Physical & Chemical Properties of Metals and Non-metals

Physical & Chemical Properties of Metals and Non-metals

Physical & Chemical Properties of Metals and Non-metals

1. Hydrogen was discovered by 

1. Cavendish 

2. Lavosier

3. Rutherford

4. Scheele

Ans - 1

2. The name hydrogen was proposed by 

1. Bohr 

2. Rutherford

3. Lavosier

4. Cavendish

Ans - 3

3. How many neutrons are there in protium 

1. 0

2. 1 

3. 2 

4. 3

Ans - 1

4. The chemical name of plaster of paris is 

1. Calcium chloride 

2. Calcium nitrate 

3. Calcium sulphate hydrate 

4. None

Ans - 3

5. PH3 is an example of 

1. Ionic hydride

2. Covalent hydride 

3. Metallic hydride 

4. Polymeric hydride

Ans - 2

6. The temprature at which heavy water has maximum density is 

1. 4°C 

2. 11.6°C

3. 4.60°C 

4. 1.16°C 

Ans - 2

7. How many protons are there in deuterium is 

1. 0

2. 1 

3. 2

4. 3 

Ans - 2

8. Water is an : 

1. Acidic oxide

2. Basic oxide

3. Amphoteric oxide

4. Neutral oxide

Ans - 4

9. Water attains maximum density at 

1. 0°C 

2. 4°F

3. 4K

4. 4°C 

Ans - 4

10. Heavy water is used as 

1. Washing water

2. Detergent 

3. Drinking water

4. Moderator

Ans - 4

11. Heavy water freezes as : 

1. 0°C 

2. 3.8°C

3. 380°C

4. --0.38°C

Ans - 2

12. Electromagnetic wave coming out of the nucleus of a natural radioactive atom is : 

1. Alpha ray

2. Beta ray 

3. Gamma ray 

4. Microwave

Ans - 3

13. Hydrogen peroxide does not act as 

1. An acid 

2. Base

3. Oxidising agent 

4. Reducing agent 

Ans - 4

14. The inert gas used as beacon light is 

1. Kr

2. Ar

3. He

4. Ne

Ans - 2

15. The process used for removal of hardness of water is 

1. Baeyer

2. Hoope

3. Calgon

4. Ser Peck

Ans - 3

16. Water softening by Clarke's process uses 

1. Potash alum

2. Calcium bicarbonate

3. Calcium hydroxide 

4. Sodium bicarbonate

Ans - 3

17. The colour of hydrogen is 

1. Yellow 

2. Orange

3. Black 

4. Colourless

Ans - 4

18. Which of the following produces hydrolith with dihydrogen 

1. Al

2. Ca 

3. Mg

4. C

Ans - 4

19. The isotopes of hydrogen which is radioactive is 

1. Tritium 

2. Para hydrogen

3. Nascent hydrogen 

4. Deutrium

Ans - 1

20. The velocity of neutrons in nuclear reactor is slowed down by 

1. Heavy water

2. Zinc rod 

3. Fused caustic soda 

4. Ordinary water

Ans - 1

21. Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of 

1. Magnesium bicarbonate

2. Calcium carbonate

3. Calcium chloride

4. Magnesium sulphate

Ans - 1

22. In contact process , the gas produced is : 

1. Nitric oxide

2. Nitrous oxide

3. Sulphur trioxide

4. Ammonia 

Ans - 3

23. Which one of the following elements is an example of noble gas ?

1. Nitrogen

2. Hydrogen

3. Chlorine 

4. Helium 

Ans - 4

24. High dipole moment of water justifies that 

1. It is not a linear molecule 

2. It has higher density than ice 

3. It is neutral towards litmus

4. It is a universal solvent 

Ans - 1

25. Which one of the following is used in making pencils ?

1. Charcoal

2. Bone black

3. Black ash 

4. Graphite

Ans - 4

26. Silicon exhibit diagonal relationship with 

1. Be 

2. B

3. C 

4. N

Ans - 2

27. Which of the following metals exhibits similarity in properties of aluminium ?

1. Ba 

2. Be 

3. Ca 

4. Sr

Ans - .2

28. Which of the following exhibits inert pair effect : 

1. B

2. Al

3. Tl

4. Sc

Ans - 3

29. An aqueous solution of borax is

1. Corrosive 

2. Neutral 

3. Acidic 

4. Alkalene

Ans - 4

30. Which of the following compounds is formed in the borax bead test 

1. Metal metaborate 

2. Boron oxide 

3. Metal boride 

4. Metallic boron

Ans - 1

31. Cryolite is a mineral used for extraction of 

