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General Awareness! Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 34|

General Awareness|SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|Previous Year Paper-2015|Expected Question Paper|

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General Awareness! Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 34|

1. Meanders are the features formed by 

1. Glaciers

2. Rivers

3. Winds

4. Ocean Waters

Ans - [2] A meander , in general , is a bend in a sinuous water course or river. 

A meander forms when moving water in a river erodes the outer banks and widens its valley.

Meandering rivers erode sediment from the outer curve of each meander bend and deposit it on a inner curve further downstream. 

When a meander gets cuts off from the main stream , an oxbow lake forms.

2. Linseed is obtained from 

1. Castor

2. Flax

3. Groundnut

4. Sesame

Ans - [2] Linseed are the seeds of the flax plant , which ate the source of linseed oil and linseed cake.

Flax is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linaceae.

Linseed is one of the most potent sources of omega 3 fatty acids found in nature.

3. If 20 % or more area of the country suffers from rain deficits during monsoon season , it is termed as 

1. Flood year

2. Drought year

3. Famine year

4. Self sufficient year

Ans - [2] According to Indian Meteorological Department , when the rainfall deficiency for the country as a whole is more than 10 % of normal and more than 20 % of the country's area is affected by drought conditions [rainfall deficit] , the situation is defined as an all-India drought year.

4. Rajasthan canal receives water from which of the following rivers ?

1. Yamuna

2. Jhelum

3. Ravi

4. Sutlej

Ans - [4] 'The Indira Gandhi Canal', earlier known as Rajasthan Canal , begins at the Harike Barrage -- at the confluence of the Sutlej and Beas rivers in Punjab.

One of the largest canal projects in India , it utilizes the surplus water from these rivers for irrigation vast areas in Rajasthan.

5. Uneven distribution of insolation on the earth is mainly due to the 

1. Spherical shape of the earth

2. Distribution of land and water

3. Direction of the winds 

4. Presence of pressure belts 

Ans - [1] Uneven distribution of insolation on the earth is mainly due to the earth's tilted axis and the nearly spherical shape.

The length of time that the Earth's surface is exposed to solar radiation also changes throughout the year, depending on the season.

Another factor that affects the solar radiation on the Earth is the rotation of the Earth itself.

All these factors lead to the unequal distribution of heat on the Earth, creating what is called a heat gradient.

6. The radiation that can penetrate deepest in our body 

1. UV-radiation

2. Alpha-particles

3. Beeta-particles

4. Gamma-particles

Ans - [4] The ability of radioactivity to pass through materials is called its penetrating ability.

Penetrating ability depends on the size of the radioactive particle.

Alpha particles are the biggest , beeta particles ate very much smaller and gamma rays have no mass.

UV rays have less energetic photons compared to gamma rays and x-rays and a lower penetration power. 

Gamma rays are the most penetrating of the radiation.

7. Which of the following organism possesses characteristics of a plant and an animal ?

1. Euglena

2. Mycoplasma

3. Paramecium

4. Chlorella

Ans - [1] Most species of Euglena have photosynthesizing chloroplasts within the body of the cell , which enable them to feed by autotrophy [making energy containing organic molecules from inorganic raw material through the use of an energy source such as sunlight] like plants.

However , they can also take nourishment heterotrophically [making use of food that comes from the organisms in the form of fats , carbohydrates and proteins] like animals.

So Euglena have features of both animals and plants.

8. Match the following : 

1. Anabaena

2. Mucor

3. Pseudomonas

4. Ephedra

A. Bacteria

B. Gymnosperm

C. Fungi

D. Blue-Green Algae

            A      B       C        D

1.         4       2       3        1 

2.         4       3       1        2 

3.         3       4       1        2 

4.         2       1       4        3 

Ans - [2] Anabaena - a blue green algae 

Mucor - a filamentous fungus

Pseudomonas - a common Gram negative bacterium that can cause disease in animals

Ephedra - a genus of gymnosperm shrubs , the only genus in its family , Ephedraceae , and order , Ephedrales.

