Hydrocarbons|Classification Of Hydrocarbons On Class 11th Notes|

Hydrocarbons|Classification Of Hydrocarbons On Class 11th Notes|


1. In which among the following molecules is the distance between two adjacent carbon atoms largest 

1. Benzene

2. Ethane 

3. Ethene 

4. Ethyene

Ans - 2 - Ethane 

2. Synthetic ethanol is produced by reacting ethene (in the presence of phosphoric acid ) with

1. Hydrogen

2. Potassium dichromate

3. Oxygen 

4. Water ( steam )

Ans - 4 - water (steam)

3. Which is the primary component of natural gas 

1. Methane

2. Butane

3. Propene

4. Ethane

Ans - 1 - Methane

4. Which one of the following allotropes of the carbon is used in cutting and drilling :

1. Diamond

2. Graphite 

3. Activated charcoal

4. Carbon black 

Ans - 1 - Diamond

5. Which is the chemical formula of Marsh gas :

1. Ethane

2. Methane

3. Ammonia 

4. Carbon dioxide

Ans - 2 - Methane 

6. Which one of the following petroleum refinery products has the lowest boiling point : 

1. Kerosene

2. Lubricating oil 

3. Gasoline

4. Diesel 

Ans - 3 - Gasoline

7. Which of the following is an active component of oil of clove ? 

1. Menthol

2. Eugenol

3. Benzaldehyde

4. Methanol

Ans - 2 - Eugenol 

8. Which of the following compounds caused tragedy of Bhopal in 1984 :

1. Phosphene

2. Methyl isocyanate 

3. Carbon Monoxide

4. Methyl cyanate 

Ans - 2 - Methyl isocyanate

9. Hinsberg's reagent is 

1. Benzene sulphonamide

2. Benzene sulphonic acid 

3. Benzene sulphuryl chloride 

4. Benzene sulphonyl chloride

Ans - 4 - Benzene sulphonyl chloride

10. Aminea are more basic than 

1. Alcohol

2. Ethers 

3. Esters 

4. All of these 

Ans - 4 - all of these

11. Which are is the following is the weakest base ?

1. Trimethylamine 

2. Diethylamine 

3. Ethylamine 

4. Ammonia 

Ans - 1 - Trimethylamine 

12. Garbriel phthalimide synthesis is used in the preparation 

1. 1° amine 

2. 2° amine 

3. 3° amine

4. None 

Ans - 1 - 1° amine

13. Fruity smell is given by 

1. Esters 

2. Alcohols 

3. Chloroform 

4. Acid anhydride 

Ans - 1- Esters 

14. Soaps can be classified as 

1. Carbohydrates 

2. Ethers 

3. Salt of fatty acids 

4. None 

Ans - 3 - salt of fatty acids 

15. End of detergent have 

1. Ester group 

2. Aldehyde 

3. Amine group

4. Sodium sulphate 

Ans - 4 - sodium sulphate 

16. A fruity smell is produced by the reaction of ethanol with 

1. PCl5 



4. None 

Ans - 3 - CH3COOH

17. Sodium acetamide smell like 

1. Garlic 

2. Rotten egg

3. Pleasant 

4. Reminiscent of mice 

Ans - 4 - Reminiscent of mice

18. Paraffin wax is 

1. An ester 

2. A long chain acid 

3. Monohydric alcohol

4. A mixture of higher alkanes 

Ans - 4 - a mixture of higher alkanes 

19. Fat is 

1. A lipid 

2. A protein 

3. A carbohydrate

4. An amino acids 

Ans - 1 - a lipid 

20. Candles contains a mixture of 

1. Bees wax and paraffin wax 

2. Bees wax and stearic acid 

3. Paraffin wax and stearic acid

4. Higher fatty acid 

Ans - 3 - paraffin wax and stearic acid 

21. Bees wax is 

1. Myricyl palmitate 

2. Myricyl stearate

3. Myricyl oleate

4. Mixture of higher hydrocarbon

Ans - 1 - myricyl palmitate

22. Soft soaps are 

1. Sodium salt

2. Calcium salt

3. Magnesium salt 

4. Potassium salt 

Ans - 4 - potassium salt 

23. The process by which vegetable ghee is manufactured is known as 

1. Saponification

2. Hydrogenation 

3. Esterification 

4. Hydrolysis

Ans - 2 - hydrogenation 

24. In the hydrogenation of oil 

1. Ni acts as a promoter 

2. Cu acts as a catalyst 

3. Tellurium acts as a promoter

4. Ni acts as a catalyst 

Ans - 4 - Ni acts as a catalyst