1. Ca 

2. Cu

3. Al

4. Fe

Ans - 3

32. Sapphire is a mineral of 

1. Cu 

2. Ca

3. Fe 

4. Al

Ans - 4

33. Which one is the most abundant on the earth crust : 

1. Al

2. B

3. In

4. Ga

Ans - 1

34. The chief one of aluminium is

1. Kaolin

2. Feldspar

3. Cryolite

4. Bauxite

Ans - 4

35. Which of the following metals are extracted by electrolytic reaction method ?

1. Al

2. Ag

3. Cu 

4. Fe

Ans - 1

36. Which is the process used for purification of bauxite are containing silica as impurity ?

1. Baeyer's process

2. Hall's process

3. Hoope's process 

4. Serpeck's process

Ans - 4

37. Aluminium appears like gold when it is mixed with : 

1. 90% Cu

2. 50% Ni 

3. 90% Sn

4. 50% Co

Ans - 1

38. Duralumin alloy consists of 

1. Al and Mg

2. Al and Ni

3. Al , Mg and Ni 

4. Al , Mg , Mn and Cu

Ans - 4

39. Anhydrous aluminium chloride is used as catalyst in 

1. Aldol condensation reaction

2. Frie's rearrangement 

3. Hofmann method 

4. Friedal craft reaction 

Ans - 4

40. The name is Lavoisier is associated with the gas : 

1. Oxygen

2. Carbon Monoxide

3. Carbon dioxide 

4. Nitrogen 

Ans - 1

41. Water is an excellent solvent because its molecules are : 

1. Highly polar 

2. Non-polar 

3. Light weight 

4. Neutral 

Ans - 1

42. The alum used for purifying water is :

1. Chrome alum

2. Ammonium alum 

3. Potash alum 

4. Ferric alum 

Ans - 3

43. Aluminium reacts with caustic soda to form : 

1. Sodium meta aluminate 

2. Aluminium hydroxide

3. Aluminium oxide 

4. Sodium tetra aluminate 

Ans - 1

44. Alum is water purifier because it :

1. Gives taste 

2. Softens hard water 

3. Coagulates the impurities

4. Destroys the pathogenic bacteria 

Ans - 4

45. The element which shows least metallic character is :

1. Indium 

2. Aluminium

3. Boron

4. Gallium

Ans - 3

46. Boron behaves as a 

1. Metal

2. Non-metal

3. Metalloid 

4. Transition metal

Ans - 2

47. The element that marks the paper like lead is : 

1. Tl

2. Ga

3. Ti

4. B

Ans - 1

48. Which of the following is usually not an air pollutant ? 

1. Sulphur dioxide

2. Carbon dioxide

3. Nitrous oxide 

4. Hydrocarbons

Ans - 4 

49. Which of the following is not an ore of boron : 

1. Kernite 

2. Feldspar

3. Colemanite 

4. Borax 

Ans - 2

50. Boron halides behave as Lewis base , because of their : 

1. Electron deficient nature

2. Acidic nature 

3. Ionic nature

4. Covalent nature 

Ans - 1

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51. The structure of boric acid is: 

1. Planer

2. Tetrahedral

3. Trigonal planer

4. Hexagonal 

Ans - 3

52. Which of the following is used for making bullet -proof vests ? 

1. Boric acid 

2. Borax 

3. Boron carbide

4. None

Ans - 3

53. The reducing agent in thermite process is : 

1. Mg

2. Barium oxide

3. Al

4. Manganese oxide

Ans - 3

54. Which of the following is used as a lubricant ?

1. Graphite

2. Silica

3. Iron oxide 

4. Diamond

Ans - 1

55. Which of the following gases is used in cigarette lighters ? 

1. Butane

2. Methane

3. Propane

4. Radon 

Ans - 1

56. Emery consists of impure : 

1. Iron

2. Corundum

3. Carborundam

4. Graphite

Ans - 2

57. Which one of the following is a typical non-metal : 

1. Si 

2. Pb 

3. Ge 

4. Sn 

Ans - 1

58. The inert form of carbon is : 

1. Graphite

2. Coal 

3. Diamond

4. Charcoal

Ans - 3

59. The element which exhibit maximum cationation property : 

1. C

2. Si

3. Ge 

4. Pb 

Ans - 1

60. The variety of coal having the highest carbon content is : 

1. Anthracite 

2. Bituminous 

3. Lignite 

4. Peat 

Ans - 1

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