Previous Year Questions | SSC CGL | Economics

Previous Year Questions | SSC CGL | Economics | Agriculture

Set - 01

1. Value of total goods and services produced in a country is its .....

1. Gross Domestic Product

2. Gross Revenue Income

3. Total Goods Revenue

4. Total Income

Ans : 1 

2. The Arthashastra was written by 

1. Chanakya 

2. Kalidasa

3. Harsha Vardhana

4. Vatsyayana

Ans : 1

3. Which among the following is a characteristic of Laissezfaire system ?

1. No Government intervention

2. Market forces are highly regulated 

3. It is a socialist system

4. Maximum Government intervention

Ans : 1

4. Lowering of value of currency relative to a foreign reference currency is called ....

1. Devaluation 

2. Revaluation

3. Down valuation 

4. Negative valuation

Ans : 1

5. Who generally presents the Finance Budget in Indian Parliament ?

1. RBI Governor

2. Budget Minister

3. Finance Minister

4. Finance Secretary

Ans : 3

6. The goods which people consume more , when their price rises are called ...

1. Essential goods 

2. Capital goods

3. Veblen goods 

4. Giffen goods

Ans : 4

7. If cash reserve ratio decreases , credit creation will ....

1. Increase

2. Decrease 

3. Does not change 

4. First decreases than increases 

Ans : 1

8. Stagflation is defined as 

1. Low inflation , low growth , low unemployment

2. High inflation , low growth , high unemployment

3. High inflation , high growth , high unemployment

4. Low inflation , high growth , low unemployment

Ans - 2 

9. Which among the following does not count in the development expenditure of government ? 

1. Expenditure on economic service 

2. Expenditure on social services

3. Grant to states 

4. Defence expenditure

Ans - 4

10. Balance of Trade is the difference between

1. Country's income and exemse 

2. Country's exports and imports 

3. Country's tax revenue and expense 

4. Country's capital inflow and outflow

Ans - 2 

11. Which bill cannot originate in Rajya Sabha ? 

1. Constitutional Amendment Bill

2. Ordinary bill 

3. Fundamental bill

4. Money bill 

Ans - 4 

12. Which among the following is not a component of balance sheet ?

1. Total issued capital 

2. Cash held at the bank 

3. Value of raw materials held 

4. Revenue from sales of the company's products 

Ans - 4 

13. Birth rate in a country is defined as 

1. Number of births per 100 in 1 year 

2. Number of births per 1000 in 1 year 

3. Number of births per km of area in 1 year 

4. Number of births per 100 km of area in 1 year 

Ans - 2 

14. Which law states that bad money drives good money out of circulation ? 

1. Wagner's law 

2. Grimm's law 

3. Gresham's law 

4. Keynes law 

Ans - 3 

15. An increase in the growth rate of the nominal money supply results in 

1. Lower rate of inflation 

2. Higher rate of inflation 

3. Lower interest rate

4. Currency appreciation

Ans - 2 

16. Economics assumes that 

1. People have unlimited desires but limited resources 

2. People have limited desires but unlimited resources

3. Allocation of resources of not centrally planned will cause inefficiency

4. People are emotional and make irrational decisions 

Ans - 1

17. Which year was the first five year plan launched in india ?

1. 1921

2. 1931

3. 1941

4. 1951

Ans - 4

18. Which of the following is not an assumption of perfect competition ?

1. There are many buyers and sellers 

2. Average total costs continually decrease 

3. The good sold by all sellers in the market is assumed to be homogeneous.

4. Buyers and sellers in the market are assumed to have perfect information.

Ans - 2

19. Chanakya was known as 

1. Rajasekhara

2. Tejasvi

3. Kautilya 

4. Vatsyayana 

Ans - 3 

20. Who among the following is also the chairman of the planning Commission ?

1. Defence Minister

2. Attorney General 

3. Prime Minister

4. Finance Minister

Ans - 3 

21. Unemployment that arises when there is a general downturn in business activity is known as 