9. Tachycardia is a condition characterized by 

1. Heart-rate decreases from the normal

2. Heart-rate increases from the normal

3. Heart-beat stops

4. Heart fails to pump

Ans : [2] Tachycardia is a heart rate that exceeds the normal resting rate.

In general , ap resting heart rate over 100 beats per minute is accepted as tachycardia in adults.

A healthy adult heart normally beats 60 to 100 times a minute when a person is at rest.

Tachycardia occurs when an abnormality in the heart produces rapid electrical signals.

10. Oxyntic cell is meant for the secretion of 

1. Pepsin

2. Enterokinase

3. Hydrochloric acid

4. Lactic acid

Ans : [3] Parietal cells [also known as oxyntic cells] , are the epithelial cells that secret hydrochloric acid [HCL] and intrinsic factor.

These cells are located in the gastric glands found in the stomach.

They contain an extensive secretory network from which the HCL is secreted by active transport into the stomach.

11. Sound is heard over longer distances on rainy days because

1. Sound travels slowly in moist air

2. Sound travel faster in moist air

3. Moist air does not absorb sound

4. Moist air absorbs sound

Ans : [2] The speed of sound in a medium is inversely proportional to the square root of its density.

Higher is the humidity in the air , greater will be the velocity of sound.

Therefore , the speed of sound in moist air is more than that in dry air.

That is why the sirens of mills , whistle of trains and others are heard up to longer distances on a rainy day than on a dry day.

12. X-rays are 

1. Positively charged particles

2. Negatively charged particles

3. Neutral particles 

4. None of these

Ans : [3] Like Gamma Rays and neutrons ,   X-rays are electrically neutral.

They have neither a positive nor a negative charge.

They cannot be accelerated or made to change direction by a magnet or electrical field.

In contrast , charged sub atomic particles comprise light charged particles [electrons and positrons] and heavy charged particles [protons , Alpha particles and heavier ions].

13. Which one of the following is a vestigial organ ?

1. Eye-brow

2. Collar-bone

3. Wisdom-teeth

4. Nails

Ans - 3

Wisdom teeth are vestigial third molars that human ancestors used to help in grinding down plant tissue.

The common postulation is that the skulls of human ancestors had larger jaws with more teeth , which were possibly used to help chew down foliage to compensate for a lack of ability to efficiently digest the cellulose that makes up a plant cell wall.

As human diets changed , smaller Jaws were naturally selected , yet the third molars or "wisdom teeth" still commonly developed in human Mouths.

14. Railway tracks are banked on curves so that : 

1. The train may not fall down inwards

2. The weight of the train may be reduced

3. Necessary centripetal force may be obtained from the horizontal component of the normal reaction due to track

4. No frictional force may be produced between the wheels and the track

Ans - 3

A vehicle moving at a fast speed on a straight rail / road has a large inertia i.e. tendency to keep moving in the same direction at the same speed.

When it takes a circular turn on a curved rail / road , it experiences an additional force , termed as centripetal force , acting towards the centre of the circle.

While rounding the curve as the vehicle has tendency to leave curved path and regain straight line path , force of friction between wheels and ground provides necessary centripetal force.

In order that the vehicle can go round the curved track at a reasonable speed without skidding , the sufficient centripetal force is managed for it by banking the rail / road.

15. After 'PROM' is programmed , we can only __ the information.

1. Read

2. Write

3. Read and write

4. Remove

Ans - 1

PROM - Programmable Read-Only Memory is a memory chip on which data can be written only once.

Once it is programmed , data is permanent and it can not be erased.

The information is stored permanently in the memory cell.

We can only read that data but can not write data on it.

16. We feel cool when we sit near the fan , this is because 

1. Fan gives cool air

2. Fan cools surrounding air

3. Air vapourises the sweat on our body

4. We feel cool when air touches the body

Ans - 3

We feel comfortable sitting under a fan when we are perspiring because a fan increases the rate of evaporation of sweat or moisture from our body and makes us feel cool and comfortable.

17. Water flows off the wings of birds and insects due to the presence of 

1. Waxes

2. Sugars

3. Proteins

4. Minerals

Ans - 1

Insects and birds have the simplest surface waxes that serve to water proof feathers.