25. An example of heterocyclic compound is : 

1. Benzene 

2. Anthracene 

3. Naphthalene

4. Furan 

Ans - 4 - Furan 

26. A detergent is a 

1. Cleansing agent 

2. Drug 

3. Catalyst

4. Soap 

Ans - 1 - cleansing agent 

27. An aqueous solution of urea is 

1. Acidic 

2. Basic 

3. Neutral 

4. Amphoteric 

Ans - 3 - neutral 

28. Urea is a 

1. Monobasic acid 

2. Dibasic acid 

3. Monoacid base 

4. Diacid base 

Ans - 3 - monoacid base 

29. Urea is converted into ammonia and carbon dioxide by the enzyme 

1. Diastase 

2. Urease 

3. Lipase 

4. Amylase 

Ans - 2 - urease 

30. The percentage of nitrogen in urea it 

1. 46 

2. 23

3. 48

4. 52 

Ans - 1 - 46

31. The reverse of esterification process is called 

1. Neutralisation 

2. Hydrolysis 

3. Acidolysis 

4. Alcoholysis 

Ans - 2 - hydrolysis 

32. The reaction between acid and alcohol is known as 

1. Esterification

2. Saponification 

3. Hydrolysis

4. Hydrogenation

Ans - 1 - esterification

33. Natural rubber is a polymer of 

1. Isoprene 

2. Styrene 

3. Vinyl acetate 

4. Propene 

Ans - 1 - isoprene 

34. Oxalic acid is used : 

Ans - 1. For removing ink stains 

2. For the lab Preparation of formic acid and allyl alcohol 

3. As a mardant in dyeing and calico - printing.

35. Which of the following reagents can be used to test carboxylic group ?

Ans - 1. NaHCO3

2. FeCl3

3. Alcohol in presence of conc. H2SO4.

36. Which of the following is the strongest acid ? 

1. HOCl 

2. HClO3 

3. HClO2

4. HClO4 

Ans - 4 - HClO4 

37. Cyanogen on hydrolysis with dil. HCl gives -

1. Formic acid 

2. Acetic acid 

3. Glycol

4. Oxalic acid 

Ans - 4 - oxalic acid 

38. Vinegar contains 

1. 100% acetic acid 

2. 10% - 20 % acetic acid

3. 1% acetic acid

4. 7 - 8 % acetic acid

Ans - 4 - 7- 8 % acetic acid

39. Rochelle's salt is - 

1. Sodium potassium tartrate 

2. Sodium tartrate 

3. Potassium tartrate

4. Sodium tartrate

Ans - 1 - sodium potassium tartrate

40. Which is tribasic acid - 

1. Succinic acid

2. Tartaric acid 

3. Citric acid

4. Valeric acid 

Ans - 3 - citric acid 

41. Tamarind contains - 

1. Tartaric acid 

2. Lactic acid 

3. Citric acid 

4. Succinic acid 

Ans - 1 - tartaric acid 

42. Lactic acid is - 

1. Propionic acid 

2. a-hydroxy propionic acid 

3. B-hydroxy propionic acid

4. None 

Ans - 2 - a-hydroxy propionic acid

43. Adipic acid is a - 

1. Dibasic acid 

2. Tribasic acid 

3. Monobasic acid 

4. Tetrabasic acid 

Ans - 1 - dibasic acid 

44. Which of the following is used in synthetic lemonade ?

1. Tartaric acid

2. Acetic acid

3. Citric acid

4. Oxalic acid

Ans - 3 - Citric acid

45. Which one of the following is used to remove ink and rust stains on cloth ?

1. Oxalic acid

2. Alcohol

3. Ether 

4. Kerosene oil 

Ans - 1 - oxalic acid

46. Fehling's solution is - 

1. Acidified copper sulphate solution 

2. Ammoniacal cuprous chloride solution

3. Copper sulphate and Rochelle salt + NaOH

4. None

Ans - 3 - Copper sulphate and Rochelle salt + NaOH

47. A plastic bakelite is a compound of HCHO with - 

1. Benzene

2. Phenol

3. Ammonia

4. Hydrocarbon

Ans - 2 - Phenol

48. Urotropine is formed by the action of ammonia on - 

1. Acetaldehyde

2. Formaldehyde

3. Acetone

4. Phenol

Ans - 2 - Formaldehyde

49. Parraldehyde is formed by the polymerisation of - 



3. CH3OH 

4. (Ch3)2CO

Ans - 1 

50. Which of the following is used as a hypnotic

1. Paraldehyde

2. Metaldehyde

3. Acetaldehyde

4. Formaldehyde

Ans - 1 - Paraldehyde


51. Paraldehyde is used to - 

1. Medicine 

2. Poison

3. Polymer

4. Dye

Ans - 1 - Medicine