1. Structural unemployment

2. Frictional unemployment

3. Cyclical unemployment

4. Disguised unemployment

Ans - 3

22. The law of demand states that

1. If the price of a good increases , the demand for that good decreases.

2. If the price of a good increases , then the demand for that good increases.

3. If the price of a good increases , the quantity demanded of that good decreases.

4. If the price of a good increases , the quantity demanded of that good increases.

Ans - 3

23. At the equilibrium price 

1. Quantity demanded = quantity supplied 

2. Quantity demanded < quantity supplied

3. Elasticity of demand = elasticity of supply 

4. Price elasticity of demand is unity 

Ans - 1

24. The tax is entirely borne by the entity it is levied upon and cannot be passed .

1. Direct tax 

2. Indirect tax 

3. Straight tax 

4. Advance tax 

Ans - 1

25. The demand curve facing a perfectly competitive firm is 

1. Downward sloping 

2. Perfectly inelastic 

3. A concave curve 

4. Perfectly elastic 

Ans - 1 

Read this also 

Set - 02

1. Name the first indian to get Nobel prize in economics.

1. Amartya Sen 

2. C V Raman 

3. Mihir Sen

4. Arun Shourie

Ans - 1 

2. In perfect Competition a firm maximizes profit by 

1. Setting price such that price is equal to or greater than its marginal costs

2. Setting output such that price equals marginal costs 

3. Setting output such that price equals marginal costs

4. Setting price so that it is greater than marginal cost

Ans - 3

3. A price floor is 

1. A maximum legal price 

2. A minimum legal price 

3. The price where demand equals supply

4. The price where elasticity of demand equals elasticity of supply

Ans - 2 

4. First country to impose carbon tax is 

1. Australia

2. USA

3. Iceland 

4. New Zealand 

Ans - 4 

5. Micro Economics deals with

1. The circular flow of income 

2. The decision making of a single economic variable like demand 

3. Understanding unemployment

4. Economic growth 

Ans - 2 

6. Is a good whose quantity demanded decreases when Consumer income rises.

1. Veblen good

2. Normal good 

3. Exclusive good 

4. Inferior good 

Ans - 4 

7. In Economic equilibrium 

1. Supply is equal to the demand 

2. The surplus is larger than the shortage 

3. Elasticity of demand equals elasticity of supply

4. Price elasticity of demand is unity

Ans - 1

8. The Look East Policy in India was started by which of the following prime ministers ? 

1. Rajiv Gandhi 

2. Atal Bihari Vajpayee

3. P. V. Narasimha Rao

4. Manmohan Singh

Ans - 3 

9. At same money supply if the government reduces the tax rate which of the following is true ? 

1. Government revenues will surely fall

2. Disposable income will surely increase

3. Budget deficit will surely fall

4. Budget surplus will surely fall

Ans - 2 

10. Is the unemployment which exists in any economy due to people being in the process of moving from one job to another. 

1. Seasonal unemployment

2. Cyclical unemployment

3. Frictional unemployment

4. Structural unemployment

Ans - 3 

11. Who wrote the book - " The Argumentative Indian " ? 

1. Amartya Sen 

2. Anita Desai 

3. Arun Shourie 

4. Arundhati Rao 

Ans - 1 

12. The unemployment created at certain times of the year , when the demand for goods and services are lower than normal , is ......

1. Cyclical unemployment

2. Frictional unemployment

3. Seasonal unemployment

4. Structural unemployment

Ans - 3 

13. Picture of which US President is on the 5 dollar note ? 

1. George Washington

2. Thomas Jefferson 

3. Abraham Lincoln 

4. Andrew Jackson 

Ans - 3 

14. Government borrowing to finance budget deficits ....

1. Will exert downward pressure on interest rates 

2. Will have no effect on interest rates

3. Will increase supply of loanable funds 

4. Will put upward pressure on interest rates 

Ans - 4

15. ..... Recommended change in the structure and working of BCCI . 

