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General Awareness!Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 49|


General Awareness!Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 49|

SSC CGL Previous Year Question Paper with Answer #Mock Test for SSC CGL

1. B-diversity is also known as :

1. Within habitat diversity

2. Ecosystem diversity

3. Global diversity

4. Between habitat diversity

Ans - 2

2. In a Database Management system [DBMS] , the content and the location of the data is defined by the : 

1. Multi dimensional data

2. Sequence data

3. Meta data

4. Sub data

Ans - 3

3. Which one of these animals is jawless : 

1. Sphyrna

2. Trygon

3. Myxine

4. Shark

Ans - 3

4. Competition for food , light and space is most severe in :

1. Distantly related species growing in different habitats 

2. Closely related species growing in the same area or niche

3. Closely related species growing in different habitats

4. Distantly related species growing in the same habitats

Ans - 2

5. What is Amnesty International ?

1. An Animal Rights Protection Organisation

2. A peace Movement

3. An Environment Protection Organisation

4. A Human Rights Organisation

Ans - 4

6. Rotation of crops is essential : 

1. For increasing the quantity of minerals

2. For decreasing the quantity of proteins

3. For getting different kinds of crops

4. For increasing fertility of the soil

Ans - 4

7. Catalytic converters are generally made from

1. Alkaline metals

2. Hydrogen

3. Transition metals

4. Carbon

Ans - 3

8. The green colour seen in Firework displays is due to the chloride salt of : 

1. Sodium

2. Strontium

3. Barium

4. Calcium

Ans - 3

9. The difference in the value of visible Exports and visible imports is called

1. Balance Sheet of items

2. Balance of Payments

3. Balance of Trade

4. Balance of Account

Ans - 3

10. Which of the following country has the longest overland tunnel ?

1. Germany

2. Switzerland

3. Spain

4. France

Ans - 2

11. Addition excessive amounts of heat to a lake is referred to as :

1. Refrigeration effect

2. Green house effect

3. Thermal pollution

4. Heat bloom

Ans - 3

12. The Apparent weight of a man in a lift is less the real weight when :

1. The lift is going up with an acceleration

2. The lift is going down with uniform speed

3. The lift is going up with uniform speed

4. The lift is going down with an acceleration

Ans - 4

13. The remedies to soil erosion are :

1. Contour binding

2. Regulation of land use

3. Cutting of trees

4. Allowing grazing of animals

1. 1 & 3

2. 1 & 2

3. 3 & 4

4. 2 & 3

Ans - 2

14. Afla toxins are produced by

1. Bacteria

2. Algae

3. Viruses

4. Fungi

Ans - 4

15. What according to communism is the chief enemy of the society ? 

1. Private property

2. Religion

3. Surplus value

4. Capitalist class

Ans - 1

16. Which one of the following is the infective stage of the malarial parasite ?

1. Schigozoite

2. Trophozoite

3. Sporoblast

4. Sporozoite

Ans - 4

17. Jaspal Rana is the name associated with which of the following games :

1. Shooting

2. Weight lifting

3. Boxing

4. Archey

Ans - 1

18. One of the regions that receives rainfall from the North Easterly monsoon is : 

1. West Bengal

2. Assam

3. Kerala

4. Tamilnadu

Ans - 4

19. The author of the book "Zest for life" is : 

1. Emile Zola

2. H.G. Walls

3. Virginia Wolf

4. Mark Twain

Ans - 1

20. When income increase , consumption  also increases : 

1. In a lower proportion 

2. In higher proportion

3. In the same proportion

4. None of the options

Ans - 1

21. Rainbows are produced when sunlight :

1. Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering refraction

2. Incident on Rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering refraction and internal reflection

3. Incident on rain drops hanging in the atmosphere is dispersed after suffering reflection

4. None of the given statement is correct

Ans - 2

22. From the national point of view which of the following indicates Micro Approach ?

1. Per capita income in India

2. Study of sales of TISCO

3. Inflation in India

4. Educated unemployment India

Ans - 2

23. Ecosystem consist of :

1. A biotic community and its non-living elements 

2. Population

3. A population and its non-living elements 

4. A biotic community

Ans - 1

24. What is the speciality of WINDOW-NT ?

1. Supports real-time processing

2. Supports LAN and WAN

3. Supports Batch processing

4. Supports multi-processing

Ans - 4

25. Which of the following comes under the jurisdiction of both the High Court and the Supreme Court ?

1. Disputes between the inter States

2. Protection against the violation of the constitution

3. Production of Fundamental Rights

4. Disputes between Centre and the States

Ans - 3

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