52. Acetone on condensation with chloroform in presence of caustic potash forms - 

1. Chloretone

2. Trichloronitromethane 

3. 1, 1, 1- trichloro - 2 methyl propan - 2 - ol

4. Chloropicrin

Ans - 1 - Chloretone

53. Which of the following is not a fatty acid ?

1. Stearic acid 

2. Palmitic acid 

3. Propionic acid 

4. Phenyl acetic acid 

Ans - 4 - Phenyl acetic acid 

54. Lemon is sour due to 

1. Citric acid 

2. Tartaric acid 

3. Oxalic acid 

4. Acetic acid 

Ans - 1 - Citric acid 

55. Which of the following acids is present in vinegar ? 

1. Hydrochloric acid 

2. Acetic acid

3. Tartaric acid

4. Citric acid

Ans - 2 - Acetic acid

56. Which one among the following fuels is used in gas welding ? 

1. LPG

2. Ethylene 

3. Methane 

4. Acetylene

Ans - 2 - Ethylene

57. Fermentation of ethyl alcohol into acetic acid is done by - 

1. Zymase

2. Diastase

3. Maltase

4. Bacterium mycoderma aceti

Ans - 4 - Bacterium mycoderma aceti

58. Pyroligneous acid contains 

1. 2% acetic acid

2. 50% acetic acid

3. 10% acetic acid

4. 20% acetic acid

Ans - 3 - 10% acetic acid

59. When formic acid reacts with PCl5 , it forms - 

1. Acetyl chloride 

2. Formyl chloride

3. Methyl chloride

4. Propionyl chloride

Ans - 4 - Propionyl chloride

60. A sample of chloroform before using as an anaesthetic , is tested by - 

1. Fehling's solution 

2. Ammoniacal cuprous chloride

3. Ammoniacal silver nitrate solution 

4. Silver nitrate solution after boiling with alcoholic KOH

Ans - 3 - Ammoniacal silver nitrate solution

61. Acetone is mixed with bleaching powder to give - 

1. Chloroform

2. Acetaldehyde

3. Ethanol 

4. Phosgene

Ans - 1 - Chloroform

62. Alcohol obtained in the saponification process is - 

1. Ethyl alcohol

2. Methyl alcohol

3. Wood spirit 

4. Glycerol

Ans - 1 - Ethyl alcohol

63. Chlorofluorocarbons are widely used in 

1. Micro ovens

2. Solar heaters 

3. Washing machines 

4. Refrigerators

Ans - 4 - Refrigerators

64. Rectified spirit contains - 

1. 75% alcohol

2. 95.5% alcohol

3. 56% alcohol

4. 100% alcohol

Ans - 2 - 95.5% alcohol

65. Wine contains : 

1. Methanol

2. Ethanol

3. Propanol

4. Glucose 

Ans - 2 - Ethanol

66. Fermentation is an - 

1. Endothermic reaction

2. Exothermic reaction 

3. Polymerisation reaction

4. Condensation reaction

Ans - 2 - Exothermic reaction

67. Glucose and fructose are converted into ethanol in presence of - 

2. Invertase 

2. Diastase 

3. Zymase 

4. Lipids 

Ans - 3 - Zymase

68. Grain alcohol is common name of 

1. Amyl alcohol

2. Ethyl alcohol 

3. Methanol 

4. None 

Ans - 2 - Ethyl alcohol 

69. Wood spirit is known as 

1. Ethanol

2. Methanol

3. Acetone 

4. Benzene

Ans - 2 - Methanol

70. Ethanol containing some methanol is called - 

1. Methylated spirit

2. Rectified spirit 

3. Absolute spirit

4. None 

Ans - 1 - Methylated spirit

71. Rectified spirit can be dried with 

1. Conc. Sulphuric acid

2. Calcium oxide 

3. Anhydrous calcium chloride

4. Slaked lime 

Ans - 2 - Calcium oxide 

72. Power alcohol is - 

1. Absolute alcohol + methyl alcohol

2. Absolute alcohol + petrol

3. Rectified alcohol + petrol

4. Denatured alcohol + petrol

Ans - 2 - Absolute alcohol + petrol

73. The explosive nitroglycerine is 

1. An ester

2. A salt 

3. A soap

4. A complex compound

Ans - 1 - An ester

74. Which of the following compounds is commonly used as antifreeze in automobile radiators ? 

1. Methanol

2. Ethanol

3. Glycerol 

4. All 

Ans - 3 - Glycerol

75. In cold countries , ethylene glycol is added in the water used in the radiators of cars during winter. This results in - 