1. Lodha Committee

2. Parekh committee

3. Sena committee

4. Akhil committee 

Ans - 1

16. Full employment is the level at which there is 

1. No frictional unemployment

2. No cyclical unemployment

3. No structural unemployment

4. No unemployment

Ans - 2 

17. Ad Valorem tax is levied on ? 

1. Value 

2. Volume 

3. Production 

4. Export 

Ans - 1 

18. If money supply growth is faster than real GDP growth , it results in ...

1. Inflation

2. Deflation

3. Budget surplus 

4. Budget deficit 

Ans - 1

19. ATM stands for 

1. Any Time Money 

2. Auto Technology Money

3. Automated Teller Machine 

4. Automatic Transaction Machinery 

Ans - 3 

20. Who is the chairman of NITI Aayog ? 

1. President

2. RBI Governor

3. Finance secretary 

4. Prime Minister

Ans - 4 

21. If tea companies start using mechanised tea leave pickers

1. More people would want to work as tea leave pickers 

2. Unemployment of tea leave pickers will decrease 

3. More tea will be produced per acre 

4. Then wages for manual tea leave pickers will fall 

Ans - 4

22. The SLR is determined by the RBI . SLR stands for 

1. States Leverage Return 

2. Saving Lease Rate 

3. Statutory Liquidity Ratio 

4. Safe Legal Range 

Ans - 3 

23. Is an Indian Government Savings Bond , primarily used for small savings and income tax saving Investments in India.

1. Provident Fund 

2. Life Insurance Policies 

3. National Saving Certificate 

4. Long Term Government bonds 

Ans - 3 

24. During a recession ...

1. Producers will be cautiously optimistic.

2. There will be decrease in inventory

3. There will be capacity under utilization.

4. There will be expansion in bank credit.

Ans - 3 

25. Renowned Businessmen , Mr. Deepak Parekh is primarily associated in the .... Sector .

1. Telecom

2. Aviation

3. Banking 

4. Insurance 

Ans - 3 

Set - 03


1. Verghese Kurien is related to 

1. Blue Revolution

2. White Revolution

3. Yellow Revolution

4. Green Revolution

Ans - 2

2. Blue Revolution is related to 

1. Fish production 

2. Milk production 

3. Oilseed production

4. Fertilizer production

Ans - 1

3. Blue and White Revolution is related with 

1. Fish and fertilizer 

2. Milk 

3. Fish and milk

4. Fish and agriculture

Ans - 3 

4. Brown Revolution is called as 

1. Fodder Revolution

2. Increase in sea products 

3. Increase in fertilizer production 

4. Increase in milk production

Ans - 3

5. Golden Revolution is related with 

1. Rearing of lagoons 

2. Agriculture of flowers

3. Beekeeping

4. Grapes production

Ans - 2

6. Which type of product does CACP recommend minimum support price for ?

1. Industrial products

2. Agricultural products

3. Pharmaceuticals products

4. None

Ans - 2

7. In which matter green revolution has achieved maximum success.

1. Sugarcane

2. Pulses 

3. Wheat

4. Rice

Ans - 3

8. The cattle rearing along with farming is called.

1. Mixed farming 

2. Mixed agriculture

3. Dairy farming 

4. Truck agriculture

Ans - 1

9. In Indian Agriculture High Yielding Variety Programme was started in ...

1. 1968

2. 1967

3. 1966

4. 1965

Ans - 3

10. AGMARK is a guarantee of standard 

1. Quality 

2. Quantity

3. Weight

4. Size 

Ans - 1

11. The implementation of "jawahar Rojgar Yojana" rests with 

1. Gram panchayats

2. District collectors

3. State Governments

4. Union Government

Ans - 4

12. The nature of unemployment in agriculture in india is 

1. Only seasonal 

2. Only disguised 

3. All 

4. None 

Ans - 1 

13. Indian agriculture is typically characterised as 

1. Land surplus , Labour Scarce Economy

2. Land Surplus , Labour Surplus Economy

3. Land scarce , Labour Surplus Economy

