Metals And Non Metals | One Liner |

Both metals and non-metals are vital components of many modern technology and products, and they play a significant role in our daily lives. 
Because of their conductivity, malleability, and durability, metals are used extensively in electronics, transportation, and building, serving as the foundation for contemporary technology and infrastructure
On the other hand, non-metals have a variety of uses, including the production of essential substances like water A organic materials as well as applications in agriculture, medicine, and insulation. 
All of these substances, as well as those made from them, are what propel science and technology forward, improving our standard of living and fostering ongoing innovation.

Metals And Non Metals

Metals And Non Metals 

 Zinc phosphide is used for killing rats.

Wood furnitures are coated with zinc chloride to prevent termites.

Excess of copper in human beings causes disease called Wilson.

Galvanised iron is coated with zinc.

Rusting of iron is a chemical change which increases the weight of iron.

Calcium hydride is called hydrolith.

Calcium hydride is used to prepare fire proof and water proof clothes.

In flash bulb , magnesium wire is kept in atmosphere of nitrogen gas. 

Titanium is called strategic metal because it is lighter than iron.

Babbitt metal contains 89 % Sn ( Tin ) , 9% Sb (Antimony) , 2% Cu (Copper).

Gun powder contains 75% potassium nitrate , 10% sulphur & 15% charcoal.

Chromium trioxide is known as chromic acid. 

Nichrome wire is used in electrical heater.

[(Ni , Cr , Fe)].

Potassium carbonate (K2CO3) is known as pearl ash.

Zeolite is used to remove hardness of water. 

In cytochrome , iron (Fe) is present.

Selenium metal is used in photo electric cell.

Galium metal is liquid at room temprature.

Palladium metal is used in aeroplane.

Radium is extracted from pitchblende.

World famous Eiffel Tower has steel & cement base.

Actinides are radio active elements.

Cadmium rod is used in nuclear reactor to slow down the speed of neutron.

Sodium peroxide is used to submarine and also to purify closed air in hospital.

Co (60) is used in cancer treatment.

Onion & garlic have odour due to potassium.

Oxides of metals are alkaline.

Silver & Copper are the best conductor of electricity.

Gold & Silver are the most malleable metal.

Mercury & Iron produces more resistance in comparison to the other during the flow of electricity.

Lithium is the lightest and the most reductant element.

In fireworks , crimson red colour is due to presence of strontium (Sr).

Green colour is die to the presence of Barium in fireworks.

Barium sulphate is used in X-ray of abdomen as barium meal.

Barium hydroxide is known as Baryta water.

Osmium is the heaviest metal & the Platinum is the hardest.

Zinc oxide is known as flower of zinc. It is also known as chinese white and used as white paint.

Silver chloride is used in photochromatic glass.

Silver iodide is used in artificial rain.

Silver nitrate is used as marker during election. It is kept in coloured bottle to avoid decomposition.

Silver spoon is not used in egg food because it forms black silver sulphide.

To harden the gold , copper is mixed.

Iron Pyrites (FeS2) is known as fool's gold.

Mercury is kept in iron pot because it does not form amalgum with iron.

In tubelight there is the vapour of mercury and argon.

Tetra-Ethyl lead is used as anti knocking compound.

Lead-pipe is not used for drinking water because it forms poisonous lead hydroxide.

Fuse wire is made up of lead and tin.

Wrought iron is the purest form of iron.

Percentage of carbon in cast iron = 2.5 - 5% , wrought iron = 0.1 - 0.2%.

The melting point of Tungsten (W) is 3500°C. In india , Tungsten is produced in Degana mine situated in Rajasthan.

To prevent oxidation of Tungsten , air is removed from the electric bulb.

Zirconium (Zr) metal burns in oxygen as well as in nitrogen.

Baddeleyite or Zircona (ZrO2) is an ore of Zirconium.

Zirconium (Zr) , Cadmium (Cd) , Boron (B) have the capability to absorb neutrons. So ,  they are used in nuclear reactor.

Beryl (3BeO•Al2O3•6SiO2) is an ore of Beryllium.

Stannous sulphide (SnS2) is also called Mosaic gold. It is used as paint. Tin shows the allotrophy.

Barium sulphate (BaSO4) is used as barium meal in X-ray of stomach.

The green light produced while burning crackers is due to presence of barium.

The Crimson red light produced while burning crackers is due to strontium (Sr).

Silver (Ag) , Gold (Au) , copper (Cu) , platinum (Pt) , Bismuth (Bi) , are found in independent state because they are very less reactive.

Gold , platinum , silver and mercury are noble metals.

Gold and silver are the most malleable among metals.

Mercury and iron provide much resistance in the flow of electric current.

Greenocite (CdS) is the ore of cadmium.

Britannia metal is an alloy of Antimony (Sb) , copper (Cu) , and Tin (Sn).

Thulium has symbol Tm.

Flash bulb contain magnesium wire in medium of nitrogen.

Aluminium hydroxide is used to make water proof and stainless clothes.

Calcium carbide (Cas2) reacts with water to produce acetylene gas.

The reaction of Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) with aluminium is used to fill up the cracks of railway tracks and machine parts. 

This reaction is called Thermite reaction.

Anaemia is caused due to deficiency of iron in the body while excess of iron in the body may cause siderosis.

Bantu tribes of Africa suffer from siderosis because they drink beer in iron utensils.

Auric chloride (AuCl3) is used to make antivenom needles.

Mercury is also known as quick silver. Mercury is kept in iron vessels because it does not make amalgams with iron.