1. Lowering in freezing point

2. Reducing the viscosity

3. Reducing the specific heat

4. Making water a better conductor of electricity

Ans - 1 - Lowering in freezing point

76. The group reagent for the test of alcohol is - 

1. Ceric ammonium nitrate 

2. Schiff's reagent 

3. Molisch's reagent

4. Bromine water

Ans - 1 - Ceric ammonium nitrate 

77. The most important ingredient of dynamite is - 

1. Nitrobenzene

2. Picric acid 

3. Nitroglycerine 

4. TNT

Ans - 3 - Nitroglycerine

78. Denatured spirit is mainly used as a 

1. Drug 

2. Good fuel

3. Material in prepairing 

4. Solvent in prepairing varnishes

Ans - 4 - Solvent in prepairing varnishes

79. Which of the following is generally present in tonics : 

1. Ethanol

2. Ether

3. Ethanol

4. Chloral

Ans - 1 - Ethanol

80. Dynamite is prepared by mixing nitroglycerine with - 

1. Saw dust and ammonium nitrate 

2. Cellulose nitrate 

3. Saw dust alone 

4. Conc. Sulphuric acid

Ans - 1 - Saw dust and ammonium nitrate 

81. Liquor poisoning is due to the presence of - 

1. Methyl alcohol

2. Ethyl alcohol

3. Carbonic acid 

4. Bad compound in liquor

Ans - 1 - Methyl alcohol

82. An enzyme which changes maltose into glucose is known as known as 

1. Zymase

2. Maltose

3. Invertase

4. Diastase

Ans - 2 - Maltose

83. Methylated spirit is 

1. 100% alcohol

2. 95.6% alcohol + 4.4% water

3. 90% alcohol + 9% methanol + pyridine

4. Power alcohol

Ans - 3 - 90% alcohol + 9% methanol + pyridine , etc 

84. Denatured spirit is a mixture of ethyl alcohol , methyl alcohol and 

1. Acetic acid

2. Pyridine 

3. Acetone 

4. Water 

Ans - 2 - Pyridine

85. Schiff's reagent is - 

1. Magenta solution decolourised with sulphurous acid 

2. Magenta solution decolourised with chlorine 

3. Ammoniacal cobalt chloride solution

4. Ammoniacal manganese sulphate solution

Ans - 1 - Magenta solution decolourised with sulphurous acid 

86. Tollen' s reagent is : 

1. Alkaline mercuric chloride 

2. Alkaline potassium permanganate 

3. Ammoniacal silver nitrate 

4. Ammonium citrate

Ans - 3 - Ammoniacal silver nitrate 

87. Formaline is the commercial name of 

1. Formic acid 

2. Fluoroform

3. 40% aqueous solution of methanol 

4. Paraformaldehyde

Ans - 3 - 40% aqueous solution of methanol 

88. At room temprature, formaldehyde is 

1. A gas 

2. A liquid 

3. A solid 

4. Not known 

Ans - 1 - A gas

89. The grouping >CO is present in 

1. Ethers 

2. Alcohols

3. Ketones 

4. None 

Ans - 3 - Ketones

90. Ether show isomerism with 

1. Alcohol

2. Acid

3. Halide

4. Aldehyde

Ans - 1 - Alcohol

91. Epichlorohydrin is - 

1. 3 - chloropropane 

2. 3 - chloroprapan -1- ol 

3. 2 - chloromethyl oxirane  

4. None 

Ans - 3 - 2 - chloromethyl oxirane  

92. When ether is exposed in air for sometime , an explosive substance is produced , the substance is 

1. Peroxide 

2. TNT

3. Oxide

4. Superoxide 

Ans - 1 - Peroxide

93. In [18] -- crown -- 6 , the number of oxygen atoms is 

1. 18

2. 6

3. 12

4. 24

Ans - 2 

94. Crown ethers are 

1. Cyclic ethers 

2. Ethers with several other functional groups 

3. Mixed ethers 

4. Not ethers 

Ans - 1 - Cyclic ethers 

95. The optimum temprature for carrying out fermentation of molasses is - 

1. 0°C

2. 30°C

3. 60°C

4. 100°C