4. Land scarce , Labour Scarce Economy

Ans - 3

14. Kisan Credit Card Scheme was introduced in 

1. 1991

2. 1996

3. 1998

4. 2000

Ans - 3 

15. What is 'AGMARK' ?

1. It is a marketing seal issued on the graded agricultural commodity

2. It stands for Agricultural Marketing

3. It represents agricultural management and regulation

4. None

Ans - 2

16. Commercialisation of agriculture implies 

1. Cultivation of timbers 

2. Plantation 

3. Production of crops for sale 

4. Production of crops like wheat or rice

Ans - 3

17. Malthusian theory of population explored the relationship between 

1. Food supply and technology

2. Food supply and population growth

3. Population growth and development

4. Optimum growth and resources 

Ans - 2 

18. ISI mark is not given to which of the following products ?

1. Electric goods 

2. Hosiery goods 

3. Biscuits 

4. Cloth

Ans - 3

19. Structural unemployment arises due to 

1. Deflationary conditions  

2. Heavy industry bias

3. Shortage of raw materials

4. Inadequate productive capacity

Ans - 4

20. What was the objective of Command Area Development Programme ?

1. To ensure that land is given to the tillers 

2. To ensure better utilisation of irrigation potential 

3. To develop the areas under the command of Army 

4. Poverty alleviation in selected areas 

Ans - 2

21. Production is at socially ideal level under : 

1. Monopolistic Competition

2. Monopoly

3. Oligopolistic Competition

4. Perfect Competition

Ans - 4

22. Which one of the following is a residual earnings ?

1. Rent

2. Profit

3. Wage

4. Interest 

Ans - 2

23. New firms are barred from entering the market in :

1. Perfect Competition

2. Oligopoly

3. Monopolistic Competition

4. Monopoly

Ans - 4

24. Who says : 'The propensity to consume is stable in the short run' ? 

1. Keynes

2. Hicks 

3. Arrow

4. Stiglitz

Ans - 1

25. The supply of a commodity does not depend directly upon : 

1. Cost of production 

2. Price of the commodity 

3. Technology of production

4. Demand for the commodity

Ans - 4

Set - 04

1. The concept of ' Vicious Circle of Poverty ' is related to 

1. Karl marx 

2. Nurkse

3. Adam Smith 

4. None

Ans - 2

2. Fiscal policy in india is formulated by 

1. The Reserve Bank of India 

2. The Planning Commission

3. The Finance Ministery

4. The Securities and Exchange Board of India

Ans - 3 

3. In terms of economy , the visit by foreign Nationals to witness the XIX Commonwealth Games in India amounted to : 

1. Export

2. Import

3. Production 

4. Consumption

Ans - 1

4. Karl Marx explained the process of class struggle with the help of which one of the following theories ?

1. Empirical liberalism 

2. Extentialism

3. Darwin's theory or evolution 

4. Dialectical materialism

Ans - 4

5. A 'closed economy' is an economy in which : 

1. The money supply is fully controlled 

2. Deficit financing takes place

3. Only exports take place

4. Neither exports nor imports take place

Ans - 4

6. In india , which of the following is regulated by the Forward Markets Commission ?

1. Currency Futures Trading

2. Commodities Futures Trading 

3. Both Commodities Futures Trading and Financial Futures Trading

Ans - 2 

7. In the context of independent India's economy , which one of the following was the earliest event to take place ?

1. Nationalisation of insurance companies

2. Nationalisation of State Bank of India

3. Enactment of Banking Regulation Act 

4. Introduction of First Five Year Plan

Ans - 3

8. Which one of the following committees recommended the abolition of reservation of items for the small scale sector in industry ?

