General Awareness!Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 7|

General Awareness||SSC CGL Previous Year Paper of GK of Tier-I #GK Quiz

SSC CGL Previous Year Question Paper with Answer #Mock Test for SSC CGL

General Awareness!Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 7|

 1. A substance which readily forms colloidal solution in contact with water is called

1. Extrinsic colloid

2. Associated colloid

3. Hydrophobic colloid

4. Hydrophilic colloid

Ans - 4

2. An astronaut in outer space will observe sky as 

1. White

2. Black

3. Blue

4. Red

Ans - 2

3. Which one of the following lenses should be used to correct the defect of astigmatism?

1. Cylindrical lens 

2. Concave lens

3. Convex lens 

4. Bifocal lens 

Ans - 1

4. Electron was discovered by

1. Ernest Rutherford

2. Max Planck

3. Joseph Thomson

4. Albert Einstein

Ans - 3

5. The first thermionic valve was invented by 

1. Thomas Edison 

2. Richardson

3. J. A. Fleming

4. Lee De Forest

Ans - 3

6. The science dealing with the study of teeth is : 

1. Odontology

2. Ornithology

3. Phenology

4. Cosmology

Ans - 1

7. When formaldehyde and potassium hydroxide are heated , we get 

1. Acetylene

2. Methyl alcohol

3. Methane 

4. Ethyl formate

Ans - 4

8. The enzyme in whose presence glucose and fructose are converted into alcohol is 

1. Diastase

2. Maltase

3. Invertase

4. Zymase

Ans - 4

9. Which of the following acids is manufactured using saw-dust ?

1. Oxalic acid 

2. Citric acid 

3. Acetic acid 

4. Butyric acid 

Ans - 1

10. The study of visceral organs is 

1. Angiology

2. Arthrology

3. Anthropology

4. Splanchnology

Ans - 1

11. Whose achievements are recorded in the Allahabad Pillar inscription ?

1. Chandra Gupt Maurya

2. Samudra Gupt

3. Vikramaditya

4. Skand Gupt

Ans - 2

12. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was equated with 

1. Mazzini

2. Cavour

3. Garibaldi

4. Bismarck

Ans - 4

13. Which of the following was not ordered by Alauddin Khilji to control black-marketing and hoarding ?

1. Land revenue should be collected in kind

2. Cultivators should sell the harvested crops on the field only 

3. Merchants should sell all commodities in the open 

4. More privileges should be given to Khuts and Muqaddams

Ans - 4

14. The branch of biology dealing with the study of cells is known as 

1. Cytology

2. Histology

3. Psychology

4. Physiology

Ans - 1

15. The study of extinct animals is called 

1. Herpetology

2. Ornithology

3. Geology

4. Palaeontology

Ans - 4

16. The medical term used for the sleeplessness is 

1. Somnambulism

2. Insomnia 

3. Hallucination

4. Nyctinuria

Ans - 2

17. The causative agent of tuberculosis is 

1. Mycobacterium

2. Aspergillus

3. Rhabdovirus

4. HIV

Ans - 1

18. The enzyme that is present in the saliva of man is 

1. Pepsin

2. Renin 

3. Amylase

4. Trypsin

Ans - 3

19. Blood cancer is otherwise called as 

1. Anaemia

2. Polycythemia

3. Leucopenia

4. Leukaemia

Ans - 4

20. For which community were seat reserved by the Morley Minto Reforms ?

1. Jews

2. Muslims

3. Christians

4. Sikhs

Ans - 2

21. The 10th plan aims to reduce the poverty ratio by 2007 to

1. 10%

2. 30%

3. 20%

4. 5%

Ans - 3

22. What does ECS in banking transactions stand for ?

1. Excess Credit Supervisor

2. Extra Cash Status

3. Exchange Clearing Standard

4. Electronic Clearing Service

Ans - 4

23. Which of the following statements is correct ? 

1. Lava and magma both have gas

2. Neither the lava nor the magma has gas

3. Magma has gas while lava has no gas

4. Lava has gas while magma has no gas 

Ans - 2

24. Which of the following is the example of sedimentary rocks ? 

1. Loess

2. Basalt

3. Granite

4. Gabbro

Ans - 1

25. Mica is found in which one of the following pairs of rocks ?

1. Slate-Sandstone

2. Schist-Gneiss

3. Limestone-Sandstone

4. Shale-Limestone

Ans - 2

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