Ans - 2 

96. The factor adversely affecting the fermentation process is 

1. Presence of air 

2. Low concentration of sugar 

3. High concentration of sugar 

4. Presence of an enzyme 

Ans - 3 - High concentration of sugar 

97. Chloropicrin is 

1. Picric derivative 

2. Nitrochloroform

3. Nitromethane

4. Nitro ethyl chloride 

Ans - 2 - Nitrochloroform

98. Chemical name of Gammaxane is : 

1. Aniline 

2. Toluene 

3. Benzene hexachloride 

4. Chloro benzene

Ans - 3 - Benzene hexachloride 

99. Reforming is the process used for 

1. Preparation of hydrocarbon 

2. Increasing the octane number

3. Preparation of straight chain 

4. Preparation of aromatic heterocyclic compounds 

Ans - 2 - Increasing the octane number

100. Acetylene is used as an anaesthetic under the name of - 

1. Narcylene 

2. Pyrene

3. Neopyrene

4.  pyroline

Ans - 1 - Narcylene


101. Lindlar's catalyst is 

1. Pt in ethanol

2. Pd + barium sulphate

3. Ni in ethanol

4. Na in liquid ammonia 

Ans - 2 - Pd + barium sulphate

102. The presence of unsaturation in an organic compound can be tested with - 

1. Schiff's reagent 

2. Tollen's reagent 

3. Fehling's solution 

4. Baeyer's reagent 

Ans - 4 - Baeyer's reagent 

103. The maximum C---C bond length is in 

1. Ethane 

2. Ethene

3. Ethyne

4. Methane 

Ans - 1 - ethane (C2H6)

104. The gas , which is used for welding purposes is - 

1. CH4

2. C2H6

3. C2H4

4. C2H2

Ans - 4 

105. The gas , which is used for artificial ripening of fruit , is

1. Methane

2. Ethene 

3. Ethane 

4. None 

Ans - 2

106. The name of the poisonous gas formed by the interaction of acetylene and arsenic trichloride is 

1. Phosgene 

2. Lewisite

3. Mustard gas 

4. Weston 

Ans - 2 - Lewisite

107. Benzene is a polymer of 

1. Methane 

2. Acetylene

3. Ethane 

4. Ethylene

Ans - 2 - Acetylene

108. Ethylene reacts with sulphur monochloride to form 

1. Ethyl chloride 

2. Ethylene chloride 

3. Mustard gas 

4. Ethylidene chloride

Ans - 3 - Mustard gas

109. Acidic hydrogen is present in 

1. Ethyne 

2. Ethene 

3. Benzene 

4. Ethane 

Ans - 1 - Ethyne

110. Baeyer's reagent is 

1. Alkaline potassium permanganate solution

2. Acidic potassium permanganate solution

3. Neutral potassium permanganate solution 

4. Aqueous bromine solution 

Ans - 1 - Alkaline potassium permanganate solution

111. The most reactive hydrocarbon is 

1. Ethene 

2. Ethyne

3. Ethane 

4. Methane 

Ans - 1 - Ethene

112. Which of the following has highest knocking property ?

1. Aromatic hydrocarbon

2. Olefins 

3. Branched chain paraffins 

4. Straight chain paraffins 

Ans - 4 - Straight chain paraffins 

113. The geometry of methane molecule is 

1. Tetrahedral

2. Pyramidal

3. Octahedral 

4. Square planer 

Ans - 1 - Tetrahedral

114. Which hydrocarbon is mainly present in gobar gas ?

1. Butane 

2. Propane 

3. Methane 

4. Ethane 

Ans - 3 - Methane

115. Octane number is zero for 

1. Iso-heptane

2. n-heptane 

3. Iso-octane 

4. n-octane 

Ans - 2 - n-heptane

116. Catalytic reduction of water gas gives 

1. Acetylene 

2. Ethylene 

3. Ethane 

4. Methane 

Ans - 4 - Methane

117. Adam's catalyst is 

1. Platinum metal

2. Palladium

3. Nickle metal

4. Platinum oxide 

Ans - 4 - Platinum oxide (PtO2)