1. Abid Hussain Committee

2. Narsimhan committee

3. Nayak committee

4. Rakesh Mohan committee

Ans - 1

9. The book ' The argumentative Indian is written by : 

1. Mulk raj Anand

2. Dan Brown

3. Bimal Jalan

4. Amartya Sen

Ans - 4

10. Who is called the Father of Modern Economics ?

1. Adam Smith 

2. Marshall

3. Keynes 

4. Robbins

Ans - 1

11. Who among the following released Citizens guide to fight corruption ?

1. Ministry of Family Welfare 

2. Consumer Co-operative societies

3. Central Vigilence commission 

4. Transparency International

Ans - 4

12. Public Distribution System (PDC) is aimed at :

1. Providing food security to the poor

2. To prevent hoarding and black marketing 

3. To prevent overcharging by traders 

4. All

Ans - 4 

13. Who is called the pioneer of liberalization of Indian economy ?

1. Dr. Man Mohan Singh

2. P. V. Narsimha Rao

3. Dr. Bimal Jalan 

4. P. Chidambaram

Ans - 1

14. Motivations given to multinational companies in India means encouragement  of : 

1. Privatization

2. Globalization

3. Liberalization 

4. All

Ans - 4

15. Which of the following is not a part of the second generation of 'Economic Reforms' identified by the Government ?

1. Oil-sector reforms

2. Public sector reforms 

3. Reforms of Government and public Institutions

4. Legal system reforms

Ans - 4

16. Which of the following is not a measure of reducing inequalities ?

1. Minimum needs programme

2. Liberalization of economy

3. Taxation

4. Land reforms 

Ans - 2 

17. Under Gadgil Mukherjee formula the higher weightage is given to :

1. Performance

2. Per Capita Income 

3. Population

4. Special problems 

Ans - 3

18. Who was the author of the book ' India 's Economic Policy : The Gandhian Blue Print ' ?

1. Chaudhary Charan Singh 

2. Jai Prakash Narayan 

3. Man Mohan Singh

4. Acharya Vinobha Bhave

Ans - 1

19. "Golden Hand Shake Scheme" in India is related with : 

1. Voluntary Retirement 

2. Indian Gold Dealers 

3. Foreign Gold Dealers in India 

4. Promoting Trade in Gold 

Ans - 1

20. J. J. Irani Committee has been set up to suggest changes in : 

1. India Telegraph Act 

2. Cable Act 

3. Companies Act 

4. Patent Act 

Ans - 3 

21. The view that planning in India should in future pay more attention to the people than to commodities was given by :

1. Amartya Sen 

2. Yashwant Sinha

3. Atal behari Vajpayee 

4. Man Mohan Singh

Ans - 1

22. Who got the 1988 Nobel prize in Economics ?

1. Solow 

2. Marshall 

3. Amartya Sen

4. Paul Samuelson 

Ans - 3

23. C. Rangachari committee is associated with which one of the following ?

1. Pricing and taxation of petroleum products 

2. Estimation of Money supply 

3. Tax Structure 

Ans - 1

24. Which one of the following situations makes a firm most efficient ?

1. Falling average cost

2. Raising average cost

3. Constant average cost 

4. Lowest average cost

Ans - 4

25. A community's stock of wealth is accounted for by the :

1. Aggregate of capital and consumer goods

2. Gross Investment minus depreciation 

3. Standard of living of the people 

4. Net increase in invisible and intangible goods

Ans - 1

Set - 05

1. Who among the followings was the chairman of high level commission on competition policy and law ?

1. Bimal jalan 

2. C. Rangachari

3. Y. V. Reddy

4. S. V. S. Raghavan

Ans - 4

2. Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh who was awarded Nobel Prize a few years back is famous : 

1. Author

2. Scientist

3. Social worker

4. Economist

5. None

Ans - 4

3. Which of the following terms is NOT used in Economics ?

1. Balance of Trade

2. Break Even

3. Fiscal Deficit 

4. Capital Account

5. Centrifugal Force

Ans - 5

4. Who amongst the following economist gave the concept of ' economics of sale ' which says , many goods and services can be produced more cheaply in long series ?

1. Edward C. Prescott

2. Amartya Sen 

3. Gary S. Bekher

4. Edmund S. Phelps

5. Paul Krugman

Ans - 5

5. When the growth of GDP in a country slows down suddenly , people start losing their jobs and the situation continues for several weeks , what name is given to this State of economy ?

