The Joint-session of Parliament

4. None of the above

Ans : 4

7. Which one of the following is the greatest circle ?


1. Arctic Circle

2. Equator

3. Tropic of Cancer

4. Tropic of Capricorn

Ans : 2

8. Which amongst the following planets has its orbit closest to sun ?

1. Venus 

2. Mars

3. Jupiter

4. Uranus

Ans : 1

9. When the barometer reading dips suddenly, it is an indication of 

1. Hot weather

2. Calm weather

3. Storm

4. Dry weather

Ans : 3

10. One astronomical unit is the average distance between

1. Earth and the Moon

2. Earth and the Sun

3. Jupiter and the Sun

4. Pluto and the Sun

Ans : 2

11. Which of the following pairs of lands is separated from each other by the 10° channel ?

1. Andaman and Nicobar

2. Nicobar and Sumatra

3. Car Nicobar and Little Nicobar

4. None of the above

Ans : 1

12. The major aim of devaluation is to 

1. Encourage imports 

2. Encourage exports 

3. Encourage both imports and exports 

4. Discourage both imports and exports

Ans : 2

13. Gamma rays can cause 

1. Gene mutation

2. Sneezing

3. Burning

4. Fever

Ans : 1

14. The function of heavy water in a nuclear reactor is to

1. Slow down the speed of neutrons

2. Increase the speed of neutrons

3. Cool down the reactor

4. Stop the nuclear reaction

Ans : 1

15. Milk tastes sour when kept in open for sometime due to the formation of 

1. Lactic acid

2. Citric acid

3. Acetic acid

4. Carbonic acid

Ans : 3

16. What principle / law explains the working of the hydraulic brakes in automobiles ?

1. Bernoulli's law

2. Posieulle's principle

3. Pascal's law 

4. Archimedes principle

Ans : 1

17. The density of water is maximum at

1. 0°C

2. 4°C

3. 25°C

4. 50°V

Ans : 3

18. Which of the following is the most viscous medium ?

1. Coal Tar

2. Water 

3. Glycerine

4. Alcohol

Ans : 1

19. In the visible spectrum the colour having the shortest wavelength is 

1. Violet

2. Blue

3. Red

4. Yellow

Ans : 1

20. The unit of power is 

1. Joule per second

2. Joule

3. Joule per second and watt both 

4. Watt

Ans : 3

21. Ball pen function on which one of the following principle ?

1. Boyle's law

2. Gravitational force

3. Surface tension

4. Viscosity

Ans : 3

22. The temperature of water at the bottom of a waterfall is higher than that at the top because 

1.   Water at the bottom has greater potential energy

2. The surface at the bottom provides heat 

3. Kinetic energy of falling water is converted into heat 

4. Falling water absorbs heat from the surroundings 

Ans : 3

23. The computer language that is the most used for business and scientific purposes  is 





Ans : 4

24. Which of the following lakes is called 'Honeymoon lake' ?

1. Chad

2. Titicaca

3. Toba

4. Nyasa

Ans : 2

25. Interest on public debt is a part of 

1. Transfar payment by the enterprises

2. Transfer payment by the Govt. 

3. National Income

4. Interest payment by households

Ans : 2

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