118. Liquid hydrocarbon is converted into a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbon by 

1. Cracking 

2. Hydrolysis 

3. Oxidation 

4. Distillation 

Ans - 1 - Cracking

119. Paraffin dissolves in 

1. Distilled water 

2. Methanol 

3. Benzene 

4. Salt water 

Ans - 3 - Benzene

120. Domestic cooking gas consists of mostly 

1. Methane and ethane 

2. Liquified butane and iso-butane 

3. Ethylene and carbon monoxide 

4. Hydrogen and acetylene 

Ans - 2 - Liquified butane and iso-butane

121. The flash point in India is fixed at 

1. 44°C 

2. 35°C 

3. 22.8°C 

4. 30°C

Ans - 1 - 44°C

122. Fisher - Tropsch process is used in the manufacture of 

1. Ethane 

2. Benzene

3. Synthetic petrol 

4. LPG

Ans - 3 - Synthetic petrol

123. Octane Number of gasoline can be increased by addition of BTX. BTX stands for - 

1. Butane , tetraethyl lead and xylene 

2. Butane , tetramethyl lead , and xylene 

3. Benzene , toluene and xylene 

4. Benzene , tetraethyl lead and xylene 

Ans - 3 - Benzene , toluene and xylene 

124. Purification of petroleum is carried out by the following method : 

1. Fractional distillation 

2. Steam distillation

3. Vacuum distillation 

4. Simple distillation 

Ans - 1 - Fractional distillation

125. Paraffin wax is 

1. Ester 

2. Alcohol

3. Unsaturated hydrocarbons

4. Saturated hydrocarbons 

Ans - 4 - Saturated hydrocarbons 

126. Which of the following is not linked with methane ?

1. Marsh gas 

2. Natural gas 

3. Producer gas 

4. Coal gas 

Ans - 3 - Producer gas

127. Which of the following compounds has been given an octane number of 100 ?

1. n-hexane 

2. Iso-octane 

3. Neo-pentane 

4. Neo-octane 

Ans - 2 - Iso-octane

128. Octane number of a fuel can be increased by 

1. Isomerisation 

2. Alkylation 

3. Reforming

4. All 

Ans - 4 

129. The thermal decomposition of alkanes is known as 

1. Cracking 

2. Isomerisation

3. Dehydration

4. Reforming 

Ans - 1 - Cracking

130. Ethanol containing 5% water is known as 

1. Absolute alcohol

2. Dilute alcohol

3. Power alcohol

4. Rectified spirit

Ans - 4 - Rectified spirit

131. The fraction obtained between temprature 150-300°C during fractional distillation of crude petroleum is

1. Paraffin wax

2. Heavy oil

3. Kerosene 

4. Naphtha 

Ans - 3 - Kerosene

132. Petroleum consists of 

1. Aliphatic hydrocarbons 

2. Aliphatic alcohols 

3. Aromatic derivatives 

4. None 

Ans - 1 - Aliphatic hydrocarbons

133. Iso-octane is added to petrol :

1. To precipitate inorganic material

2. To prevent freezing of petrol

3. To increase the boiling point

4. As an anti knocking agent

Ans - 1 - As an anti knocking agent

134. Petroleum is found

1. On the surface of the earth 

2. In the atmosphere

3. In arctic ocean

4. Deep under the surface of the earth 

Ans - 4 - Deep under the surface of the earth 

135. The knocking will be minimum when the mixture of fuel is : 

1. Straight chain

2. Iso-carbonation 

3. Neo-carbonation 

4. None

Ans - 3 - Neo-carbonation

136. Knocking sound is produced in the engine when the fuel contains :

1. Water

2. Lubricating oil

3. Straight-chained hydrocarbon

4. Iso-carbon atoms 

Ans - 3 - Straight-chained hydrocarbon

137. Most of hydrocarbons from petroleum are obtained by 

1. Fractional distillation

2. Fractional crystallisation 

3. Vaporisation 

4. Isomerisation 

Ans - 1 - Fractional distillation

138. Kerosene is a mixture of 

1. Aromatic hydrocarbons 

2. Aliphatic hydrocarbons

3. Saturated hydrocarbons

4. Alicyclic hydrocarbons 

Ans - 2 - Aliphatic hydrocarbons

139. What is the volume of oxygen required for the complete combustion of 4 litres of ethane : 

1. 4 litre 

2. 8 litre

3. 12 litre

4. 14 litre

Ans - 4 

140. Carbon black is obtained when methane is 

1. Heated in absence of air 

2. Heated in presence of nitrogen

3. Heated in presence of ammonia 

4. Heated with steam 

Ans - 1 - Heated in absence of air

141. Saturated hydrocarbons undergo

