Previous Year Question Paper with Answer of SSC CGL Tier I Exam |SET-64|

General Awareness|SSC CGL Previous Year Paper of GK of Tier-I 

#GK Quiz

Previous Year Question Paper with Answer of SSC CGL Tier I Exam 

#Mock Test for SSC CGL

General Awareness!Previous Year Paper for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam|SET- 64|

Second Meeting - |SET - 64| 

1. The term "Micro Economics" and "Macro Economics" were coined by : 

1. Alfred Marshall 

2. Ragner Nurkse 

3. Ragner Frisch 

4. J. M. Keynes 

Ans -  4 

2. During period of inflation , tax rates should 

1. Increase 

2. Decrease 

3. Remain constant 

4. Fluctuate 

Ans - 1 

3. Which is the biggest tax paying sector in India ? 

1. Agriculture sector 

2. Industrial sector 

3. Transport sector 

4. Banking sector 

Ans - 2 

4. "Economics is what it ought to be" - This statement refers to 

1. Normative economics 

2. Positive economics 

3. Monetary economics 

4. Fiscal economics 

Ans - 1 

5. The excess of price a person is to pay rather than forego the consumption of the commodity is called 

1. Price 

2. Profit 

3. Producers surplus 

4. Consumers surplus 

Ans - 3 

6. Silver halides are used in photograhic plates because they are 

1. Oxidised in air 

2. Soluble in hyposolution 

3. Reduced by light 

4. Totally colourless 

Ans - 3 

7. Tetra Ethyl Lead [TEL] is 

1. A catalyst in burning fossil fuel 

2. An antioxidant 

3. A reductant 

4. An antiknock compound 

Ans - 4 

8. Curie point is the temprature at which 

1. Matter becomes radioactive 

2. A metal loses magnetic properties 

3. A metal loses conductivity 

4. Transmutation of metal occurs 

Ans - 2 

9. The isotope used for the production of atomic energy is 

1. U-235 

2. U-238 

3. U-234 

4. U-236 

Ans - 1 

10. The acceleration due to gravity at the equator 

1. Is less than that at the poles 

2. Is greater than that at the poles 

3. Is equal to that at the poles 

4. Does not depend on the earth's centripetal acceleration 

Ans - 1 

11. Which of the following is not a nucleon ? 

1. Proton 

2. Neutron 

3. Electron 

4. Positron 

Ans - 4 

12. The material used in the manufacture of lead pencil is 

1. Graphite 

2. Lead 

3. Carbon 

4. Mica 

Ans - 1 

13. Angle of friction and angle of repose are 

1. Equal to each other 

2. Not equal to each other 

3. Proportional to each other 

4. None of these 

Ans - 1 

14. Processor's speed of a computer is measured in 

1. BPS 

2. MIPS 

3. Baud 

4. Hertz 

Ans - 2 

15. "C" language is a 

1. Low level language 

2. High level language 

3. Machine level language 

4. Assembly level language 

Ans - 2 

16. What happens to a person who receives the wrong type of blood ? 

1. All the arteries constrict 

2. All the arteries dialates 

3. The RBCs agglutinate 

4. The spleen and lymphnodes deteriorate

Ans - 3 

17. NIS stands for 

1. National Infectious Diseases Seminar 

2. National Irrigation Schedule 

3. National Immunisation Schedule 

4. National Information Sector 

Ans - 4 

18. If all bullets could not be removed from gun shot injury of a man , it may cause poisoning by 

1. Mercury 

2. Lead 

3. Iron 

4. Arsenic 

Ans - 4 

19. Ringworm is a ..............disease. 

1. Bacterial 

2. Protozoan 

3. Viral 

4. Fungal 

Ans - 4 

20. Pituitary gland is situated in 

1. The base of the heart 

2. The base of the brain 

3. The neck 

4. The abdomen 

Ans - 2 

21. Who discovered cement ? 

1. Agassit 

2. Albertus Magnus 

3. Joseph Aspdin 

4. Janseen 

Ans - 3 

22. According to RBIs Report on the trend and progress of banking . The Non-  performing assets [NPA's] in India for 2008-09 for Indian Banks in 2008 have stood at 

1. 2.3% 

2. 2.6% 

3. 3.5% 

4. 5.2% 

Ans - 1 

23. Window 7 , the latest operating system from Microsoft Corporation has.... Indian languages fonts. 

1. 14 

2. 26 

3. 37 

4. 49 

Ans - 4 

24. TRIPS and TRIMS are the terms associated with 

1. IMF 

2. WTO 

3. IBRD 

4. IDA 

Ans - 2 

25. A Presidential Ordinance can remain in force 

1. For 3 months 

2. For 6 months 

3. For 9 months 

4. Indefinitely 

Ans - 2 

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