These consist of long chain hydrocarbons.

The interlocking feather barbs and a special waxy coating create a shield that water runs off of. 

Besides , while a few components present in surface lipids can prevent growth of pathogens , the total surface was layer certainly functions to prevent microbial entry into the organism.

18. Which of the following chemicals is associated with muscle fatigue ?

1. Uric acid

2. Acetic acid

3. Pyruvic acid

4. Lactic acid

Ans - 4  

Muscle fatigue refers to the decline in muscle force generated over sustained periods of activity.

Intracellular acidosis due mainly to lactic acid accumulation has been regarded as the most important cause of skeletal muscle fatigue.

Lactic acid accumulation leads to increased intracellular hydrocarbon ion H+ concentration that leads to a weaker contraction.

19. Which one of the following does not contain silver ?

1. Horn silver

2. Ruby silver

3. German silver

4. Lunar caustic

Ans - 3

German silver [also known as New Silver , Nickel Brass , etc] is a copper alloy with nickel and often zinc.

The usual formulation is 60 % copper , 20 % nickel and 20% zinc.

It is named for its silvery appearance , but it contains no elemental silver unless plated.

20. The average kinetic energy of the molecules of an ideal gas is directly proportional to : 

1. Velocity of molecules 

2. Mass of molecules

3. Absolute temprature of the gas

4. Temprature of Environment

Ans - 3 

The average kinetic energy of gas molecules is directly proportional to absolute temprature only.

This implies that all molecular motion ceases if the temperature is reduced to absolute zero.

21. ROM stands for 

1. Real Office Manager

2. Read Only Memory

3. Read Only Memorandum

4. Role Only Memory

Ans - 2

ROM stands for Read Only Memory.

It is a type of computer memory on which data has been prerecorded.

Once data has been written onto a ROM chip , it can not be removed and can only be read.

Unlike main memory [RAM] , ROM retains its contents even when the computer is turned off.

ROM is referred to as nonvolatile , whereas RAM is volatile.

22. An important green house gas other than methane being produced from the agricultural field is 

1. Nitrous oxide

2. Ammonia

3. Sulphur dioxide

4. Arsine

Ans - 1

Nitrous oxide [N2O] and methane [CH4]  are the two major green house gasses [GHG] emitted by agricultural activity.

N2O accounts for around 8% of the warming impact of current human GHG emissions.

Agricultural activities that directly increases N2O emissions are : fertilization , application of manure or other organic materials , retention of crop residues , production of nitrogen-fixing crops and forages , and cultivation of soils with high organic matter content.

Irrigation , drainage , tillage practices and fallowing of land also increase N2O emission.

23. Acid rain is caused due to pollution of atmosphere by 

1. Oxides of carbon and nitrogen

2. Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur

3. Oxides of nitrogen and phosphorus

4. None of these

Ans - 2

Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide , which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids.

Emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide result from fossil fuel combustion.

The chemicals in acid rain cause paint to peel , corrosion of steel structures such as bridges , and erosion of stone statues.

24. The land which is not cultivated every year though it is suitable for cultivation : 

1. Waste land

2. Pasture land

3. Fallow land

4. Cultivable waste land

Ans - 4

Cultivable Wasteland refers to lands that are cultivable but not cultivated for more than five years.

It comprises all lands available for cultivation , but not taken up for cultivation.

Next to fallow lands , cultivable wastelands are important for Agricultural purposes because they can be reclaimed through conservational practices or cultivation or grazing or agro-forestry.

25. Who among the following is the first Indian to swim across English Channel ?

1. Aarti-Saha

2. Mihir Sen

3. P. K. Bannerji

4. Vikram Merchant

Ans - 2 

Mihir Sen was a famous long distance swimmer , best known for being the first Indian to conquer the English Channel from Dover to Calais in 1958.

He was also the only man to earn the distinction of swimming the Oceans of the five continents in one calendar year [1966].

General Awareness|SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam| Previous Year Paper -2015|Expected Question Paper|

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