1. Substitution reaction 

2. Addition reaction

3. Polymerisation reaction 

4. Condensation reaction

Ans - 1 - Substitution reaction

142. When water vapours are passed over aluminium carbide , we get 

1. Acetaldehyde 

2. Ethylene 

3. Methane

4. Methyl alcohol 

Ans - 3 - Methane

143. The compound with the highest boiling point is 

1. n-pentane

2. 2 -methylbutane

3. n-hexane 

4. 2,2-dimethylpropane

Ans - 3 - n-hexane

144. Marsh gas mainly contains

1. Ethene

2. Methane 

3. Hydrogen sulphide

4. Carbon Monoxide

Ans - 2 - Methane

145. Which of the following is a chiral carbon : 

1. Methane

2. Methane iodide 

3. Choloromethane 

4. Methyl iodo bromo chloride 

Ans - 4 - Methyl iodo bromo chloride 

146. The name fire damp is given to 

1. Methane 

2. Ethane 

3. Propane

4. Butane 

Ans - 1 - Methane

147. How many chiral carbon atoms present in glucose molecule ?

1. 4

2. 3 

3. 2 

4. 1 

Ans - 1 

148. Chiral molecules are those which are 

1. Superimposable on their mirror image 

2. Not superimposable on their mirror image 

3. Unstable molecules

4. Capable of showing geometrical isomerism 

Ans - 2 - Not superimposable on their mirror image 

149. Optical isomerism is shown by 

1. Oxalic acid 

2. Benzoic acid 

3. Acetic acid 

4. Lactic acid 

Ans - 4 - Lactic acid 

150. Optical isomerism is exhibited by the compound which contains 

1. At least one double bond 

2. At least one triple bond

3. At least one symmetric carbon arom

4. At least one polar group 

Ans - 3 - At least one symmetric carbon arom


151. Which type of isomerism is shown by diethyl ether and methyl propyl ether : 

1. Chain
2. Functional 
3. Metamerism 
4. Position 

Ans - 3 - Metamerism

152. Isomerism exhibited by acetic acid and methyl formate is 

1. Functional group
2. Chain
3. Position
4. Geometrical 

Ans - 1 - Functional group

153. An isomer of ethanol is 

1. Methanol
2. Acetone
3. Diethyl ether 
4. Dimethyl ether 

Ans - 4 - Dimethyl ether

154. The isomerism observed in alkanes is 

1. Metamerism 
2. Chain isomerism
3. Position isomerism
4. Geometrical isomerism

Ans - 2 - Chain isomerism

155. Compounds having same number and kind of atoms but different arrangement of atoms in their molecules are called : 

1. Allotropes
2. Isotopes
3. Isomers
4. Polymers

Ans - 3 - Isomers

156. The gas produced in marshy places due to decomposition of vegetation is 

1. Carbon Monoxide
2. Carbon dioxide
3. Sulphur dioxide
4. Methane

Ans - 4 - Methane

157. Which of the following are the names of cyclic ether : 

1. Oxirane
2. Epoxy alkane 
3. Alkene oxide 
4. Carbinol

Ans - 1 , 2 & 3 

158. The common name of propanone is 

1. Acetone
2. Dimethyl ketone
3. Ethyl methyl ketone
4. Diethyl ketone

Ans - 2 - Dimethyl ketone

159. The minimum number of carbon atoms which a ketone may contain is : 

1. 1 
2. 2 
3. 3
4. 4

Ans - 3 

160. When chlorine is added to ethylene we get 

1. Ethylidene chloride 
2. Ethyl chloride 
3. Ethylene chlorohydrin 
4. Ethylene chloride 

Ans - 4 - Ethylene chloride 

161. Hexachlorobenzene is known as 

1. Pyrene 
2. Artificial silk
3. Gammexane 
4. Artificial camphor 

Ans - 3 - Gammexane

162. The percentage of nitrogen present in ammonium sulphate is 

1. 18%
2. 21%
3. 25%
4. 30.5%

Ans - 2

163. Which one of the following is the heterocyclic compound ?

1. Pyrene
2. Thiophene
3. Phenol
4. Aniline

Ans - 2 - Thiophene

164. Which of the following is the best scientific method to test presence of water in a liquid ?

1. Smell
2. Taste
3. Use of litmus paper
4. Use of anhydrous copper sulphate 

Ans - 4 - Use of anhydrous copper sulphate

165. Molecular formula of a compound is 

1. 2 × its empirical formula 
2. 3 × its empirical formula 
3. 4 × its empirical formula
4. n × its empirical formula

Ans - 4 - n × its empirical formula

166. Formula which represents a simple ratio of atoms of different element present in a molecule of the substance is called :