Lead is a stable element. So , it is used to write on paper.

Lead arsenic is an alloy used to make bullets. Carbon lead is used to make artificial parts of body.

Lead oxides is also called Litharge. It is an amphoteric oxide. It is used in rubber industries in manufacturing of storage batteries and flint glass.

Uranium is a heavy radioactive metal. It belongs to actinide group. It is used in manufacture atom bomb.

The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were made of uranium.

Metals And Non Metals class 10th important Questions

French chemist , Lavoisier is regarded as father of modern chemistry.

DDT - Dichloro Diphenyl trichloro ethane , a white powder used as an insecticide.

Epsom salt - Hydrated magnesium sulphate ( MgSO4•7H2O ) , used in medicines to empty bowels.

Analgesics - painkillers are called analgesics ex. Aspirin , Paracetamol & morphine.

Some common man - made polymers and their uses.

Polythene - used in packaging material , carry bags , bottles.

Polypropene - used in bottles , crates.

Polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) - used in pipes insulation 

Nylon ( polyester ) - used in fibres , ropes.

Teflon - used in nonstick kitchen ware.

Vinyl rubber - used in rubber erasers.

Polystyrene - used in foam thermocole 

Poly ( styrene butadiene ) - used in rubber bubble gum.

Bakelite - used in electrical insulation buttons.

Lexan - used in bullet proof glass.

Melamine - used in crockery.

Some important Facts - About Metals & Non-Metals

Diamond has maximum refractive index & due to Total Internal Reflection. It has lustre.

Chloroform in sunlight forms poisonous gas "phosgene" (COCI2).

To decrease the basicity of soil gypsum is used.

In the Preparation of Talcom powder theophestal mineral is used.

Potassium chloride is most suitable for the removal of permanent hardness of water.

To avoid melting of ice gelatine is used. 

Saccharine is prepared from toluene.

From 1 kg of honeybee 3500 calorie energy is produced.

N2O is known as laughing gas.

Bones contain about 58% calcium phosphate.

Phosphine gas is used in voyage as Holmes Signal.

Platinum is also called "white Gold" .

Milk is an emulsion .

Benzene or ether is dissolved in pure alcohol to form power alcohol , which is used as a fuel for aeroplanes.

Ammonium chloride is used to electroplate utensils.

Safety matches are made by using red phosphorus.

Bones are composed of 8% phosphorus.

Picric acid is an organic compound which is used as a reagent in Laboratory.

If soluble substance is added to a liquid , the surface tension of that liquid is increased.

Xenon is also called stranger gas .

Bisphenol A is a chemical used for progress in food packaging material.

The density of gold is higher than the density of mercury. So , gold drowns in mercury.

Glass makes a soluble silicate in hydrofloric acid ( HF ) . This is the reason why hydrofluoric acid is not stored in glass containers.

When methyl alcohol ( methanol ) is taken even in minute quantities , it acts as poison and serves as a cause for blindness.

Nobel gas - Ag , Au , Pt , Ir , Hg , Pd , Rh , Ru & Os.

Sulphuric acid is known as oil of vitriol.

Polonium has the maximum number of isotopes. 

Radon is the heaviest gas.

Silver is the best conductor of electricity.

Flourine is the most oxidising agent.

The highest element , least dense & most reductant is lithium ( Li ) .

The heaviest element is Osmium ( Os ).

Sodium is kept in kerosene oil.

Hydrogen peroxide is used for oil paintings.

In cold places , to decrease the freezing point ethylene glycol is used. 

When cream is separated from milk , it's density increases.

For the preparation of silver mirror , glucose is used.

During cooking , maximum vitamin is lost.

Sea weeds contains iodine.

Yellow phosphorus is kept in water.

Cesium is used in solar cells.

Barium is responsible for green colour in fireworks.

Ferric chloride is used to stop bleeding.

Acetylene is used for light production.

Vinegar contains 10 % acetic acid.

Urea was the first organic compound synthesised in laboratory.

Artificial perfumes are prepared from ethyl acetate.

Power alcohol is prepared from mixing pure alcohol in benzene which is used as rocket fuel.

In the electroplating of vessel NH4Cl is used.

Urea contains 46 % nitrogen.

Red phosphorus is used in match industry.

Chlorine gas bleaches the colour of flower due to oxidation.

Cement - contains the silicates of calcium & aluminium. A paste of it in water sets into a hard rocky mass called the setting of cement.

Some important Explosive - 

Dynamite - Discovered by Alfred Nobel.

It is prepared by absorption of raw dust with Nitro - glycerine. 

In modern dynamite sodium Nitrate is used in place of Nitro-glycerine.

TNT - Tri Nitro Toluene

TNB - Tri Nitro Benzene

TNP - Tri Nitro Phenol , it is also known as picric acid. 

R.D.X is highly explosive known as plastisizer in which Aluminium powder is mixed to increase the temprature and the speed of fire. 

Some common facts - 

Catalyst - Fe + Mo

Process - synthesis of NH3 by Haber's process.

Catalyst - Ni 

Process - synthesis of vanaspati ghee ( hydrogenation ) .

Catalyst - Pt 

Process - synthesis of H2SO4 by Contact process.

Catalyst - NO

Process - in the manufacture of H2SO4 by the Lead chamber process.

Catalyst - Hot Al2O3

Process - in the preparation of Ether from alcohol.

Catalyst - CuCl2 

Process - Preparation of chlorine gas by Deacon process. 

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