1. Inflation

2. Recession

3. Deflation

4. Economic boom

5. None

Ans - 2

6. Which of the following committees recommended the revival of co-operative credit institution in states ?

1. Vaidyananthan committee

2. Rangrajan committee

3. Sachchar committee

4. Rakesh Mohan committee

5. None 

Ans - 1

7. Many times we read in financial newspaper FLL. What is the full form of FLL.

1. Final Investment In India

2. Foreign Investment In India

3. Foreign Institutional Investment

4. Fair Institutional Investment

Ans - 3

8. Utility in economics means the capacity to : 

1. Provide comforts

2. Earn in income

3. Satisfy human wants

4. Satisfy human motives 

Ans - 3

9. When the price of commodity falls , we can expect : 

1. The supply of it to increase

2. The demand for it to fall

3. The demand for it to stay constant

4. The demand for it to increase

Ans - 4

10. The excess of price - a person is to pay rather than fare go the consumption of the commodity is called : 

1. Price 

2. Profit

3. Producer's surplus

4. Consumer's surplus

Ans - 3

11. 'Economics is what it ought to be ; . This statement refer to :

1. Normative Economics

2. Positive Economics

3. Monetary Economics

4. Fiscal Economics

Ans - 1

12. The terms 'Micro Economics' and 'Macro Economics' were coined by : 

1. Alfred Marshall

2. Ragnar Nurkse

3. Ragnar Frisch  

4. J. M. Keynes

Ans - 3

13. A 'want' becomes a 'demand' only when it is backed by the : 

1. Ability to purchase 

2. Necessity to buy

3. Desire to buy

4. Utility of the product

Ans - 1

14. Labour intensive Technique would get choosen in a : 

1. Labour Surplus Economy

2. Capital Surplus Economy

3. Developed Economy

4. Developing Economy

Ans - 1

15. Which from the following is not true when the interest rate in the economy goes up ?

1. Saving increases

2. Lending decreases 

3. Cost of production increases 

4. Return on capital increases 

Ans - 4

16. Surplus earned by a factor other than land in the short period is referred to as : 

1. Economic rent 

2. Net Rent 

3. Quasi-Rent 

4. Super-Normal rent 

Ans - 3

17. Opportunity cost of production of a commodity is : 

1. The cost that the firm could have incurred when a different techniques was adopted

2. The cost that the firm could have incurred under a different method of production

3. The actual cost incurred 

4. The next best alternative output sacrificed

Ans - 4 

18. If two commodities are complements , than their cross price elasticity is :

1. Zero

2. Positive

3. Negative

4. Imaginary number

Ans - 3

19. Nobel Prize winnings Indian Amartya Sen is known for his work in which area ?

1. Physics 

2. Environmental Protection

3. Chemistry

4. Economics

Ans - 4

20. The relationship between the value of money and the price level in an economy is : 

1. Direct

2. Inverse 

3. Proportional

4. Stable 

Ans - 2

21. Homogeneous product is a feature of : 

1. Imperfect market 

2. Monopoly

3. Oligopoly 

4. Perfect Competition

Ans - 4

22. Demonstration Effect Means : 

1. Effect of advertisement 

2. Imitating effect of consumption 

3. Effect of entertainment

4. Effect of an experiment

Ans - 2

23. According to J. A. Schumpeter , entrepreneurs are entitled to enjoy the profit for their ... activities.

1. Innovative 

2. Risk taking 

3. Risk averting 

4. Hand work 

Ans - 1 

24. In which type of Competition does Marginal Revenue Curve coincide with Average Revenue Curve ?

1. Monopoly

2. Imperfect Competition

3. Perfect Competition

4. Monopolistic Competition

Ans - 3 

25. Laissez - faire is a feature of : 

1. Socialism 

2. Communism 

3. Opposite meaning 

4. None 

Ans - 3 

Set - 06

1. Capital information in an economy depends on : 

1. Total income 

2. Total demand 

3. Total saving 

4. Total production

Ans - 3 

2. Price cost is equal to :