1. Molecular formula 
2. Empirical formula
3. Structural formula 
4. None

Ans - 2 - Empirical formula

167. A compound which does not give a positive test in Lassaigne's test for nitrogen is 

1. Urea 
2. Hydrazine 
3. Azobenzene 
4. Phenyl hydrazine 

Ans - 2 - Hydrazine

168. Schiff's method piria method is used for the estimation of :

1. Nitrogen
2. Sulphur 
3. Halogens 
4. Oxygen 

Ans - 3 - Halogens

169. In organic compound , halogens are estimated by 

1. Carius method 
2. Liebig's method 
3. Kjeldahl's method 
4. Duma's method 

Ans - 1 - Carius method

170. Copper wire test of halogens is known as : 

1. Liebig test 
2. Lassaigne test 
3. Fusion test 
4. Beilstein test 

Ans - 4 - Beilstein test

171. Lassaigne test is used for the detection of 

1. Carbon only
2. Hydrogen only
3. Oxygen only
4. Nitrogen , sulphur and halogens 

Ans - 4 - Nitrogen , sulphur and halogens

172. Carbon and hydrogen are estimated in organic compounds by 

1. Kjeldahl method
2. Duma's method 
3. Liebig method 
4. Carius method 

Ans - 3 - Liebig method 

173. Which one of the following can be purified by sublimation 

1. Fluoro
2. Chloro
3. Bromo
4. Iodo 

Ans - 4 - Iodo

174. Which of the following have high electron affinity ?

1. Cl
2. F
3. N
4. O

Ans - 1

175. p - nitrophenol and o - nitrophenol are separated by 

1. Crystallisation
2. Fractional distillation
3. Distillation 
4. Steam distillation

Ans - 4 -  Steam distillation

176. Most of the hydrocarbons from petroleum are obtained by 

1. Pyrolysis
2. Frictional crystallisation 
3. Cracking
4. Frictional distillation

Ans - 4 - Frictional distillation 

177. Silica get is used for keeping away the moisture : 

1. Absorbs water molecules
2. Reacts with water
3. None 

Ans - 1 - Absorbs water molecules

178. A mixture of water and NaCl can be separated by 

1. Sublimation 
2. Evaporation 
3. Decantation
4. Filtration

Ans - 2 - Evaporation

179. Water and alcohol can be separated from a mixture by 

1. Frictional distillation
2. Sublimation
3. Decantation
4. Evaporation

Ans - 1 - Frictional distillation

180. Anthracene is purified by 

1. Filtration
2. Distillation
3. Crystallisation
4. Sublimation

Ans - 4 - Sublimation

181. A mixture of camphor and benzoic acid can be easily separated by 

1. Sublimation
2. Frictional distillation
3. Chemical method 
4. Extraction with solvents 

Ans - 3 - Chemical method

182. Azeotropic mixtures - 

1. Boil at different temprature
2. Are mixtures of solids 
3. Are constant boiling mixtures 
4. None 

Ans - 3 - Are constant boiling mixtures

183. Which of the following elements is found in all organic compounds ?

1. Carbon
2. Calcium 
3. Nitrogen
4. Oxygen 

Ans - 1 - Carbon

184. The chromatography technique was devloped by 

1. Soxhlet
2. Tswett
3. Victor grignard
4. Liebig 

Ans - 2 - Tswett

185. A fractionating column is used in

1. Sublimation 
2. Distillation
3. Fractional distillation
4. Chromatography 

Ans - 3 - Fractional distillation

186. A mixture of naphthalene and benzoic acid can be separated by 

1. Chromatography 
2. Sublimation
3. Fractional crystallisation 
4. Distillation

Ans - 1 - Chromatography

187. Chromatography technique is used for the separation of 

1. Small sample of mixture
2. Plant pigments
3. Dye stuffs 
4. All

Ans - 4 

188. Oils are purified by 

1. Fractional distillation
2. Steam distillation
3. Vaccum distillation
4. Simple distillation

Ans - 2 - Steam distillation

189. Latest technique for purification , isolation and separation of organic compounds is 

1. Chromatography
2. Steam distillation
3. Crystallisation 
4. Vaccum distillation

Ans - 1 - Chromatography

190. Two immiscible liquids are separated by

1. Separating funnel 
2. Fractional distillation
3. Chromatography
4. Sublimation

Ans - 1 - Separating funnel

191. Glycerol is purified by 

1. Steam distillation
2. Vaccum distillation
3. Fractional distillation
4. Simple distillation

Ans - 2 - Vaccum distillation

192. Aniline is separated from a mixture by 

1. Fractional crystallisation 
2. Fractional distillation
3. Vaccum distillation
4. Steam distillation

Ans - 4 - Steam distillation

193. Methanol and acetone can be separated by 

1. Fractional distillation
2. Distillation
3. Steam distillation
4. Vaccum distillation

Ans - 1 - Fractional distillation

194. Naphthalene is a volatile solid ot is best purified by 

1. Crystallisation
2. Distillation
3. Steam distillation
4. Sublimation

Ans - 4 - Fractional distillation

195. Sublimation is a process in which a solid : 

1. Changes into another allotropic form
2. Changes into liquid form 
3. Changes into vapour form
4. None

Ans - 3 - Changes into vapour form

196. The couple between base units of DNA is through 

1. Hydrogen bonding
2. Electrostatic bonding
3. Covalent bonding 
4. Van der Waal's forces 

Ans - 1 - Hydrogen bonding

197. The bond energy of C--C bond in Kcal/mol is : 

1. 58
2. 83
3. 145
4. 192 

Ans - 2

198. Number of pi electrons present in naphthalene is :

1. 4
2. 6
3. 10
4. 14

Ans - 3 

199. All bonds in benzene are equal due to 

1. Resonance
2. Isomerism
3. Tautomerism
4. Inductive effect 

Ans - 1 - Resonance

200. Maximum amount of hydrogen bonding occurs in case of 

1. HF
2. Water 
3. Ethanol
4. Ammonia 

Ans - 1 

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