1. Variable cost plus administrative cost

2. Variable cost plus fixed cost

3. Variable cost only 

4. Fixed cost only

Ans - 1

3. An expenditure that has been made and can not be recovered is called :

1. Variable cost 

2. Opportunity cost

3. Sunk cost 

4. Operational cost

Ans - 3 

4. Who propounded the 'market law' ?

1. Adam Smith 

2. J. B. Say 

3. T. R. Malthus 

4. David Ricardo

Ans - 2

5. Who among the following is NOT a classical economist ?

1. David Ricardo 

2. John Stuart Mill 

3. Thomas Malthus 

4. John Maynard Keynes 

Ans - 4

6. Pro. Amartya Sen was awarded Nobel Prize for his Contribution to the field of :

1. Food and famines 

2. Welfare economics 

3. Indian economy 

4. Poverty

Ans - 2

7. Nobel Prize in which field is NOT paid out of the endowment set up by Dr. Alfred Nobel ? 

1. Peace 

2. Medicate

3. Chemistry

4. Economics 

Ans - 4 

8. What is needed for creating demand ?

1. Production 

2. Price 

3. Income 

4. Import 

Ans - 2 

9. Who said  , 'Economics is the science of wealth' ?

1. Adam Smith 

2. Robbin 

3. J. S. Mill 

4. Keynes 

Ans - 1 

10. 'Interest is a reward for parting with liquidity for a specific period's is according to : 

1. Keynes 

2. Marshall

3. Haberler 

4. Ohlin 

Ans - 1 

11. Extension or contraction of quantity demanded of a commodity is a result of change in the : 

1. Unit price of the commodity

2. Income of the consumer

3. Tastes of the consumer

4. Climate of the region 

Ans - 1 

12. For price discrimination to be successful , the elasticity of demand for the product in the two markets should be :

1. Same 

2. Different 

3. Constant 

4. Zero

Ans - 2:

13. The " law of demand " expresses : 

1. Effect of change in price of a commodity on its demand 

2. Effect of change in demand of a commodity on its price 

3. Effect of change in demand of a commodity over the supply of its substitute

4. None 

Ans - 2

14. When average cost of production falls , marginal cost of production must be : 

1. Rising 

2. Falling 

3. Greater than the average cost

4. Less than the average cost

Ans - 4 

15. A fall in damand or rise in supply of a commodity.

1. Increase the price of that commodity

2. Decrease the price of that commodity

3. Neutralises the changes in the price 

4. Determines the price elasticity

Ans - 2 

16. An exceptional demand curve is one that moves : 

1. Upward to the right 

2. Downward to the right

3. Horizontally

4. Vertically

Ans - A

17. Production function explains the relationship between :

1. Initial inputs and ultimate output

2. Inputs and ultimate consumption

3. Output and consumption

4. Output and exports

Ans - A

18.  In India which of the following taxes is levied by the State Governments ?

1. Excise Duty on liquor 

2. Capital gains tax 

3. Customs tax 

4. Corporation tax 

Ans - 1 

19. HRIDAY scheme launched by Urban Development Ministry aims at 

1. Education of girl child

2. Development of smart cities 

3. Urban sewage treatment 

4. Development of heritage sites 

Ans - 4 

20. The industry having the largest Investment in Indian Economy is ? 

1. Tea 

2. Cement 

3. Steel 

4. Jute 

Ans - 3 

21. What is the accounting year of the Reserve Bank of India ? 

1. April March 

2. June july 

3. October September 

4. January December

Ans - 2 

22. Disguised unemployment in India is mainly related to 

1. Agricultural sector 

2. Rural Area 

3. Factory sector 

4. Urban Area 

Ans - 1 

23. One of the following is also called as World Bank.

1. IMF


3. WTO

4. IDA

Ans - 2

24. Fixed Foreign Exchange rate can be changed by 

1. RBI 

2. SEBI 

3. Ministry of Finance 


Ans - 1

25. Which institution is known as soft Loan Window of World Bank ?


2. IDA

3. IMF

4. RBI

Ans - 2




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